Water tables were higher in 2005 than 2004 for both irrigated and non-irrigated fields. Spectral properties of Ca compounds are different from each other and ionic free or adsorbed Ca2+ can for example be clearly distinguished from biogenic Ca or geogenic Ca (Ko et al., 2007; Obst et al., 2007). This resolution is sufficient to distinguish between organic matter in micrometer size pore structures and on surfaces of minerals as shown by Kinyangi et al. Adeli et al. The 4PT initiative value of 0.6 t C ha−1 y−1 is an average value, suggesting that actual SOC sequestration amounts would be higher or lower depending on soil type and climate. This includes 0.8% organic soils with permafrost. Stephens et al., 1984). Bleach present in the wash water degrades the chromophores (by changing their degree of unsaturation/conjugation), leading to the discoloration of the soil. It has been suggested that soils managed to sequester SOC could mitigate some of the effects of fossil C emissions and land use change. However, this study did provide a controlled experimental condition with random replication of treatments that could be measured with time without having to assume equal starting conditions. An on-farm study with 87 sites across the Piedmont and Coastal Plains of Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia (Causarano et al., 2008) showed an average sequestration rate of 0.52 ± 0.59 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 with no distinct differences among states or geophysical province. However, when the fertility source was poultry litter the 10-year increase in SOC was similar for the three tillage systems (4–5 Mg ha−1). In contrast, synchrotron-based NEXAFS and FTIR spectromicroscopy techniques are able to provide unequivocal information about spatial association of organic matter and minerals in situ. Apart from stoichiometric relationships between total elemental contents of Ca, Al, Si, or Fe with C (Wan et al., 2007), the chemical forms of these elements can also be related to organic C forms by using NEXAFS. The most important part of planning a garden is getting the soil ready for planting. Interactions between soil organic C and mineral surfaces have been investigated since the seminal works by Emerson (1959) and Edwards and Bremner (1967). Soil organic C is expected to accumulate with time with restoration of surface cover and plant input from grassland, especially under initially degraded soil conditions. The potassium bromide containing the soil mineral fraction is then reground and pressed into a disk.