Ducks are aquatics. Turkey CU22056 $1095.00 Turkey CM601 $1080.00 Fat Turkey CM601F $1120.00 Tom Turkey CM602 $1080.00 Tom Gobble CM602DD $1040.00 Turkey In-the-Straw CM623A $1120.00 DUCKS and GEESE - (Farm Birds Page 2) MASCOT ACCESSORIES - Click for Prices. We started using our Scooby type costume for the first time in years. We recently had the wolf character appear at our booth at the first ever Rochester Science Expo, at which we talked about misunderstood animals (with a very informative display that Katie set up) and discussed how, scientifically speaking, these animals are actually a great benefit to humanity. ( Log Out /  According to the Virginia Tech university relations, the name originated in 1909, when football coach Branch Bocockinitiated his players into the "Gobbler Club", a name which appeared in print that same year. We have also been working hard with our ROC Animal School programs and costumed characters. I’m currently still working on refurbishing the turkey mascot. With appearances at farmers markets nearly every single weekend and numerous programs in between, its proving to be a busy year! Post was not sent - check your email addresses! We posted a poll for fans to vote on a name back in May, the winning name being Dazzle, in a landslide. Thanksgiving is next week! And drink a lot. These traditional, professional quality Chicken Mascot costumes are suitable for year round use at parades and promotional events. A mascot cleaning. Yeah. HCH: Right. Contact Info and More: 2017 Mascots United! Since then, the character has enjoyed appearing at various holiday events around Rochester and the surrounding county. So, with Thanksgiving, HT: Gobble! Swift the Red Fox and Howler Wolf have had several community events at libraries and schools, teaching folks about local wildlife, life as a fox or wolf and ecology. I’m hoping to get involved with more festivals this year but I’m hoping to also appear at more libraries, bookstores, senior centers, craft fairs and everywhere in between. Contact Info and More: Mascots United! So don’t you think that you guys should adopt the turkey as your mascot? Prev Next. Dazzle will be appearing at some benefits in September, along with a wedding appearance (a first for us! Or the Crimson Turkeys! As proof that this actually happened, here is a photo of the Harvard Turkey outside of the Winn. Regardless of what I plan to do, it won’t take long to get this costume up and running for appearances in the community. Regardless, come Sunday, it’ll either be a terrible article, or my resignation letter. My goal is to get Rudolph as active as possible in the community. HCH: Oh. Bald eagles, swooping right in with all the glory. Contact Nick Hadad at Here’s hoping Rudolph has a productive season! The mask weighs about ten pounds or more and is a solid mass of dense, molded plastic with the fur expertly form fitted. We feel it will make the biggest difference there and we are happy to make folks smile! Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. These traditional, professional quality Chicken Mascot costumes are suitable for year round use at parades and promotional events. Gobble, Gobble! We are so sure you'll be pleased with your costume we not only guarantee the 601-Z Turkey mascot costume against defects in workmanship, but we also guarantee the lowest price.