Way too cringey. Seinfeld is kinda boring, but that's a totally different person and a different stand-up show. Hacky as fuck. I think someone suggested we have designated threads for major specials so let's try it. She’s never the same again. I'm not saying this special was a 10/10 but anyone who got offended so easily should stick to family-friendly comics like Brian Regan and Jim Gaffigan. Happy-smug Maher is always more fun than angry-smug Maher. Tellingly, he spins it into a sex gag, which makes even more sense as Tamborine progresses. Play it with your ass. I’ve had a bad apple. It’s starts off pretty bad. One person can’t move it at all. It’s like, “We equals.” No, you’re not. Let me try to fuckin’ help you. A story like that wouldn't have sank Rock. You are in the service industry, okay? The cast of The Apprentice is running the world. 1 year ago. pressured female comedians to watch or listen to him masturbate, Rock’s divorce from his ex-wife, Malaak Compton, anyone who had to play the tambourine in a band, the lack of response to sexual assault and rape cases in Hollywood, Chris Rock Is As Funny As Ever in His Netflix Special. I saw your post and watched Dwayne Perkins today. That’s what a relationship used to be. Okay? He even talked about using that angst to be productive like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg probably did. We got a justice system where two people can do the exact same crime, in the exact same place, at the exact same time and get a different sentence. But then your woman finds out, and now she’s new. It was interesting to hear from an older guy who isn't just "EVERYTHING NEW IS GARBAGE," and him talking about his porn addiction, cheating, and divorce was really interesting, and stuff that isn't hit on too often. I went to go watch him on tour before the special released and I've never felt that much energy in a room before. He killed it. I was not a good husband. It just didn't seem like a genuine enough humor. I feel like people got jaded about the first half of the special (which wasn’t that good) then found things to get annoyed about in the later jokes and it unfocused them from the actual message and funny part of that bit, which ended up being one of the strongest. It's kinda strange how easily such a perception can be built. This is the point in the special where all the married men silently nod and make a mental note to smile more at home. Stop it, okay? I also feel like this special marks a departure for the Chris Rock we've been used to. It took forever for the first half to end so you could finally hear the good jokes. The show was hilarious and the way it was shot let you see the audience and how Rock interacted with them. Trump might work out. Every woman in here is like, “Fuck you, Chris. It’s like, you can’t choke your woman every night. The dominoes started to fall last summer: Netflix got hit with Louis CK and Kevin Spacey scandals. [US] Chris Rock: Tamborine (2018) Chris Rock takes the stage in Brooklyn for a comedy special filled with searing observations on fatherhood, infidelity and American politics. They’re only tough when one person’s working on it. More importantly, he's avoiding any risk that Netflix will pull the plug on his next release and his next $20 million. Much less "raw and edgy". Louis was going to make $52 million for two hours of comedy in 2017, and we all know how that turned out (click the link if you don't know). FYI, since a couple comments on here talk about whether or not this will be his last special, Chris Rock's deal with Netflix is for 2 specials. Sometimes, it’s just keeps goin’ around. It's much better than the first half, but still not that great. I wasn’t a good husband. An all-virtual ceremony can only rock so hard. You get a beep. Some of them even act on it.” Whether or not that’s factual is beside the point. It’s Bernie Mac–esque and doesn’t fully work, but it’s all worth it for that one line. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. People say “Relationships are tough.” No, they’re not. His. I know it is, ok?” But some jobs can’t have bad apples. I thought the 1st half was much stronger, and the 2nd half was safer material. That almost sounds nice. Goddamn, nigga. I made her! Bossip Writer Talks Crafting the 2020 Election’s Most Anticipated Headline, “A Bossip headline needs to be over the top. Choke Out Thursdays. As a stand up special on it's own, it's ok but I loved it as a fan of his. My father used to leave for work at 6:30 in the morning and come home at 8:30 at night. Tamborine is available on Netflix to stream now. The 97 people deserved it joke got a chuckle out of me. as close to excommunicated from Hollywood as one can be, his longtime collaborator’s admitted sexual misconduct, C.K. Your interpretation seems plausible, but I saw him a couple years ago and he did all the stuff about his divorce back then, before any of the metoo scandals started. Enjoy the game!”. We need justice for Chad! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, George Bush. Leave a Comment on Chris Rock Debuts Tamborine On February 14 Netflix released the new special by Chris Rock directed by comedian Bo Burnham. So, now you got new, but you got bad new. Clearly, this special was aimed at adults with critical thinking skills. Burnham, a fellow comedian, started his career on YouTube and quickly rose to be one of the most respected comedians while being 27. No audience besides your rich friends. This subtle side of Rock is in part brought out by Bo Burnham, a meticulous stand-up comedian who Rock enlisted to direct Tamborine. I was addicted to porn. That’s not true, because endangered species are protected by the government. Post your thoughts here. You’re in a fuckin’ band. I think the first half was geared more towards his black fans while the second half was for black and white fans. Wouldn't be surprised if we got more after that too. Rock himself has done much better white vs black jokes, these were bottom of the barrel. This is not the strutting Chris Rock of Bring the Pain, grinning as though the act of telling his jokes is getting away with something monumental. I made your dick, too. But it was a let down. That’s right. And you need is a perfect porn cocktail to get you off. Just out of touch. Log in or link your magazine subscription, The 9 Best Jokes From Chris Rock’s New Netflix Special, Most Jersey Reporter Ever Tells Trump Supporter to ‘Buzz Off’ on Live TV, Foo Fighters Ready to Call It, Dave Chappelle Not So Much in, Van Jones Cries Tears of Democrat Joy As CNN Names Biden President-Elect, Lizzo, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, and More Celebrate Joe Biden’s Election Win, The 2020 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Can’t Shake Off 2020. I wanna see white mothers on TV cryin’, standin’ next to Al Sharpton, talkin’ about “We need justice for Chad! Not really. When he was talking about marriage and relationships, there were some great laughs and it felt really honest and raw. Already a subscriber? I know everything you did today and I know how people felt about it. But if I'm gonna rewatch one, Dwayne Perkins is the hidden gem. View all posts by The Game of Nerds. The Trump bits later fall into this same category. Trump, the daughter, Omarosa — they run the world, man. Rock spent the past year testing out this material and discussing his reliance on pornography, so these are not bombshell revelations for anybody who keeps up with such things, but it still lands hard when he begins confessing his sins. 2008’s Kill The Messenger was bold and confident, like a victory parade after an illustrious career as an apotheosized comedian. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It was a pleasant surprise for me, but some folks like cucumbers better pickled. Three? “Well, it’s not most cops. Some jobs, everybody gotta be good. I work at UPS. One of the best observations of the entire hour is the very real sense of suffocation and helplessness that comes with having to communicate with your significant other all day long.