On the morning of his first full day as president-elect, Joe Biden is now at church near his home in Delaware. Some states and counties will report candidate vote totals for mail-in ballots, but some places may not report comprehensive vote type data. Voting in 2020 looks very different across the country. En español | Rhode Island lawmakers expanded early voting this year and made it easier to safely cast an absentee ballot from home amid the coronavirus pandemic: Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 3, and polls will be … Healthcare | Supreme Court | Trump has arrived again at Trump National Golf Club in Virginia, even as he and his allies refuse to concede his loss and as Biden moves ahead with building his new administration.
Voting in Rhode Island |
0% of counties (0 of 3) have reported absentee votes. Consequently, sample ballots in different jurisdictions in the same state may not be identical. State legislature | Congress’s inauguration committee is planning for an “outside, full-scale” event despite the pandemic, though it could be scaled back, the senator who chairs it said. But another sign said, “Orange Crushed.”, Michael D. Shear, in Washington 10:10 AM ET. Editor's Choice 0. Even though President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. now leads by more than 10,000 votes in Georgia, a recount is still expected there. State executives | Taxes. Read more ›, George W. Bush congratulates Biden on his victory: “Though we have political differences, I know Joe Biden to be a good man, who has won his opportunity to lead and unify our country.” Read more ›. Immigration | By clicking “I agree” below, you consent to the use by us and our third-party partners of cookies and data gathered from your use of our platforms. Read more ›, Matt Flegenheimer, in New York 1:49 PM ET, People have not historically hustled to spontaneous outdoor dance parties for Joe Biden.
Note: Absentee vote data may not be available in some places. 11:00 AM ET. We use cookies and other technologies to customize your experience, perform analytics and deliver personalized advertising on our sites, apps and newsletters and across the Internet based on your interests. 215,754 votes reported. Federal courts | Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. The US Supreme Court denied the application for stay in a Rhode Island absentee ballot case on Thursday, which allows an order suspending a two-witness requirement for absentee ballots to stand for the September primary. House of Representatives | Circle size is proportional to the amount each town’s leading candidate is ahead.