Does that advance race relations in America? Rhode Island voters this fall have the chance to strike the last part -- "and Providence Plantations" -- from the state's full name. "It is what it is. “You want to wipe that away?”. Donald Trump Is Refusing to Concede the Election. Joe Biden (D) has won. Two Last Minute Voting Options in Rhode Island November 2, 2020 Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea is reminding Rhode Islanders about two last-minute voting options for … US 2020 results Charts, maps and analysis of the presidential and, Find the results, maps, live projections and polls from the Rhode Island primary on June 2nd, 2020 where Democrats and Republicans vote for their presidential, 4 days ago ... Live 2020 Rhode Island election results and maps by country and district. Conley said. The Providence Journal . Rhode Island is voting on removing ‘Plantations’ from the state’s official name The smallest state in the nation bears the longest name: “State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.” By Lylah Alphonse Globe Staff, Updated November 3, 2020, 10:41 a.m. Stickers at the Hope Highlands Middle School polling site in … History is what it is. Weather Forecast “If people knew Rhode Island’s role in the slave trade, they would be more understanding,” Metts said. In the world?" “We can’t ignore the image conjured by the word plantation,” Raimondo said in a news conference this summer. Rhode Island's historian laureate, Patrick Conley, opposes the measure. In the Rhode Island U.S. Senate race, the incumbent Jack Reed (D) is running against Allen Waters (R). Breaking News After a campaign season that stretched on for years, it …, 5 days ago ... See results for the 2020 presidential election, including an Electoral College map, popular vote totals and state results. "What does that accomplish? Reagan. Election results provided by the Associated Press. ", Regardless of the ballot question's outcome, some state and local leaders have already moved to strike "plantations" from the state's name in official communications by executive orders. The following Rhode Island elections have been identified as featured elections based on electoral history, competitive polling, campaign finance data, or significant involvement from noteworthy individuals or organizations. “It is what it is. Updates about tonight's races in Rhode Island. POLITICO's coverage of 2020 races for President, Senate, House,, By Dan McGowan Globe Staff,Updated July 22, 2020, 9:18 a.m.. Christina Tremblay of Providence voted in the presidential primary in June. Live-updating maps, vote counts, and analysis of Rhode Island's 2020 presidential, U.S. Senate and U.S. House races from The Washington Post. Same-day registration. We and our partners will store and/or access information on your device through the use of cookies and similar technologies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Rhode Island’s historian laureate, Patrick Conley, opposes the measure. Rhode Islanders had more enslaved people “per capita than any other New England state,” according to the John Carter Brown Library, including on plantations in South County, and they enslaved Africans and Native Americans. “I don’t think there was any strong reason why it should change at that time,” Fleming said of the 2010 effort. Rhode Island may lose a congressional district, which... Remove "Providence Plantations" from official state name, By Peter Andringa, Jason Bernert, Lenny Bronner, Madison Dong, Jess Eng, Simon Glenn-Gregg, Shana Hadi, Daniel Hoerauf, Jason Holt, Aditya Jain, Isabelle Lavandero, Emily Liu, Anthony Pesce, Erik Reyna, Ashlyn Still and Susan Tyler. ", Williams added: "If you don't believe that that word has a life, a real dark painful life, then you're seriously mistaken. “What does that accomplish? An estimated 97 percent of votes have been counted. For more information, visit, Click the year to see the corresponding electoral map and results. Updated 1147 GMT (1947 HKT) November 1, 2020. Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Voters who requested a mail ballots but have not yet returned it must do so by 8 p.m. on Tuesday to have it counted. That's minus five for the Republican 2016 map and, President-elect Joe Biden declared it was time to heal a deeply divided [...] Biden urges healing, cooperation after defeating Trump for US presidency, Nov 8 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will be subject to [...] Trump will lose special Twitter protections in January, The aftershocks are still being felt from a contentious, polarizing election, but [...] From the stock market to Social Security, how the election results could affect your finances, Politics The Government will be inviting President-elect Joe Biden to [...] US Election: Jacinda Ardern praises Joe Biden's message of unity; acknowledges Trump, Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th president of [...] Joe Biden defeats Donald Trump: CM Punk responds to Linda McMahon, WWE stars react, 2020 presidential voting map for rhode island, Biden urges healing, cooperation after defeating Trump for US presidency, Trump will lose special Twitter protections in January, From the stock market to Social Security, how the election results could affect your finances, US Election: Jacinda Ardern praises Joe Biden's message of unity; acknowledges Trump, Joe Biden defeats Donald Trump: CM Punk responds to Linda McMahon, WWE stars react, Rhode Island Presidential Election Voting History, Rhode Island Presidential Election Results and Maps 2020, Rhode Island 2020 Presidential Election Polls: Biden vs. Trump, 2020 Presidential Election Results & Electoral Map | USA TODAY, Rhode Island—Forecasting the US 2020 elections | The Economist, Rhode Island Primary Results 2020 | Live Election Map. "But we need to present the true and accurate history of it entirely, as opposed to just bits and pieces. This year’s Question 1 ballot proposition asks voters whether to amend the state Constitution and trim that name to simply “State of Rhode Island.”, “Nobody is trying to eradicate the history that has been in play,” said Democratic state Rep. Anastasia Williams of Providence, who worked to get the question placed on the ballot this year following George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police and is now working with the “Yes on 1” campaign.