LIFE QUOTE : “The sky is not the limit. See our, Een uur met muziek en verbinding voor het…, Forget training and coaching: go for the…. QuotesViral v2.0 : We are improving our site to better serve you… Don’t forget to share quotes to help us ! Your mind is.”, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Most Funny Quotes :funny animal memes — Best 113 Funny animal Memes, LOVE QUOTE – thoughtkick:Click here if you had a bad day, 40 citations à lire quand tout va mal pour se rebooster ! Score: Source needed There's evidence to suggest that this quote is attributed to the author, though no official sources or credible evidence could be found or has yet to be added to this page C/o Dr. W.Kulz & Kerby Street Your mind is.” – Lynette Simeone. Marilyn Monroe. Our mind gets distracted easily. The sky is not the limit. I need human connection. Ad makers know this. Really young. Rather watch TV than work on that project plan. Some of our minds can’t stand that. No spam, ever. It has imagination to show for. Your mind is. Given what you are up against, do not predict your future. These are called parental messages because sometimes parents (most of the time inadvertently) conveyed these kinds of messages to our minds. It’s called stereotyping, generalizations, prejudice, assumptions and so forth. What an intriguing quote: the combination of being inspired by the idea that nothing (oh well, the sky, that is) is limiting us, we are in one sentence confronted by the idea that our own mind is limiting us. The result: no action, keeping our talents and drive away from that same reality, staying in our comfort zone. All these fears usually have little to do with reality, but our mind is more than capable of making up potential negative stuff we could face in the near future. Leading Quotes Magazine & Database, Featuring best quotes from around the world. The list is probably not exhausting, as the sky can really be the limit if we understand how our own mind limits us and if we can then work our way around this. My duties are to assist with the implementation of an HIV project in seven African countries including Swaziland, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Rwanda, Nigeria and Ethiopia, I spend most of the time traveling between these seven countries,” explained Shatumbu. Messages like ‘you’re unworthy’, ‘simply be normal’, ‘don’t think you’re anything special’, ‘behave’ can stick in our minds forever, most of the time unconsciously. In this post, I will explain 6 of them. It doesn’t like to ‘not know’. Quote authenticity. ... Start your week with a motivational kick. “ The sky is not the limit. All of that was first imagined before it was brought into being. Quote and Saying about life “The sky is not the limit. Our entire life – consists ultimately in accepting ourselves as we are.Jean Anouilh, LIFE QUOTE – “I don’t know who needs to hear this but… if you find yourself agreeing with the mainstream…”, LIFE QUOTE – “What’s meant for you will never miss you, and that which misses you was never meant for you.”, LIFE QUOTE – “As of late I’ve found physical attraction is no longer enough. It takes focus and concentration. During reading this post, your mind has probably thought of checking your e-mail, calling that one person, wondering what the stock market is doing, craving for coffee or a number of other impulses. Look forward to your reactions to this post. Over the years she has studied the phenomenon of the incredible power of the human mind and co-facilitated mind power workshops. To the youth, Shatumbu says every person has a dream and was born with a purpose. Choose your friends wisely, the company you keep can either make you or break you,” she advised. “The secret is to model success and surround yourself with people that help you grow and challenge you to move up to the next level. Your mind is.” - Lynette Simeone Imagination is what stands us apart from other animals. Subscribe. That is when I signed up for the Sam Shivute transformational coaching programme. 2. No problem. New Era Newspaper Namibia Register now for daily ePapers, Premium Content and News Alerts via App/Email or SMS. Her favourite quote “The sky is not the limit, it is our own minds that set our limit”, has become the epitome of her belief that she can become and achieve whatever her mind believes to be true about her. Tel: +264 61 2080 800, Your mind is.” - Lynette Simeone Fax: +264 61 220 584, The sky is not the limit, it is our own minds that set our limit – Shatumbu, The sky is not the limit, it is our own minds that set our limit – Shatumbu - New Era Live, POPYA: Do more research before academic pursuits, Young candidates emerge in local and regional elections, WATCH: Fight for a cause, Geingob implores youth, Fight for a cause, Geingob implores youth, Dispatched thoughts - The Youth Are Strong, Developing underprivileged children’s minds, Empowerment of youth through the electoral process, Recalled PDM candidate going back to Swapo. Great country… But would be even greater if…”, Life Quote – “When you focus upon lack in an attitude of complaining, you establish a vibrational point of…”, Life Quote – “How can anyone read history and still trust politicians?”, Life Quote – gqandw: Our mind has a tendency to be lazy. 1. A Product of NEPC The mind prefers to play games on that mobile device of yours rather than to really shape those images of your future success. Our mind is a wonderful thing. In fact, it hates it. I need to…”, Moving On Quotes :I actually think 3 days is a bit ridiculous to go by, but the moral here is, if …, Quotes, Life Quotes, Love Quotes, Best Life Quote , Quotes about Movin…. More Marilyn Monroe quotes . It prevents us from truly expressing our talents and core values. Recently I came across a LinkedIn post that I now bombarded as the title of this post. Our mind has a toolbox for this. It dislikes it so much that our mind makes stuff up. “Be convinced today that your dreams are valid and you have the potential to achieve them all. Furthermore, she graduated from H-Academy in the United Kingdom from their Speakers Mastery course as an international speaker and uses that platform to inspire others to live lives without limits and that was due to her journey on growth. In reality, there’s tons of stuff in everyday situations where we ‘don’t know’. It wants to be satisfied immediately. © 2016-2017 - Your Number One Source For daily Quotes, Life Quote – “The sky is not the limit. 6 ways in which our own mind limits our success. “The sky is not the limit. The Limit Is Not the Sky, but the Mind: How to Train Your Brain to Achieve More Growth and Advice - ENTITY | ENTITY Mag – Women That Do – Inspire, Educate, Empower It works in a number of ways. Shatumbu is currently studying for her second Master’s in Public Health with the University of South Wales. Don't miss out on our next weekly batch. Thank you! Unfortunately, it can have a negative impact as we get older. It’s brought us bridges, art, multinational companies, music, houses and what have you. Our mind loves to be at ease. To the youth, Shatumbu says every person has a dream and was born with a purpose. “I provide specialised technical assistance in the HIV research field to several Africa countries,” she said. Terms & Conditions   Privacy Policy   Returns Policy If you can imagine it, you can achieve it, if you can dream, you can become it,” she stated. Unfortunately, the mind doesn’t only imagine positive things. Your mind is. Shatumbu graduated from Imperial College in London with a Master’s degree in Molecular Biology and Pathology of Viruses. We fear failure, being left out, pain, being laughed at, standing apart, being too visible, not being in control, the unknown, the area just outside our comfort zone, and a ton of other things. Furthermore, Shatumbu beliefs that the power is in your mind and the responsibility is in your hands. If not, we prevent ourselves to ‘really see’ and manage uncertainties that simply come with the package if we focus on creating the dreams we are capable of imagining and are in fact imagining. Building great success that will take its place in the sky will usually take, like I said earlier, time. By using this site, you agree to this use. WINDHOEK - Twenty-seven-year-old Saara Shatumbu is a medical laboratory scientist serving as a Regional Laboratory Advisor for International Center for AIDS Care and Treatment Programmes (ICAP) at Columbia University in New York. Every time we give in to these impulses we get off track to the successes we really want to shape over time. Understanding them and applying them to your situation can really boost your chances of success! This is the domain of fear. Life Quotes : « The sky is not the limit. – Metanoiada, 30 Motivational Women’s Quotes That Will Empower You, LOVE QUOTE – Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no…, Les meilleures citations sur le travail – Elle Active, Life Quote – “The USA is too obsessed with ‘race’. In fact one more philosophy I believe in is that the “Sky is no longer the limit, the mind is”. » 24 novembre 2017, 10 h 37 min Please check your email. “There are no limits when you are surrounded by people who believe in you, or by people whose expectations are not set by the short-sighted attitudes of society, or by people who help to open doors of opportunity, not close them.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson, The Sky Is Not the Limit… How does that work? Your mind is. With all of these, Shatumbu developed a deep passion for personal growth and development.