The resurrection of Jesus Christ shows that Jesus defeated death (Romans 6:9), 3. And now I am happy all the way”. It was there by faith, I received my sight Post was not sent - check your email addresses! It does not matter what trials beset the believer, he or she rises above it to still maintain peace and move on. Scripture calls us “objects of wrath” because God has to exert his wrath those who break his law (Ephesians 2:3). Isaiah 53 and Psalm 16 are among the many examples of Scriptures that prophesied about the resurrected life of Jesus: The fact that Jesus is alive today means that he is able to save today. New year brings new focus and new beginning: despite our failures or mistakes to reach our goals and destinies in life. Christ is described as the first fruits of the resurrection from the dead, meaning that his resurrection is a precursor to the resurrection that all believers (1 Corinthians 15:20). “What can ever part us from God’s love? So when this corruptible must have put on incorruptible, and this mortal shall have put on immortality. It proves salvation is real for millions and millions of believers down the age from all over the world: green, red, yellow, black or white: and also millions who have gone to be with the Lord hoping to be resurrected someday. The believer lives daily above sin in his or her life. 5. In the Resurrection, the glorified humanity of Jesus has taken on qualities that we know little or nothing about. They still loved the Lord even when the enemy attacked mercilessly, knowing someday, they will be in a better place where there is no sorrow er can or pain. (Romans 4:25). That peace is found in reconciling with God about your sin and rise in newness of life to live above sin: like Jesus destroyed sin and the grave. 6. At that point, your material opulence, political and intellectual acumen will be all gone. The resurrection of Jesus confirms that God accepted Christ’s sacrifice for sin on the cross and gives us access to a right relationship with him. Why is it something that has been so celebrated throughout history? All of the world will one day be judged for the things they have done and be held accountable before God. But this judgment does not have to be a thing to dread. We may suffer in this life with many pains and illnesses, but in the life to come, we will not suffer, but enjoy the perfect bodies we have always longed for. The resurrection of Jesus Christ means that Christ will judge the world in righteousness. Afterward, I discovered that this recognition was very superficial and one-sided. If you do not believe in Jesus Christ, this judgment should be a cause for tremendous fear. 15: 14&15. Later James became a courageous leader of the … It is only through pure grace of God. It was all done on the cross; and Jesus crushed death, sin and the grave. I am the resurrection and the life. Only God Can Heal Us From Covid-19 Or Coronavirus. Understanding the resurrection of Jesus Christ will save our world from Third World Nuclear War looming. For the Christian believer in Jesus Christ, the greatest event in human life is the resurrection of Jesus Christ which led to our great salvation. We are now able to walk in newness of life because we are bound to Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit (Romans 6:4). • Daily victory through resurrection power. This is why many have perished, suffered persecution, killed and destroyed by the devil all over the world-black and white: but they patiently bore their pain and suffering looking unto the resurrection because they knew it was real; and it has revolutionized and transformed their sin riddled lives to a life of blamelessness and holiness. [Like this post? Mohammed, Buddha, etc. We shall be changed O’ Grave where is thy victory? This is the resurrection story. If you have a testimony or story you would like to share or if you have a prayer request, please use the form below. Christ’s resurrection proves that he is someone of a unique status: The Son of God. 9. On Easter Sunday, millions of people all over the world flock to the church; even those who don’t go to Church attend services on this day. . The believer daily in the power of Jesus resists the temptation to do evil: steal, lie, cheat, kill, fornicate, commit adultery, abuse children, etc. “My peace I give to you , not as the world giveth.” When you have God’s peace, you strife to live in peace with others: no matter what nationality or color they are. The resurrection of Jesus Christ simply means like that power that raised Jesus from the dead and destroyed the grave, so also for the believer, the same power sets the believer free to live a new life that destroys sin in his or her life: a new life of victory over sin. Without it, Christians are believing in vain and are without hope. (1 Corinthians 15:55-57). They rose above the enemy –the devil and defeated him. “God has made us unto Himself and our hearts are restless until they rest on God.”. Jesus is the only one who claims He came from heaven and went back to heaven. We shall be changed It is only a matter of faith: “All things shall be possible to those who believe.”. Paul reminded us in 1 Corinthians 15:16-18: “For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ not raised: for if Christ be not raided, your faith is in vain; ye are yet in your sins. For thy sake, we are being killed all day long; we are counted as sheep being slaughtered. Believing in Jesus is what makes all of the benefits of the resurrection yours. Without someone stepping in to correct this situation, we cannot have the relationship with God that he intended. With a mighty triumph o’er His foe (Acts 17:30-31). And he lives forever with His saints to reign Unbelievers will be held accountable for breaking God’s law, facing the condemnation of God and going to hell. Anyone can claim to be a messiah. “It is not by power, or by might.” It is not by human effort or goodness that we become Christians. The… For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead… I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection… “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. 250+ Free Online Seminary Classes, Courses, Programs, and Book Recommendations, 10 Razones de Por Que La Resurrección de Cristo es Importante, Don’t Waste Your College Years: 20 Tips for the Christian College Student, Eight Questions for Wisely Engaging the News, Ten Questions Christians Should Ask of Their Entertainment, Spurgeon’s 15 Tips for a Deep and Effective Prayer Life, The Costly Results of an Impaired Prayer Life, 4 Ways to Worship—Not Worry—this Election Season, A Great (Free) Resource for Learning the Bible’s Grand Story, Don’t Let Your Bible Keep You From the Bible, 5 Things Every Christian Leader Should Pray for Themselves Everyday, A Soundtrack for the Psalms: Q&A with Shane Heilman, the Creator of The Psalms Project, Review of The Psalms Project’s Volume 4: Psalms 31–38. The Scripture says: “Sin shall not have dominion over you, for ye are not under law, but under grace. In the death of Jesus on the cross, God put our punishment on Christ so that we could be justified before him. According to His great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you… (1 Peter 1:3-4), Christ is described as the firstfruits of the resurrection from the dead, meaning that his resurrection is a precursor to the resurrection that all believers (1 Corinthians 15:20). This is the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. You will face the wrath of God and suffer an eternity in hell because of the sins you have committed. Christ rose from the dead because death could no longer hold him, and we no longer have to fear death because Christ has triumphed over it. 1 Corinthians 15:21-22 explains, “For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing. Romans 6:3&4 says: ”We are buried with Him in the baptism of death; as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father; even so we should walk in newness of life: knowing that our old man was crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth, we should not serve sin.”. Check out Unlocking the Bible’s new content!]. New year & New Focus: We Learn From The Past & Move On. Humanity will rigmarole on the peripheral of materialism. What is the significance of the resurrection? Where I first saw the light For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.”. He arose a victor from the dark domain Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. It is victory over sin: sin that rattles your life and belittles you: stealing, lies, anger and bitterness, adultery, fornication, child abusers, etc. It is real in my own life. "the doors being shut" (Jn 20:19, 26). (1 Corinthians 15:14; 17-19). 10. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. They accused Him of saying he would destroy the temple and rebuild it in 3 days. “By grace are we saved, and not of works less any man should boast. God is ready to heal us as we draw closer back to Him, and repent of our sins. The resurrection supports Jesus’ claims. But despite all their watch, Jesus rose from the dead. Humanity’s sin was buried on that cross of cavalry. The one who believes in Jesus rises also like that and destroys sin through the power of the Holy Spirit and will have peace. For this corruptible must put on immortality. Resurrection of Jesus bequeathed humanity eternal life in place of death-for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. This idea is shown in baptism, which is the powerful physical demonstration of the spiritual reality of our dying with Christ and being raised with him. The resurrection story is the account of Jesus Christ rising from the dead after being crucified on the cross and buried in the tomb. (John 11:25-26), "This Week at Unlocking the Bible" features new articles, radio programs, devotionals, and ministry updates. Without the resurrection, humanity will live on the peripheral of materialism: but the resurrection lifts humanity above matter and elevates them to a state of peace on earth, and eternal life after death. He arose, He arose Christians are changed from being an enemy of God bound for hell, to becoming a forgiven son of God with an eternal inheritance in heaven that can never be taken away.