If you like cream in your coffee try Nutpods, they have it in hazelnut and vanilla (combo almond and coconut milk). I’m on day 29 of the Whole30 diet. I have been wanting to try whole30 out but not sure if it will affect that at all. I am a fellow Portlander and just happened to stumble across your blog (which I love, by the way). My best friend got me to join her and we are on Whole 30 day 5 today. I didn’t get super fancy with it, but I would fill ziploc bags with veggies or dried fruit and nuts to stash in my purse for those times when I was out and might get super hungry. It is a pretty strict regimen to follow, however tons of people are vocal about the great effects on their bodies and overall health! There are definitely ways to make it more affordable though. My whole30 finished right after my 6 wk postpartum check up. On-the-Go, Whole30 Success Stories – What can we learn from them? As such, I bought a ton of pre-cut and pre-packaged produce from Costco and Trader Joe’s. Some of the things I tried didn’t taste as good as I thought they would anymore which was amazing. **Please note, this post contains affiliate links but is NOT a sponsored post. It will answer all of your questions along with the “why” behind the meal plan. If you get too fancy you’ll want to quit immediately. I don’t think you feel like you’re missing out too much because you’re not trying to make something it isn’t. Whole foods carries delicious no sugar added bacon. thank you for all of this info! Thanks so much, Amy~. #1 I was debating but did buy the book, which I think will help a lot. And your blog post did the trick. of pregnancy weight)…. Having meals planned, stocking the fridge, and prepping the food is key to be successful in your Whole 30 Journey. @cheryl – I’ve definitely heard of this happening to people. Continue Shopping or View Cart. thank you so much for this post! Lauren – I found your blog shortly into my first week of my second Whole 30. I don’t agree with the no honey rule, and have been using it in my tea everyday. I did my first Whole30 kind of the same way. Thanks for the reply! I am currently pregnant with Baby #3 and first trimester nausea caused me to “fall off the wagon”, but I’ll be starting up Whole30 again once I give birth. Hi there! Second best part? @Erica – it is sugar from fruit juice. Thank you so much for this. @Alese – That’s for the whole family. Just what I needed to center me a bit and take the preparation pressure off. The other thing is DH and I like to drink fresh pressed juices and smoothies. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive your copy! A tip for the newbies. Required fields are marked *. I ate it at the end of a meal and only if I was still hungry. but I appreciate you posting this for the mere fact that I’m breastfeeding and this reassures me! Something like 80% of Americans have had it in one way or another: vaginal yeast infection, athlete’s foot, exzema… It’s caused by eating carb rich diets in a society that overuses antibiotics. Very helpful!!!!! I’m so happy I stumbled upon your blog because I, too, am a lazy girl! My daughter just asked me if I would do the Whole 30 diet with her. Thanks for the great insight. This is where I share my favorite clean eating recipes, Whole30/Paleo meal plans, and meal prep tips for feeding your family well with zero fuss. Thank you for writing this! @Natalie – Honestly I’m a total coffee and milk girl, so I mostly just skipped coffee for the 30 days. I had no idea! Did you still take a prenatal vitamin while doing the whole 30? Thank you for taking time to make this post. Though it doesn’t say it on their ingredients listed on the website, applegate breakfast sausages say they contain sugar on their packaging! Calls for 1Tbsp rather than 1 tsp. But, in the end I simply came up with my own simplified way of doing things…AKA: Lazy girl style. Anyway, your post is so helpful in that it looks like I can do it without first obtaining a master’s degree in food science and nutrition. And I hope you love the dressing! I’m just starting my Whole30 journey and your tips (and shopping list!) I really appreciate it and hope we’ll be just as successful!! Actually, $200 every 8 days is $750 for 30 days. I said I would then I looked at the menu options. Hi there! My SO and I are about to start Whole30 for the first time. –New Zealand Sweet Apple Rings (dried apple slices), -Fruit (organic berries, watermelon, apples, etc. My only thing is I can’t have eggs…. I didn’t feel any difference weight-wise in the first two weeks and wasn’t expecting 10 lb loss based on my stubborn belly fat. Great post..thank u! Looks like my prenatal contains starch. I would rather starve than succumb to […], […] Learn some things I don’t know. It’s wonderful! However, we understand that those choices are not within everyone’s current financial capacity or geographic availability. My taste for junk food has changed as well. Get lots of toppings, tomato, lettuce, avocado, bacon. Did you also workout on whole30 or just the meals? Putting your ‘acceptable coffee’ into a blender or Bullet will froth it up and make it really yummy too. Found your blog last night. I will eat salmon on occasion during Whole30 and I also like tuna (you have to do high quality canned albacore – like wild planet’s), but otherwise not so much. Cheaper too. Good job on finishing! I did find that after completing the program I ate far fewer carbs and dairy products, even when I was out though. I really want to do this with her not only because I need to drop a few pounds but mostly to help and support her. My food budget is $350 for the entire month. Pretty good! @Debby – I exercised VERY rarely. Not sure about the quality of life however! You look fabulous after AND before this. I see here, that you basically ate the same thing. You’re going to love this recipe and I am so happy to share it with you! It has a sticker on it that says Paleo. This is what’s wrong with America and we are so damn fat. It’s not considered acceptable in the home. The plantain chips are delicious, but not okay during a Whole 30. Ashlee, i used extra light olive oil. I’ve been reading a lot about it because I developed some rashes before deciding to do Whole30, and I guess isn’t all related to gut health. Rice is a grain and no grains are allowed on the Whole30. I love this post and how you broke everything down! But if you struggle with feeling tired all the time, have regular digestive issues you can’t pinpoint, are pre-diabetic, or just need a “reset”, then it is a worthy read. … Fern sounds like my daughter, also anti-meat. I have two kids, so everything here is family-friendly and simple … @Alice Smith – Apologies for the delayed response, but Yes…I think this is definitely doable even for picky eaters. Thank goodness it’s grilling season! I’m actually doing another whole30 right now, but I’m not quite as strict this time around. Some say the rotisserie chicken is complaint but they do have sulfites in them. thank you! Hold up. It can point out some pitfalls or things that can make the Whole30 less successful. @Lauren – LOTS of good healthy fats. Also does anyone know if the Rotisserie Chicken at the supermarket is Whole30 Compliant…..Thank you. Trader Joes Saved My Whole30 Life | Fit as Wonder Woman, Week 3 Meal Roundup | Whole30 for Monkeys, Preparing for the Whole 30 | Flourish & Nourish, “I Could NEVER Give Up Sugar!” – Prepare to Be Surprised, Our Whole30 Journey - Week 3 - Forts and Spoons, 5 Things to Know Before Starting Whole30 - GetSumRun, Whole30 Lunches for Kids (and Grownup!) One thing I’m doing differently this time is exercising as well. You can eat out too. Hope you love it and feel free to shoot any questions my way! Thanks again cookie!! I ate it at the end of a meal […], […] container just like the kids and make it an off-shoot of whatever they happen to be eating, because ain’t nobody got time for chopping up extra food.I’ve been on a big kale salad kick lately thanks to Tessemae’s dressings, so it’s […], […] n. I ate it at the end of a meal and only if I was still hungry.