[185], Ashley Fox, leader of the British Conservative MEPs, praised the Sweden Democrats regarding the party's policy decisions on the expulsion of extremist and racist members:[10] "Over the past decade the Sweden Democrats have made progress in reforming themselves, expelling any members displaying unacceptable views or behaviour and diversifying their party base."[10]. This led to speculation that the SD could be included in a new centre-right grouping to replace the Alliance which had collapsed after the Centre Party and the Liberal Party left to support the Social Democratic led government. Vi behöver kunna diskutera frågor utan att debatten urartar i pajkastning. Before the election in 2014 they favored having restrictions on the amount of profit that welfare companies could take and use for their own gain. [139] In a 2018 interview, SD member of the Riksdag and gender-equality spokesperson Paula Bieler stated that homophobes "are not welcome in our party. Partiet vill även framöver förbjuda homosexuella att bli föräldrar. The videos, recorded by MP Kent Ekeroth, featured him along with fellow Sweden Democrats MP Erik Almqvist and Christian Westling. [155] However, these charges were immediately deemed to be unfounded by the Swedish Chancellor of Justice (Justitiekanslern). Sverigedemokraterna har under många år lyft behovet av en ökad krisberedskap, ökad nationell självhushållning när det gäller kritiskt materiel och återupprättandet av beredskapslager. The party describes itself as social conservative with a nationalist foundation. De utgår ifrån en redan bekräftad fördom. • [126], The Sweden Democrats considers children raised in a traditional nuclear family as the preferred option for the child's development. SD also wishes to allocate additional resources to municipalities in order to provide seniors with greater food assistance and, in general, improve their quality of life. [111][112] Söder's comments were understood to be anti-semitic and caused Swedish parliamentary groups and party leaders to call for Björn Söder's resignation. SD has also emphasised a desire to crack down on abuses and crimes of which the elderly are particular targets. Relaterade. Vi är stolta över vårt politiska engagemang och känner kärlek och glädje – oavsett vad inskränkta centerpartister anser. Nyckelorden för SD, som genomsyrar en stor del av deras politiska argument, skiner igenom i detta fall också: ”Det är Sverigedemokraternas övertygelse att…”, ”Sverigedemokraternas uppfattning är att…”. There is no noticeable difference in support for the party among different age groups. [122] The party also supports closer military cooperation with neighboring Nordic countries and an alignment with NATO without full membership. [156][157][158][159] Freivalds then resigned from the Persson Cabinet after being accused of interference with press freedom and lying about such actions. SD är fortsatt det parti i riksdagen som har den sämsta politiken för HBTQ-personer och deras rättigheter och möjligheter. Sverigedemokraterna är ett parti som inte gärna diskuterar HBTQ-rättigheter. Ingår det i religionsfrihet att vara motståndare till HBTQ-personers rättigheter? Om den ekonomisk krisen leder till ökad arbetslöshet och försämrade försäkringssystem kan detta leda till att spänningar orsakade av stor invandring och segregation ökar ytterligare. He had been posting mocking comments about immigrants, calling them "shameless liars" on alternative media sites. They argue that the immigrants themselves are rootless, that there have been rising antagonistic tensions between various population groups (socially, ethnically, religiously and culturally), and the immigration in itself, SD says, has caused social and economic strains on the country. [182][183] In August 2018, 2 members were kicked out due to purchases of Nazi memorabilia online;[184] following the expulsions, Michael Erlandsson, one of the SD spokesmen,[184] publicly stated that people who "have these types of views and share these types of materials" have no place in the party. Grov kriminalitet och otrygghet har de senaste åren brett ut sig och kommit att prägla samhället och svenskarnas frihet på ett oacceptabelt sätt. [184] 14 candidates were expelled from the party as well after being exposed as former members of neo-Nazi organisations. The story was discovered by the Swedish newspaper Dagens Industri on 14 September 2015. I GÅR 04.00 DEBATT. [109] It was widely interpreted that Söder had stated in the interview that Jews cannot be Swedish unless they abandon their Jewish identity. Samtidigt som bekämpningen av det nya viruset dominerar såväl den politiska agendan som samhällsdebatten behöver det finnas utrymme att hantera sådana samhällshot som oberoende av smittspridningen är av brådskande karaktär. [103] Polling 7.31% (3,447 votes), SD's municipal list in Södertälje got 5 of the 65 municipal seats. S(e o hör)D. Leave a Comment X. Early on in the SD's history the party was loosely associated with movements such as the National Democratic Party of Germany[citation needed] and during the 1990s it became linked to the French National Front and Jean Marie Le Pen through his Euronat initiative, but otherwise the party did not actively seek formal relationships outside of Sweden. Det är larvigt och knappast värt att bemöta. Support for the Sweden Democrats has grown steadily since the 1990s and the party crossed the 4% threshold necessary for parliamentary representation for the first time during the 2010 general election, polling 5.7% and gaining 20 seats in the Riksdag. "The important thing is that what is expressed in the public environment is anchored to the citizens and especially the local residents who are most often in the environment so that they feel an identification", says the party's cultural spokesperson Aron Emilsson. Denna webbplats använder Akismet för att minska skräppost. [171], In March 2013, 12 individuals were thrown out of the party for their involvement in neo-Nazi or other extremist movements. Inlägget skickades inte – kontrollera dina e-postadresser! [99], According to Aftonbladet, 14% of SD members are of immigrant origin,[100][101] which matches the share of foreign-born inhabitants of Sweden. Det är mycket som vi vill förändra i det svenska samhället. Since the election, they have favored the approach of the Alliance parties, that is higher and more restrictive quality standards. [3][4] The party has been characterised by others as right-wing populist[2][16] national-conservative,[2][14] anti-immigration,[2][6][17] or far-right. 21. [105] Since 2014, the SD has seen growing support from foreign-born Swedish voters, and was estimated to have become the third most popular party for voters of immigrant backgrounds by 2017. Det är aldrig acceptabelt att av religiösa/kulturella eller andra skäl behandla människor illa på grund av deras sexuella läggning!”. När fler nu fått upp ögonen för vikten av att förbereda samhället för olika typer av kriser är det angeläget att arbetet med att återupprätta beredskapen påbörjas omedelbart. Vi läser vidare i SD:s informationsavdelnings svar på mina frågor: ”Partnerskap och borgerlig vigsel för samkönade par ser vi som en självklarhet. Crash Man. Subsequently, Levonline shut down SD's web page. [54] As more segments of the video were released, revealing the other two men's involvement, the party announced on 15 November that Ekeroth would take a break from his position as the party's justice policy spokesman. Jag tror det är p Regeringen var dåligt förberedda och långsamma med verkningsfulla åtgärder när det nya viruset kom närmre Sverige i början av året. Som Louise Erixon, kommunstyrelsens ordförande, själv nämnde i Sveriges Radio: ”vi välkomnar ett pridetåg i Sölvesborg”. [96] SD also calls for compulsory measures for immigrants to speak the Swedish language. [135] The event was disavowed by the official Stockholm Pride organisation and the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights; in a joint statement both organisations called Sjunnesson "a person who's spreading hatred towards Muslims on social media [and] who's not supporting LGBT rights". In the 2014 election the Sweden Democrats received 12.9% of the votes, doubling their support and becoming the third-largest party. Partiordförande, Sverigedemokraterna.