In honor of the "Heilige Drei Könige", the Magi: Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar, the Three Wise Men. Known as Sternsingers (Star Singers), the kids, ages around 8-10, are honoring Three Kings Day, or as they call it in Germany, Dreikönigstag. People may gather the previous day and toast to the health and luck of family and friends with bockbier, a beer brewed for this special occasion.
Copyright (c) Minerva Webworks LLC All Rights Reserved. aware of this fact. Beauty/Health Many nations celebrate the full 12 days of Christmas, through to the feast day of Epiphany, on January 6th. Bismarck, German Recipes Food German Names Society, German History Formerly the collected donations went to unemployed craftsmen Honecker Era From castles, customs, cuisine, to present day life, history, arts, language, facts, festivals and travel. St. Andreas’ Day (Although Traditions
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Beginning 7, 8. This year, money raised is going to help handicapped kids in Peru. You can see a great video about the tradition here.
Christmas" between Christmas and January 6. Dictionaries Children dress up as the three kings who visited Jesus in the manger in Bethlehem. The three letters C, M and B do not stand for the kings’ initials but for the Latin words “Christus Mansionem Benedictat” and literally mean “Christ bless this home.” The blessing has to stay over the door until the next Three Kings Day. and holding up a large star, go from door to door, caroling and Any questions or comments about German life and culture? If you have been to Germany, perhaps you have seen the chalk inscription above the doors? Beginning with New Years and through January 6, children dressed as the kings, and holding up a large star, go from door to door, caroling and singing a Three Kings’ song. Learn German The Three Kings Day is also called ”Women’s Little Christmas”. Wines, Facts About Germany 6, German Chocolate Cake Carolers are going from house to house; in many homes the Christmas tree is taken down and in some areas is burnt in a big bonfire. Beer Law
Francine A. McKenna The formula is quite simple: the 20 and the 19 on either end signify the current year. for details. Epiphany in Germany & the Coopers continue their 500 year tradition! In 1517 Munich's barrel makers first danced in public to celebrate the end of the plague and to show everyone is was again safe to socialize. phrase for "Christ bless this house" -- "Christus mansionem Christmas (Although historically the three letters are supposed to come from the Latin phrase for “Christ bless this house” — “Christus …