“We realized that an Ibsen production with a non-student cast would be real competition and cause no end of confusion, so we refused the rental,” she wrote in her unpublished autobiography (James, p. 2). The only one who didn’t was the one who didn’t drink" (Hughes interview). So every group was involved, people from the waterfront up to people who used to come in their limousines….” (Florence James interview, part 3, p. 21). It was built on love. Copyright: Writer(s): Joakim Kurt Marsh, Chad Smith, Glenn Hughes Lyrics Terms of Use, I'll keep the present that you bring The only facility available for student performances was the old Meany Auditorium, a cavernous space with 2,200 seats, a shallow stage, and poor acoustics. Always sociable and fond of gala events, Hughes began to drink heavily. He was, however, quick to take advantage of the outcome. The three enjoyed “a mutually supportive artistic relationship” that lasted almost a decade (Bennett, 30). It's just a very complete Glenn Hughes record; a very complete tapestry of where I'm at, where I've been, and where I'm going. Help contribute and earn points to increase your VIP level to get extra benefits. I can't wait for everyone to hear it because it's a big statement for me, a very musical statement. ' Photography by Tom Dempsey. Basically, I spent thousands of dollars flying him from Atlanta, paying his rent, living at my house, giving him a car to drive. University officials eventually approved Hughes’s compromise proposal. Glenn has now completed his 2 year around the world tour of his production, "Glenn Hughes Performs Classic Deep Purple Live", with outstanding reviews received from fans, press and media. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. It also houses a rehearsal hall, faculty offices, and prop storage and is located near Hutchinson Hall. He encouraged the department to expand the number of student productions, most of them sponsored by extracurricular clubs. After graduating from high school in 1912 as Class Poet, Hughes attended Stanford University on a scholarship. Anymore Now don't you go away, This house “It hurt my feelings when he [Glenn Hughes] wrote his book and didn’t even mention me. III and IV line-ups of Deep Purple, as well as briefly fronting Black Sabbath in the mid-1980s. In reporting all this, Seattle Times theater critic Louis Guzzo commented that Hughes was “in the midst of one of the most productive periods in his career as a writer” (The Seattle Times March 22, 1953). W. Glenn Hughes, DDS, MS Oral Surgeon. At the same time he was developing new facilities, Hughes was reshaping the drama department’s curriculum, focusing on the practical and technical aspects of theatrical production. The 220-seat theater, which opened in September 1938, was designed as a showcase for the kinds of farces that were popular in the 1890s, although it soon began to present more diverse fare. He pioneered development of "theater in the round" and guided construction of Penthouse Theatre on the UW Campus in 1940. Hughes wrote some of these himself. The experience fed his determination to take a more active role in what was at that point being called the Department of Dramatic Art. Dr. Hughes then entered the Air Force, where he completed a General Practice Residency at … At the Repertory Playhouse, drawing-room comedies shared the bill with demanding works by Shakespeare, Ibsen, Tolstoy, Goethe, and other heavyweights. Between 1945 and 1955, the school earned net revenues of $8,000 to $10,000 a year. And it's so hard to fake it Among its admirers was New York Times critic Brooks Atkinson, who concluded that Hughes was “landlord of the finest theatre in America” (New York Times, May 1, 1949). "It is fatal to compromise your insights in order to acquiesce to the demands made on you," Florence James wrote. Once I was old enough, I joined him in late evening television watching; he particularly liked Westerns. Glenn Hughes (right) reviews a script with his wife, Cleta Rogers Hughes (far left), Will Clump, and Mary Foskett, 1950, Interior, theater in the round, Penthouse Theatre, UW Campus, Glenn Hughes' Penthouse Theatre at its original UW campus location, ca. Like many of Hughes’s enterprises, the film series was a profitable venture. Near the end of his tenure, however, enrollment dropped, the quality of the productions declined, and faculty and student morale ebbed. diss., University of Washington, 1982; Cassandra Tate interview with Cleta Hughes, Seattle, February 8, 2002; The Seattle Times, March 22, 1964 (Hughes obituary); Seattle Times, Jan. 1, 1928 (on chapbooks); Florence Bean James, “Fists Upon A Star,” unpublished autobiography, box 2, folder 6, Florence James Collection, University of Washington Special Collections; Seattle Repertory Playhouse, …But the Child Grew Up, pamphlet, ca. Hughes began graduate work in English under Frederick M. Padelford, then head of the English department, but he quickly took an interest in the department’s nascent drama program. Weekend performances were open to the general public, while weekday shows were often reserved for clubs and business organizations, which would buy all the seats in the house for their members. That September, he began work as an instructor in English, earning $2,000 a year and dreaming about the possibility of creating “a first-rate drama school” (quoted in Bennett, 14). He loved berets, an affection I’ve inherited. She noted, for example, that the University of Washington theaters did not have to pay their own utility and maintenance bills -- those expenses came out of general university funds. Ugur Ustaer. And it's, Hughes remained in touch with the Jameses even after leaving Seattle for Europe and then California. Asked how it was possible for college students to perform six nights a week, rehearse a new show during the day, and still keep up their studies, his reply was “good students can do it because they learn not to waste time” (Hughes, 44). Both theaters were built with labor provided by the Works Progress Administration; materials and other costs were paid for with department revenues. His drinking ultimately cost him his marriage to Cleta. Javascript is required to view shouts on this page. The closest parking lot is the N4 and N5 lot. He also launched Seattle’s first foreign film series -- the first to be sponsored by any educational institution in the United States. He showed little inclination to do so, however, and the university administration did not force the issue. He believed that theater could compete with the drama and immediacy of cinema only if audiences moved closer to the performers. LetsSingIt comes to you in your own language! Seeking to create a major center for the training of aspiring theater professionals, Hughes added courses in makeup, puppetry, radio drama, scene design, stage lighting, and theater management, in addition to expanding the number of classes devoted to performance. This house This house Glenn Hughes, director of the drama program at the University of Washington for more than 30 years, gained international fame as the pioneer of “theater in the round.” His experiments in a friend’s penthouse apartment led to the construction of the Penthouse Theatre, the world's first modern arena theater.