The candidness of Al and Lisa's life story on the pages of [Desperate Forgiveness] is often shocking! A duck call for duck killers, not for, as Phil described, “world champion-style duck callers.” Phil stated, “No duck would even place in a duck calling contest.” In 1972, Phil Robertson gave up a coaching career for his love of duck hunting when he whittled a better duck call than any on the market, the first Duck Commander call. We’ll see.”. I met you in Arkansas back in the fall when you came to the Men Sharpening Men conference. Every year, he is invited to speak to hundreds of churches and organizations, telling them what the Lord has done for him and what the Lord can do for them. Phil’s calls and techniques help others bring ducks right into their blinds, and The Duck Commander faithfully swears by the deadly effects of all his calls. Phil traveled from store to store and state to state in those early days, with most of his attempts to sell the new product line ending in rejections. The same year, he received a patent for this call and in 1973, formed the Duck Commander Company. Funny & inspiring stories of faith and family with Phil Robertson and his sons, Al and Jase Robertson. Al and Lisa Robertson are living proof that choosing and living out forgiveness is worth the effort. Acclaimed as an excellent teacher by his students, Phil came to the conclusion that his time and talents would be better spent in the woods. Unashamed with Phil & Jase Robertson Phil, Al, Jase, and their special guests go beyond the four walls of the church to share God's Word and study the Bible with you. It is a love story that has amazingly made it through some really, really awful times. Duck Dynasty stars Al and Lisa Robertson were desperate for their love to survive — and with God’s help, they realized the only answer to marital and family betrayal is all-consuming, life-altering, desperate forgiveness.In their new book, they share this message with anyone who wants to exchange broken relationships for healing. Phil, Al, and Jase discuss trying to live a life unashamed of their faith and the changes in their lives that got them there. Phil said he still gives fist bumps to people he meets. The Robertsons know what they’re talking about: They have lived through the pain of adultery and lack of communication in their marriage. Phil Robertson said Trump’s Christian critics must take into account how “young in the faith” the president is. Unashamed with Phil & Jase Robertson | BlazeTV News & entertainment for people who love America. I’m Voting for Trump Because He Fights for the Unborn. A time to refresh, renew and relax with your spouse, while exploring THE beautiful CARIBBEAN. “It’s a far cry when you first come to Jesus. The Robertson family home in West Monroe, Louisiana, became the Duck Commander factory, from where he and family members assembled, packaged, and shipped all the calls. Let Desperate Forgiveness show you the way to a changed life and revitalized marriage. On his most recent “Unashamed” podcast, Robertson said he believes God will get Trump re-elected. The video podcast was recorded a day before the election. “I got my headband in case they say you got a mask. When time allows, Al & Lisa counsel couples who are struggling to make their marriage work by helping them overcoming barriers of forgiveness and resentment that will ultimately help led them to restoration and healing. “…. With or without a mask, he said, there is a chance of catching it. '” he said. Phil said, "Terry went for the bucks, and I chased after the ducks." “Donald Trump has a high IQ. Duck Dynasty stars Al and Lisa Robertson were desperate for their love to survive — and with God’s help, they realized the only answer to marital and family betrayal is all-consuming, life-altering, desperate forgiveness. I needed to exhale! I think what I like most is the way this story gives readers a glimpse of how great God is. We'll discuss everything from Biblical manhood to hosting a good fish fry. Yet, he still hasn’t contracted the virus to his knowledge. Al & Lisa speak across the country at churches, marriage retreats and pregnancy centers, encouraging couples in their marriage and families with wisdom and truth from their own past struggles. There, Phil played first-string quarterback – ahead of Terry Bradshaw, who later went on to lead the Pittsburgh Steelers team to 4 Super Bowl championships. By sharing true stories from friends and family, as well as biblical examples, Desperate Forgiveness provides the support you’ll need on the hard road to forgiveness. He’s smart very … The Robertson family home in West Monroe, Louisiana, became the Duck Commander factory, from where he and family members assembled, packaged, and shipped all the calls. I talked to you after about how your book helped saved me from doing something stupid and you gave me a Desperate Forgiveness book. I didn’t even know what agape love was. Subscribe to our newsletter for new stories, tips & events. He doesn’t kill children. But Jase mentions Phil’s bandana headband, which could be pulled down and used as a mask. Not afraid of opening the Bible and speaking the truth—he is popular speaker for special event and Sunday morning services wherever he goes. Because of the location of his family home in a rural setting near Shreveport, and the aforementioned scarcity of money, hunting became an important part of his formative years. And apply their testimony of forgiveness to my own life for the big and small things. Phil traveled from store to store and state to state in those early days, with most of his attempts to sell the new product line ending in rejections. The topic came up during a discussion about separating Trump’s boastful, angry personality from his politics. Unashamed Nation has 16,335 members. News & entertainment for people who love America. The Robertsons no longer build, package, and ship calls from their home on the Ouachita River. His first year, Robertson sold $8,000 worth of duck calls and his wife, Kay, somehow managed to feed four boys on that salary. I feel like your books kept me from doing something stupid and helped me save my marriage. This former pastor of 22 years and his wife want you to arrive at a place where you, too, can give and receive forgiveness and find the beauty of reconciliation. This group is not affiliated with the Unashamed podcast, Blaze TV, or the Robertson family. They say have you worried about this?’ No.”. Join Al and Lisa Robertson, along with a few of their friends for a unique marriage cruise to COZUMEL. He’s pro-life. Yes, it’s a rough life, but as Phil says, “Somebody’s gotta do it.”. This book is about as clear as it gets about forgiveness. “He said he would do things. I say ‘ya see it on top of my head.’ They say ‘you ever worn that?’ No. Duck Commander is still a family business, with all 4 sons and their wives either presently working or previously having worked for the company at one time or another. Watch for new merchandise releases, exclusive offers and more at Unashamed with Phil & Jase Robertson on Apple Podcasts 175 episodes The Duck Commander and his sons are unashamed of their Christian faith and want to share the Gospel with everyone, from new believers to longtime followers of Jesus. According to Johns Hopkins University, more than 9 million Americans have had the coronavirus, and more than 232,000 have died in the U.S. In the beginning, Kay and their sons not only helped Phil with the Duck Commander business, but they also ran the nets and took fish to market in a side commercial fishing business that kept food on the table. As a high-school athlete, Phil earned All-State rankings in football, baseball, and track, which afforded him the opportunity to attend Louisiana Tech University on a football scholarship. Transparent, open, and easy to read. “Donald Trump has a high IQ. This is a group for Christian fans of the podcast "Unashamed with Phil Robertson". So pour a glass of tea, and experience fun and inspiring stories of faith and family, straight from Louisiana. Phil Robertson said he is turning to a higher power to return Donald Trump to the White House for another term. Never satisfied with the duck calls on the market, Phil began to experiment with making a call that would produce the exact sound of a duck. I’ve watched him, he’s with us — the Bible believers, the Bible thumpers’. Al is one of the most dynamic preachers you will hear today. “I pointed him to Jesus, and I asked God to put him back in. ‘You say, When you first came to Jesus, Phil, did you love your enemies? How else can you explain how they made it through one bad choice after another, © Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved Al & Lisa Robertson. … I believe God will put him back into office. Born and raised in Vivian, Louisiana, Phil Robertson came from a large family with 7 children and little money. After receiving his Bachelor's degree in Physical Education and a Master's in Education, Phil spent several years teaching in Louisiana schools. Trade. Al and Lisa do not make excuses for their (many) drama-filled choices and experiences. Not long after the success of the calls, Phil began a series of videos that developed a worldwide fan-base of fellow duck hunters. I really appreciate the time you took talking to me and giving me a book. In the mid-’70s, Phil turned his life over to the Lord and made dramatic changes. By BelleGreyeDesigns, ``Simply put, reconciliation is the idea that things and people that are broken can be put back together.``, Recent blog posts, podcasts, thoughts and news that will encourage and inspire you in your walk with both the Lord and your spouse, Sorry but there is some error in adding your email to our subscriber list.Please try again, Click here to subscribe to our newsletter and receive the latest updates on events, blog posts, books and more, I’m Not Voting for a Debater in Chief. By the way, that store now is one of the Duck Commander’s largest accounts. Blaze Media Shop offers a wide selection of clothing and accessories for men and women who consider themselves fans of Blaze Media!