As bass retreat from summer's warm weather it's time for 'football season.'. Your West Branch trout might fare better. Some of the most remarkable and surprising fishing for trout can be had in this section. All the fish from these streams are attracted to the larger river for protection and for the abundance of food that is available in the bigger water. Since the sampling was conducted for the original project, at least $30 million has been spent on remediation throughout the watershed, including several large-scale active treatment systems, large abandoned mine land reclamation projects, and smaller scale active and passive AMD treatment systems. Bell Run dumps into the West Branch at this location under the Route 969 bridge. This one simple trick will trigger more bass strikes on a jerkbait during the fall months. Simple to make and grill, these BBQ Venison Burgers are the ultimate food to serve at your... Increase a lure’s effectiveness by pairing it with the ideal reel speed. One-half mile upstream of the Route 729 bridge in Lumber City, the river begins to flatten and deepen due to the flood control dam at Curwensville Lake. Over the past two decades, reclamation and remediation of AMD in the West Branch Susquehanna has become a priority for numerous conservation organizations and government agencies, including Trout Unlimited. Much of the electrofishing - the means by which biologists catch fish to measure population size and growth – is done below Montoursville, however there are good signs throughout the rest of the West Branch. “Best Adventure Destinations” – National Geographic Adventure. Above the confluence, the river is smaller, with long riffles and fast water. Once the water pours over this obstruction, trout habitat returns. Fish will hide under large boulders or stick to the bottom of fast cuts. You may need to work a little harder. Paflyfish | A fly fishing community for trout and bass with stream reports, forum, maps, hatch charts and blog covering Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Maryland and Ohio : Register now on! Most of what you will catch will be holdover stocked rainbows and truly big brook trout. FM . “When we catch them and we bring them in, we see if there’s something wrong with them. Paflyfish | A fly fishing community for trout and bass with stream reports, forum, maps, hatch charts and blog covering Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Maryland and Ohio Paflyfish - West Branch Susquehanna [Forums - Fly Fishing Locations] Williamsport, Lock Haven and Clearfield all feature beautiful riverfront parks and walking paths on the West Branch of the Susquehanna River. 1 Anonymous Users, West Branch Susquehanna River (Clearfield Co). Trout hiding in pocket water will attack quill nymphs and caddis fly larvae. As a result of these efforts, numerous AMD remediation projects have been implemented throughout the watershed to improve water quality and biological conditions. Lower water levels are warmer, thus allowing the juveniles to maintain a higher metabolism. The park is entirely surrounded by Pennsylvania’s largest state forest, Sproul State Forest. “This past year was a little rough because the river’s up, but (two years ago) was phenomenal. The project offers an exciting opportunity to determine how multiple small-scale restoration efforts accumulate into large, watershed-scale changes in water quality and the biological communities., a Montlake Media brand. Hundreds of pull-off spots dot the length of the river, but the following three locations will test all of your trout-fishing skills: From Cherry Tree through Patchinville, Burnside and McGees Mills, many small trout streams enter the West Branch and any of these locations are good places to start because they offer the best opportunity for locating trout. Over 1,100 miles of waterways within the basin are listed as impaired due to AMD by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), making the West Branch Susquehanna River basin one of the most polluted basins in the nation. At which point, we both promptly landed heavy 16-inch fish. This rocky bottom keeps the river oxygenated well into late June and early July and provides ideal trout habitat. This past summer, with funding from PA DEP’s Growing Greener Program, TU staff in Pennsylvania, along with cooperation from state agencies, conservation districts, other non-profit organizations, and volunteers began an effort to replicate and expand upon the previous study of the watershed. In recognition of this need, TU completed the initial West Branch Susquehanna Recovery Benchmark Project with funding from a 2008 DEP Growing Greener grant. Is it a wider creek? Spin-fishermen will need a medium- sized rod to reach out to the fish in this section. The West Branch Susquehanna drains an area of approximately 7,000 squares miles in north-central Pennsylvania, a watershed that’s double the size of Yellowstone National Park. A detailed fishing report for the West Branch Susquehanna River will make the difference between a good fishing here and a bad one. Paddle the West Branch. Yet, there are plenty of quality trout throughout the entire 30 miles of water from Cherry Tree to Clearfield. This creates a small dam. For now, however, the waters are healthy and teeming with life according to anglers. Smallmouth bass caught using a streamer on the West Branch Susquehanna River in the fall. If you're looking to fish in the general area be sure to check out Hot Spots tab to see where the fish