Netanyahu congratulates Biden; China, Russia, Saudi still silent Quiz: How much do you know about the U.S. Congress? Judicial Watch finds 1.8 million 'ghost voters' in 29 states, warns of 'dirty elections'. Black Lives Matter doesn’t want people to succeed in our society, however. And that statement, that hashtag shouldn't actually need to exist. The same is now happening with the Black Lives Matter movement. - Gonzalez also insisted that BLM’s leaders have a Marxist ideology. If it wasn’t, the long arc of history that allegedly bends towards justice would be a very short one. 6 Things I Saw at Dueling Trump-Biden Rallies in Philadelphia, ‘Networks Don’t Get to Decide Elections, Courts Do’: Giuliani Announces Lawsuit, Media Outlets Project Biden Victory as Trump Says Election ‘Far From Over’, A Pro Bono Lawyer for Trump Campaign Shares What He Saw in Pennsylvania, Can We Restore America? And the foundations of our community are weaker because of it. It’s time for America to wake up to the reality of the Black Lives Matter movement — it isn’t saving black lives. More specifically, protest is a smooth part sandwiched between two very rough ones. “You and I know how true this is in the African-American community. After that comes the high-octane action, the moral clarity – and allies hop on board. He disputes the contention that Black Americans are being hunted by racist police — “there’s no evidence suggesting they are doing so” — an argument that no White pundit, no matter how skilled, can deliver with the same resonance and credibility. September 25, 2020 Joshua Arnold Black lives matter like all other lives matter. From fresh faces like Diante Johnson and Rob Smith to greybeards like Shelby Steele and Robert Woodson, Black conservatives are everywhere, taking on the left and the Black Lives Matter narrative in speeches, bestsellers, films, radio shows, podcasts and PragerU videos, as well as regular appearances on Fox News. It’s time for America to wake up to the reality of the Black Lives Matter movement — it isn’t saving black lives. Michael Austin graduated from Iowa State University with a bachelor's in English before joining The Western Journal. One of BLM's co-founders, Patrisse Cullors, admitted that the group is lead by trained Marxists who have the ultimate goal of ousting President Trump from office. Of all the ideas BLM has proposed, none would have as much of an immediately disastrous impact as defunding the police. Read these books about black lives, from established classics to newer works. They’re truly brave people. “They’re brave people. Trump proposes to fix this problem by expanding school choice to include every child. “There’s this rush, this almost desperate frenzy to see the event an example of black victimization, to establish it as black victimization, and that in a sense becomes the argument,” said Mr. Steele on a Thursday press call. BLM organizers have repeatedly said their goal is to end "police brutality" and "systemic racism" that disproportionately impacts people of color. FIGHTING FOR YOU: TRUMP CAMPAIGN ANNOUNCES PRESIDENT TRUMP’S 2ND TERM AGENDA!, — Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022) (@TeamTrump) August 24, 2020, TRENDING: Dick Morris: Here's How Trump Can Still Win. Click here to log out. Podcast: Can Young Adults Learn to Love the Free Market? While “the media covers for them” with irrelevant statistics said Gonzalez, “the protests are being manipulated” by Marxists, even if many protestors themselves would reject that label. Silence allows racism to thrive. "I think that the criticism is helpful. How about we come up with a less provocative slogan, for a start? Biden Vows to Unite the Country, Will the Left Let Him? Try the Morning Bell and get the day’s most important news and commentary from a team committed to the truth in formats that respect your time…and your intelligence. “Because the media is invested in this ‘systemic racism’ narrative, they can’t tell the truth,” said Mr. Elder, a familiar face on Fox News. More police presence means less crime. here for reprint permission. At the same time, the old guard appears to be undergoing a renaissance. New organizations are emerging. Black lives matter. These Black Lives Matter protesters, they don’t make things easy for themselves, do they? The Daily Signal depends on the support of readers like you. Police departments could use more funding to better train their officers to deal with high-stress situations, which many cops face on a regular basis. In other words, it wants to teach your children gender may not match sex, force you to describe people with their preferred pronouns, and allow persons to intrude on private areas for the opposite sex. How ironic.”. Two others will be painted in … Research has long shown the nuclear family yields better outcomes for children. You also agree to our. This moment, where sympathetic onlookers start shimmying away from their earlier expressions of solidarity, was always inevitable. As opposed to the demands of the Black Lives Matter movement, many of the proposals laid out in Trump’s agenda would actually help black lives. I stand against racism 오늘은 넷플릭스코리아의 "우리 모두의 삶은 중요합니다"라는 번역으로 논란이 되고있는 「Black lives matter」라는 영어표현을 알아보기로 해요. We have a great knack for supporting victims once the injustices are out in the open – when David and Goliath have been clearly identified, and a particularly British sensibility of fair play has been assailed. Although the Black Lives Matter website doesn't explicitly say that Joe Biden should be president, Cullors reaffirmed that point during a segment on CNN with Jake Tapper. And Whites feel so guilty that they take it.”. Quiz: Can you name these 1970s songs from their lyrics. 이 … Promote voter registration among Generation Z, the Black community, and our allies: Demographic shifts means that in the 2020 election, non-whites will account for a third of voters and one in ten voters will be members of Generation Z. I stand against racism 오늘은 넷플릭스코리아의 "우리 모두의 삶은 중요합니다"라는 번역으로 논란이 되고있는「Black lives matter」라는 영어표현을 알아보기로 해요.이 표어에 동의하든, 하지않든 정확한 의미를 알아야 할 수 있는 일이겠죠? TOP STORIES “Their story line is that we’re all victims. Turkey’s interference worries friends, angers foes, How To: Fix Dark Spots And Uneven Skin Tones, Trump, RNC sue Arizona over rejected votes, Netanyahu congratulates Biden; China, Russia, Saudi still silent, Judicial Watch finds 1.8 million 'ghost voters' in 29 states, warns of 'dirty elections', Click Drone wars: U.S. military maneuvers to defeat enemy unmanned aircraft. One of the core proposals found on the “What We Believe” page on the Black Lives Matter website is the disruption of the nuclear family. While Trump’s agenda focuses on defending the police, providing school choice and ending illegal immigration, BLM stands for defunding the police, destroying the nuclear family and transforming America into a socialist state. Black Lives Matter는 "흑인의 삶도 소중하다"는 뜻으로, 미국뿐만 아니라 전 세계까지 이 운동에 동참하고 있다. “We’ve used that power. Despite these facts, instead of encouraging black fathers to take responsibility for their children, Black Lives Matter wants to “disrupt” the family unit entirely. The problem with that is that we do that at the expense of our own development as individual human beings in the modern world,” Mr. Steele said. How many in this generation are we willing to lose to poverty or violence or addiction? Teachers unions oppose school choice because, to put it quite frankly, bad teachers would be out of a job and bad schools could possibly be closed down. According to the group's website, they have specific campaign goals for 2020. You can’t post it, you can’t hashtag it; most of the time you can’t even do it without jeopardising something, whether that’s your income, status, job prospects or even friendships. ​주어부분인 Black lives를 나눠보면 다음과 같습니다. Mr. Steele said that may shift with the next generation. * racism : 인종차별, 인종차별주의* racist : 인종차별주의자여러분은 어떠신가요?