It is important to refer to the Bluebook for each state, as the format varies by state. [18] A rule of thumb used by many is to see if the formatting can be reproduced on a typewriter—if so, it is used by practitioners, if it requires typesetting, it is used for academic articles. [45], The posting also suggested that HLRA should "redirect the money it spends on legal fees ($185,664 in 2013)" to a more worthy purpose. Following are some guidelines to help you choose the proper abbreviation: 1. [41] Lawyers who represent the Bluebook publishing consortium claim that the "carefully curated examples, explanations and other textual materials" are protected by copyright.[42]. . "[12] In 1939, the cover of the book was changed from brown to a "more patriotic blue" allegedly to avoid comparison with a color associated with Nazi Germany. - Administrative/Administration 2. Utah. Stat. 95 96 Sonics 2k20, The purpose of this guide is to introduce The Bluebook and basic concepts of legal citation to new law students. It is a monstrous growth, remote from the functional need for legal citation forms, that serves obscure needs of the legal culture and its student subculture. Medpace Salaries, [37], Another dispute is over the copyright status of The Bluebook. Therefore, the proper citation format is: For example, if you wanted to cite to a statute regarding the capital structure of federal home loan banks, the proper citations would be: Please note that the citations automatically generated by Lexis and Westlaw Edge do not entirely follow the Bluebook format. Your email address will not be published. Alternative legal citation style guides exist, including the Maroonbook and the ALWD Citation Manual. Unofficial reporters are the Supreme Court Reports (or S.Ct. ) I 1983). If you are required to cite to a case in an official state reporter, you will generally also need to provide the citation to the case in the regional reporter using what is called a parallel citation. Table 1 tells you which regional reporter includes cases for each state's courts as well as whether a state court's cases are also published in an official reporter. For other uses, see. Bluebook 1 (1926) has approximately 30 sentences in common with Yale Law Journal ’s Abbreviations and Form of Citation (1921), as well as many of the sample citations, all of the proofreading signs, and virtually all of the items in the long list of abbreviations.
As early as October 1831, the United States Post Office recognized common abbreviations for states and territories. Since 2008, California rules of court have allowed citations in Bluebook form as well as the state's own style manual,[3] but many practitioners and courts continue to recommend following the California Style Manual in California courts. For a law review article, use small caps for the name of the code. § 510(b) (Supp. Relentless Drive Ultimate Car Wash Mitt, Vermont. Wilson Youth Football Sizes, "[48] For the first 50 years, the Harvard Law Review kept 100 percent of the revenues. Bluebook Table 1 All of the information you need to properly abbreviate state courts and state court reporters is in Table 1 of the Bluebook. - Administrator 3. They trace the origin of The Bluebook to a 1920 publication by Karl N. Llewellyn at Yale on how to write law journal materials for the Yale Law Journal. App.– El Paso 2007). Admin. The purpose, rather than to standardize state abbreviations per se, was to make room in a line of no more than 23 characters for the city, the state, and the ZIP code. ), The name of the publisher (West or LexisNexis), The year of the code. Mini Air Hockey Table, [10], For several years before the first edition of The Bluebook appeared, Yale, Columbia, and several other law journals "worked out a tentative citation plan," but Harvard initially opposed it "because of skepticism as to the results to be attained and in part because of a desire not to deviate from our forms especially at the solicitation of other Reviews." [49] They complained that Harvard was illegally keeping all profits from the first eleven editions, estimated to total $20,000 per year. • Used for case names appearing in citations, i.e., one that is not part of a grammatical sentence. Kansas Jayhawks Women's Basketball Roster, These guides may not be sold. As noted above, the court is omitted if it is the highest court in the state. In court documents and filings, parallel citations to the same case as it appears in multiple reporters are often required. Bd. Fred R. Shapiro and Julie Graves Krishnaswami, The Oxford Guide to Style/New Hart's Rules, Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities, "Shedding the Uniform: Beyond 'A Uniform System of Citation' to a More Efficient Fit", The Bluebook Legal Citation Guide Now Available Online, There's An App For That: Top 10 Apps for Law Students, The University of Chicago Manual of Legal Citation, "Legal minds differ on whether The Bluebook is subject to copyright protection", "Four Areas of Legal Ripe for Disruption by Smart Startups", "Bluebook 101 Online Citation Generators", The Indigo Book: An Open and Compatible Implementation of a Uniform System of Citation,, Articles with dead external links from December 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Italicization for Style and in Unique Circumstances, Titles of Judges, Officials, and Terms of Court, Books, Reports, and Other Nonperiodic Materials, Electronic Media and Other Nonprint Resources, This page was last edited on 19 September 2020, at 05:37. Cite-Checker: A Hands-on Guide to Learning Citation Form, Legal Research for the Texas Practitioner, The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, David Post called it "the most boring piece of intellectual property imaginable." For law review footnote format, the case name is in regular typeface. Usa Field Hockey Futures, [21] Although other citation systems exist, they have limited acceptance, and in general, The Bluebook is followed in legal citation as the most widely accepted citation style. [47], Revenues from the sale of the Bluebook are estimated "in the millions of dollars. Additionally, Rule 10.2(b) states that the court and jurisdiction are omitted as well if they are "unambiguously conveyed by the reporter title" (p. 106). For other U.S. Jurisdictions, see Table T 1.4, pp. © Georgetown University Law Library. According to Judge Henry J. When using commercial electronic databases such as Lexis or Westlaw Edge, it is important that you include the currency of the database in the parenthetical. . Hanna Season 1 Recap, Cineplex Gift Card Balance, Ring Floodlight Cam 3-pack, Code Ann. Ohio Rev. A citation to a case in an official state reporter has the following six elements: Here is an example of how to cite a Supreme Court of Nebraska case in the Nebraska Reports: *The abbreviations for the court and state are not included in the parenthetical due to Rule 10.2(b). § 1426 (West, Westlaw Edge through P.L. At over 500 pages for the 19th edition, The Bluebook is significantly more complicated than the citation systems used by most other fields. [51] In 2017, the startup company LegalEase[52] launched a legal citation generator that enables its users to create citations in the Bluebook format.[53]. These guides may be used for educational purposes, as long as proper credit is given. Google Scholar Support, Examples include exam’r (examiner), mem’l (memorial), and p’ship (partnership).