:). We still have a few cougars, sometimes called Florida Panthers, living in the Everglades. Physical Description: The ocelot has short, tawny or reddish-brown fur with black spots and rosette-shaped markings. You are very welcome. Zealot is a Kherubim warrior that was stranded on Earth when her ship crashed thousands of years ago. Billet Coordinator Then the big cat ran away.

I'm glad your enjoyed my hub and I thank you for your wonderful comment!

You CAN fight off a mountain lion (unlike a bear) if you get the chance. I would love to see more! There are good introductions here and great pictures of these big cats. Now people are saying that they are seeing the Mountain Lion around here also, this scares me a little as they are excellent hunters and very large. No one I know personally has ever seen a mountain lion around here, so I am not sure there are any. We watch her 3 days a week with our youngest granddaughter here! He can shape parts of his body, usually turning his hands into bladed weapons. Thank you for your comment and votes. Rocky Mount, NC. Where I grew up in central Wisconsin we had lynx and bobcats roaming around and sometimes they would scream at night and the hair would raise up on the back of your neck. We use to see them when we lived in Calif. Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on February 14, 2018: I did mention the Florida panthers, (The cougars population was nearly extirpated in most of its eastern North American range, except for Florida where there is a subspecies referred to as the Florida panther,). Alastar Packer from North Carolina on October 28, 2012: Very fine compilation on the cats, Shelia. While most cats strip their prey of feathers and fur as they eat it, ocelots refuse to eat even a bite until they've plucked off every last feather and bit of fur. WildC.A.T.S (*C*overt *A*ction *T*eam) is a group of heroes created by Jim Lee, and is one of the major Wildstorm titles though the first volume was an Image comic. St. Anthony dropped in 1977 and was replaced by Bishop Montgomery.Pius X dropped in 1980. I have saw a large cat in the wild the size of a cougar. Rookie Trayce Thompson hits first career home run against Angels", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Trinity_League&oldid=986155535, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 30 October 2020, at 03:37. Thank you for stopping by and I appreciate your kind words and support! There were various early members of the Angelus league, which, in addition to Servite and Mater Dei, included St. Paul, Cantwell and Salesian.

Though ocelots are listed as "Least Concern" on the IUCN Red List, they are endangered in the United States. Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on March 27, 2013: Hi Peggy! Thanks for sharing all this good info! I did get to see one crossing the back of our place a few years ago. I appreciate it very much! As a matter of fact we have some shots of them on our game-cam. Thanks for stopping in and the vote up! Both species have tufted ears and a bobbed, black-tipped tail as well. I almost brought home a baby bobcat that was found alone in the wild one time. Thanks for stopping in and all your support, I really appreciate you! :) Loved all the information in this. As long as it wasn't too up close! This list uses the expanded definition of “big cats.”, African Golden Cat I would personally love to see an ocelot in the wild. I saw a bobcat once many years ago.
1 day ago. Voted up, up, up . Thank you for your kind words. The Eastern Cougar is far from extinct. :), Hello Eddy! Bodlina, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons, Diet: rodents, rabbits, possums, armadillos, fowl (from quail to turkey), reptiles, amphibians, and farmer's chickens, Size: 21–30 inches long (minus the tail, which is 12–24 inches). The next year two new teams were added, Loyola and Bishop Amat. Cool vids too. One early morning when it was still dark my husband was snow blowing. Excellent hub. Thanks for subscribing! Connie Smith from Southern Tier New York State on October 25, 2012: Hi sgbrown!

I do get to see a Ferrell, Puma and Bobcat around here on occasion. saw large wildcat head looked like bobcat but the body was 3+ ft long and bobcat tail looked like a leapord body markings,las cruces nm write below organ mountains, I hope that you can help me At school my granddaughter is currently (she is 8) working on wild cats. I did not say, "Hi kitty, kitty." They can often be found in trees, stalking their prey, and unlike most other cats, ocelots don’t mind the water and can swim very well. I have never seen any tracks either. :), Don't know how much u have researched but there are many, Cougar in both Oregon and Washinton. . Jaguarundis are some of the only felines that don't have contrasting colors on the backs of their ears.

Some people say they have seen "panthers" in this area. They are really beautiful too! You really need to take someone with you, or at least a large dog. Five of the six teams have won a CIF-SS championship. You need to write a hub about that, I would love to hear all about it! It was awesome! He almost single-handedly took down the WildC.A.T.S but was stopped by Mr. Voted up, interesting, and shared! He was replaced by Jason Negro. WildC.A.T.S (*C*overt *A*ction *T*eam) is a group of heroes created by Jim Lee, and is one of the major Wildstorm titles though the first volume was an Image comic. Our purpose is to raise awareness and create a channel from interest in wild cats and wild cat conservation to action. People use to also keep ocelots as pets. Beautiful photos. I am perplexed at the fear people have for these animals.

Jaguars normally hunt on the ground, but will also climb trees and pounce on their prey from above. This was very interesting and now I know where they all are. Re'al Mitchell (2018) Led the Braves to win their second title in the 2016 CIF Southen Section Championships against De La Salle.
Though the cougar population was nearly extirpated in most of its eastern North American range, it is globally listed as "Least Concern". I have seen two bobcats, at different times, walk across our backyard before. 7-8-15.. I only caught a fleeting glimpse but I've never forgotten it. They inhabit woodlands, forest areas and swamp lands, as well as some semi-arid areas. It was huge! Informative hub. I looked up at the hayloft and there it was - BIG - but it was a domestic cat, white and black fur and the usual house cat look but for its huge size.

Indian Chef from New Delhi India on May 17, 2013: Hi Mrs Brown, I like big cats and tigers are my fav. I have had to be reminded that they are wild creatures as well. An android created by Emp and given the personality of another Kherubim warrior. CANADIAN SPORTS NETWORK P.O.

But then, I don't live in "cougar" country. In 2019 the Trinity League was named by MaxPreps as the toughest high school football league in the United States. You can also check out our "Live Now" page for …