time. Pay As You Go or subscribe to Careskills Unlimited giving you unrestricted access to over 60 online care courses as well as our intuitive LMS. For advice on what to look out for, see our guide to choosing an online course. Find out more on What about me? To get in touch please email: training@cruse.org.uk.

You might find that studying online is easier to fit in around caring than a classroom based course. We’d love to keep you updated with news about carers, our activities and appeals, Help if English is not your first language, Funding for social care in the UK – a Carers Trust Survey for adult carers, Our survey on the impact of Coronavirus on young carers and young adult carers, Activities for carers in Northern Ireland, Support in Northern Ireland outside of the Southern Health and Social Care Trust area, Going Further and Going Higher Materials for Colleges and Universities, Going Further for Student Carers: Recognition Award, Going Higher for Student Carers: Recognition Award, Resources for College and University Staff (Supporting Student Carers), Policy and Strategic Influencing in Scotland, Policy consultations and responses in Scotland, Triangle of Care: supporting carers of people experiencing mental health problems in Scotland, Mental health strategic influencing in Scotland, Young carer and young adult carer work in Scotland, Primary and secondary education in Scotland, Scottish Young Carers Festival 2020 – Life in Lockdown, Young carer and young adult carer Coronavirus research, Steep decline in mental health of Scottish young carers following Coronavirus outbreak, Codi arian ar gyfer Ymddiriedolaeth Gofalwyr Cymru, Cyngor Ieuenctid Ymddiriedolaeth Gofalwyr Cymru, Getting the best from your pharmacy team during COVID-19, Gwneud yn fawr o’ch tîm fferyllol yn ystod COVID-19, Supporting young carers through the pandemic, Grŵp Ymgysylltu Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Gofalwyr – Wythnos Ymgysylltu, Grantiau caledi ar gyfer gofalwyr yng Nghymru, Research into unpaid carers in Wales who are from an ethnic minority, Ymchwil i ofalwyr di-dâl yng Nghymru sydd o leiafrif ethnig, Making an impact on Young Carers Awareness Day 2020, All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Young Carers and Young Adult Carers, MPs make pledge to support young carers and young adult carers during Coronavirus crisis, How caring affects a carer's mental health, Benefits and money - where to get help and advice, Getting support if you are a young carer or young adult carer, Information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) for young carers and young adult carers, Caring for someone with a specific condition, Caring for someone with a learning disability, Caring for someone with alcohol or substance misuse issues, Caring for someone with a mental health problem, Caring for someone with an eating disorder, Caring for someone with suicidal thoughts, Online training for people caring for someone with dementia, Help with tasks at home such as gardening and cleaning, Checking your care provider meets quality standards, Getting an annual review of the support you need from your care provider, How your support package will be developed, Reassure yourself about the care support staff who will be supporting you in the home, The cost of paid care at home and what is covered, Relationships with your partner, family and friends, Coping as a carer during Coronavirus, a personal take, Help when a carer has to go into hospital, Know your Rights - Support for Young Carers and Young Adult Carers in England, Advocacy and getting help with complaints, Social care, care home or paid care worker complaints, Free entry for carers to visitor attractions, A guide to getting into work for young adult carers, Talking to the person you care for about your new job, Helping Arjun get experience volunteering, Helping Christine to use her caring skills, Helping Lauren to go on a counselling course, Helping Mary get a job as a care assistant, Helping Paul rediscover his passion for the creative industry, Helping Peter get the right qualifications, Helping Suzanne identify her transferable skills, Setting Tanya on a new path to working as a security officer, How Working for Carers is making a difference, Measuring the impact of COVID-19 on young carers, Supporting carers through the Coronavirus crisis, The difference a Carers Trust grant makes, Meeting basic needs with a Carers Trust grant. ContinueFind out more. The diabetes awareness training is a half-day course that provides a good understanding of the underlying physiology of and the complications with diabetes as well as offering practical advice to help support an individual with diabetes. It has lots of good links and resources, and can help you find the right course for you. We also provide an intuitive Learning Management System to help you meet staff training compliance challenges. Carer Support Group Facilitator Training Online Two-Part Program. All of our courses are also available to private carers and even people looking after friends or relatives. Complete Ipsos MORI survey to give us your feedback about the service. The course is available in Welsh and English. receive high-quality service”. The Open and Distance Learning Quality Council's guide may help you to find good quality online courses. Consultus Carer training courses Care courses enhance your knowledge and confidence, and open up more work opportunities for you. In Scotland, the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is available to eligible people aged 16 to 19 who have reached school leaving age.

This information is used to make the website work as well as possible and improve our services. You’ve accepted all cookies. Click here. “Can be used flexibly whilst ensuring that as an organisation we maintain a safe, competent and legally compliant workforce”, “A cost-effective method of training with

Study at home! Who we work with. Have a look at our training pages to find out more, when and where our training events are happening and how to book your place.

Careskills Academy is a leading Skills for Care endorsed eLearning provider, with our roots in care, providing CPD accredited online social care courses. So now you know what you need in terms of training, what are your prospects like? No account? is very thorough and informative”, “We have developed a close working They will help you work out if any other benefits you claim might be affected. There are also commercial organisations offering some of their usually paid for courses for free. Get unrestricted access to our 60+ online care courses – including the Care Certificate for as little as 47p per user/per month.

Improve your own maths or help your children to learn number skills. Collectively, we have nearly 50 years’ experience in health and social care and are passionate about providing the very best learning solutions for our social care workforce. You might find that studying online is easier to fit in around caring than a classroom based course. Career Training Courses. With HUNDREDS of online career training programs you can find the program that fits your needs. Parkinson’s Explained is a three hour workshop, endorsed by the Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialist Association (PDNSA) and designed to give carers an improved understanding of Parkinson’s disease.

Flexible and consistent learning to fit around your busy schedule. Giving you the flexibility to stay on top of your staff training, and your staff freedom to learn at a time, place and pace that suits them. Our e-learning courses () are also produced by subject experts, and are available online for instant access. Fatherhood Training. Cruse Bereavement Care provides training and consultancy for any external organisation who may encounter bereaved people in the course of their work. Care for the Family offers high quality training which will equip and enable you to support couples, deliver our popular range of Time Out for Parents courses or to support bereaved people. Terms of Use You can explore providers, the subjects they offer and the levels available before choosing. “The automatic training matrix is brilliant; Our training courses cost £65 a day and £35 for half a day. Skip to main content. Password. Skills to be more effective in a business environment. Personal development and lifestyle courses, Open and Distance Learning Quality Council's guide, state funded colleges and training organisations, large employers in a range of sectors like finance, IT, business and engineering. Communicating with Family and Friends Online Workshop. For Face to Face courses, held at our head office in Stoke on Trent – Click Here.

Tell us … Create an account ; Forgot your username? "Welcome to a place where you can be active, engaged & inspired" Which site do you want to access? ContinueFind out more. beta From specialist to mandatory, our course library has a wide range of eLearning material … 10.00am - 11.00am. Our training is delivered by practising healthcare professionals who understand the unique needs and challenges you face. Download Course List Trustpilot. That is why, Careskills Academy is endorsed by Skills for Care, CPD accredited, members of the Care Learning Coalition and we are fully compliant with the requirements of the Care Quality Commission (CQC). LEARN MORE.

Support people to develop the skills they need to start working in adult social care with our pre-employment training. Then this is the program for you.