Similarly, she celebrates her birthday on every 8th of March. Awuoro I love you very much . Jacky Chan was still a boy,Donnie Yen was Toni Jah’s idol and please don’t mention Jet Lee because I’ll probably cry(he is very ill) and I loved Samoh Hung. With most of her fans wondering what the Queen of Martial Arts has been up to these days, here’s some update from her from the Fantasia International Film Festival in Montreal. Hehee…ati on respective heads. From time to time, she makes movies and has appeared in some as guests. Similarly, she celebrates her birthday on every 8th of March. However, there is no information on when they got divorced. Cynthia Rothrock - The Queen of Martial Arts, - Taekwando All round you hear words and commands like, “kaa chini,simama kijana,kila mutu atoe kipande,simama kama umekaa,piga magoti na kichwa”. Man I was only 12.Lets start this story from the beginning. Baby she had the ability to kick the head of the person choke holding her.My granny always warned me against going to those Video Show rooms,but I simply loved the action too much to quit so she resolved to beatings. Cynthia is there doing her thing,fighting the bad guys for whatever reasons. She first made a name as an action actress in Hong Kong before going on to wow audiences in her home turf. ( Log Out / July 8, 2019 cyntfanpage At a time when superheroes, especially female ones, were non-existent, Cynthia Rothrock was one of the legends of numerous action films and movies. After their separation, she started her relationship with Daniel. Cynthia Rothrock earned her Queen of Martial Arts title by being recognized as a world champion for five times with specialties in weapons and forms. She keeps busy in her martial arts studio, teaching private lessons. At the time of her popularity, she was well-known as the "Queen of Martial Arts films". Later, Cynthia became five-time World Karate champion. Also enjoy responsibly,don’t drink and drive,or drink and ride or drink and cycle. The music plus the movie has stopped, people are running towards the back door only to find more cops. I cried my ass off for the better part of of the night. Similarly, Cynthia earns an excellent amount and has maintained a huge net worth out of her successful profession. Man,I was the youngest. I got to the movie house just as the movie was starting, paid my 5 bob and sat on those wooden benches. After her retirement in 2004, she shifted her focus to running a martial arts studio, giving out private lessons. As of now, Rothrock is busy with her martial arts studio in Studio City, California. Telling whoever was knocking the door “dhii itug kumipiele buana” which loosely translates to “I love you very much” hahahha. - Eagle Claw Cynthia Rothrock’s Age, Birthday (Zodiac Sign) Born on 8 March 1957, Cynthia Rothrock is in her 62-years of age as of 2019. Not only this but she collected black belt in Taekwondo, Karate, and Eagle Claw as well. Cynthia Rothrock appeared in the UK at TMAS 2011 ,this will be her first time back in the UK for eight years.Luckily my good self and a fellow member Cloudtoe attended the show on the Saturday the 7th of May and got to spend some time with Cynthia. ... Severin Blu-ray Review Round-Up: Satan’S Slave (1980), Horrors Of Spider Island (1960), The Strange Vice Of Mrs. Wardh (1971), An Action Classic That Never Happened: William Friedkin directs Stallone and Rothrock in The Executioner, Cynthia Rothrock: The First Lady of International Action, Star Raiders: The Adventures of Saber Raine, Zen and Now: A Dinner with David Carradine & Friends, Action Magazine Martial Arts Film Festival, Part 1, The Art of Action: Martial Arts in Motion Picture, Masters of the Martial Arts Presented by Wesley Snipes, Encyclopedia of Martial Arts: Hollywood Celebrities. On 8-3-1957 Cynthia Rothrock was born in Wilmington, Delaware. So I was roaming through google this morning when I came across a certain lady’s name and image. Today’s biography is about Cynthia Rothrock who ranked herself 8th Degree Black Belt in Tang Soo Do, a Korean based karate martial-art. At first I obliged but looking back, I thank God for two things; 1,I was raised with empathy and 2,sodomy and gaysm wasn’t that rampant in Kenya around that time. For Heaven’s sake my first night in a cell was because of her. 62-years old, Cynthia stands at a height of 1.6 m i.e. This is for you. If you are a martial-artist enthusiast, then you have fallen in the right article. hahahah I see your drama started pretty early in life! As per several tabloids, the couple has already divorced. There’s another December story I can tell though, this memory was triggered by Google. The usual drunkards in the show room talked and shouted shit back. There was Cynthia Luster(real name Yukari Oshima),Cynthia Khan(real name Yang Li-tsing) and Michelle Yeoh but my all time crush was Cynthia Rothrock. Besides, Cynthia has also made her appearance in the movie, Yes, Madam opposite Michelle Yeoh. (Those days there were no rechargeable torches or batteries) so he asked me to wait for him in the movie theatre while he went back to get new batteries from the house. During her days in the “Asian action cinema”, Rothrock set a record of becoming the very first non-Chinese westerner to carry an action movie single-handedly in Hong Kong. There were no subtitles either and Dj Afro was probably still in primary school. It’s wishful thinking to hope that women get to run everything, but to be seen as equals is something that she looks forward to. In addition to that, she also travels to many different countries to attend workshops, classes, and seminars. Besides, her birth sign (Zodiac Sign) is Pisces. Austin and I hiking getting ready for Patagonia trek in January, A post shared by Cynthia Rothrock (@cynthiarothrockladydragon) on Nov 12, 2017 at 12:17pm PST. Everytime i think of December a painful memory pops up. Then there’s prayers and we come to sleeping time. She first made a name as an action actress in Hong Kong before going on to wow audiences in her home turf. In fact, she loved it there that she postponed her trip to spend more time in the city. About twenty minutes into the action we hear knocks on the door. - Karate Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The Queen of Martial Arts is already semi-retired, only occasionally coming out to do a project or two. Since childhood, Rothrock was so much fascinated about martial arts and her family also supported her a lot. There were no mobile phones either to call and verify this new version of my story. - Karate When she was just 13 years old, Rothrock started taking martial arts lesson while she was in Scranton, Pennsylvania. She plans to enjoy her stay and explore the city. Which loosely translates to (You stop making noise, here we are not your mother, you’ve set foot in a police Cell so from today you are a grown up). On the silver screen Cynthia Rothrock has made just under 50 movies, most of which, are very familiar to martial arts fans, and some are even considered classic. Besides, her movie, Eye for an Eye collected $26.9 Million on the box office with a total budget of $20 Million. December is too nostalgic for me. It was before she thought to use her talent in the film industry. Going through her Instagram profile, Cynthia seems to be a dog lover. On the silver screen Cynthia Rothrock has made just under 50 movies, most of which, are very familiar to martial arts fans, and some are even considered classic. Honor & Glory. Helmets and condoms to be worn on respective heads. In a recent visit to Alappuzha, Kerala, Queen of Martial Arts Cynthia Rothrock taught karate to some 200 Alappuzha students.