You might also like: Questions for couples. The couple’s children usually plan the silver anniversary party, which includes party games. any questions you would add to the list to ask each year? Do you think you know enough about anniversary? Celebrate each year of your life together by asking these anniversary questions for couples. Who is the better cook? Some couples might surprise you.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'weddinganniversaryadvice_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_6',108,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'weddinganniversaryadvice_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',108,'0','1'])); This classic outdoor game will be perfect for kids and adults who want to change the environment and the best part is that it is a DIY that doesn’t need a lot of spending. Do you think you know enough about anniversary? How have we grown as a couple in this last year? Our online anniversary trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top anniversary quizzes. When you're preparing to raise a glass to honor a couple at their wedding anniversary party, kick up the event's fun factor by having a series of entertaining questions in your hip pocket. It will bring back some memories for the elderly and help the youth learn more about the past. Filed Under: Questions for couples, Anniversaries. (Photo by John Kenney, The Gazette). Each one of these five guests has to cling clothes pegs to the rest of the guests without them realizing. You might also like: Questions to ask married couples about their relationship. The trivia contest game falls in this category. Do you know what song is music’s biggest hit ever? The 1st wedding anniversary is... Your first wedding anniversary theme is paper. Social media and large-group games for an anniversary party, Outdoor and physical games for an anniversary party. For example: Who is the best driver? After all, this fun wooden-block game has been part of many people’s childhood. Place those messages into the piñata and the honored couple will open it after some time of having publicly expressed their love. The first person who finishes the entire chart wins the game and gets to say the answers out loud with the mic, naming people and their thoughts. Test your knowledge of the D-Day landings. Which of these is most suitable for a couple that loves fitness programs? Top 10 Magnificent Takeaways From The One Billion Dollar Russian Wedding, 7 Fantastic Ideas For Indian Couples To Add A Romantic Touch To Their Wedding Celebrations, 6 Bollywood And Television Celebrities Who Are About To Become Proud Parents Soon, 8 Wisest Marriage Lessons That Only Your Grandparents Can Teach You, This Beautiful Palace Wedding Of 'English Babu' And 'Desi Mem' Will Amaze You. This game is specifically designed for the honored couple. The anniversary questions for couples are designed to focus on the year you’ve just had and to also think about the year ahead. However, not every game is suitable for an anniversary party. Who’s more likely to make the bedroom floor their personal laundry basket? The following games have been subdivided into 4 categories for the very same purpose. Take a look at these as well: 7 Fantastic Ideas For Indian Couples To Add A Romantic Touch To Their Wedding Celebrations. Who initiated the first kiss? Who’s more likely to save all their money? Â Team BollywoodShaadis But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Both husband(s) and/or wife(ves) have to take off their shoes and exchange only one of them. Then, ask the member of the couple who is still in the room these questions about themselves, it can be their favorite movie, TV show or even their dream vacation. Raising the bride’s shoe will mean that the answer to the question is “the bride,” while raising the grooms shoe will mean that the answer to the question is “the groom.” A DJ can also ask questions with more detailed answers. Please click on the verification link we just sent you. The fun part is they won’t be able to see each other’s answers but they can guest the answer by the reaction of their guests. Who generally picks up the tab at restaurants? Blindfold the wife and ask her to find her husband among all the men in the room based on touch and olfactory functions. link to What is the 1st Wedding Anniversary Gift? Who’s more likely to cry during a sad movie? yes, i totally kicked off my polka dotted heels the moment after the ceremony and wore my chacos the rest of the night. Who takes up more than their half of the bed? What was our most embarrassing moment as a couple? enter your email & receive posts directly to your inbox! While the music sounds, people have to pass the gift. Are You Profiting From Your Relationship? This person can smell, as well as touch the faces and -previously agreed- parts of the body of the four people in front to recognize the person. Some ideas that would make it interesting would be to have duets for couples, insert some songs for the honored couple have the spotlight and invite some people -singles preferably- to come forward and take the mic or dance in the process. The following games have been subdivided into 4 categories for the very same purpose. Then, change partners and do the same. Almost done! eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'weddinganniversaryadvice_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',104,'0','0'])); Another idea that would fit perfectly is to place some props in a small table so guests can take some funny and different selfies. These games will make all the guests at the party and the honored couple laugh. Looking back, how could we have handled the situation differently? Who controls the TV remote? These anniversary questions for couples can be used every year! Social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook or Twitter), An artificial green or croquet implements. Everybody knows Jenga. Who doesn’t believe in organising the wardrobe? How often does the iconic PVM spotlight flash over your home? Who farts more? At the party, have the husband sit in a chair at the front of the room facing his guests.