The boys have adapted the scene to the modern day and in groups of three are acting it out in front of the rest of the class. Here, we've ranked our picks for top 10 Romeo and Juliet film adaptations. a = s.createElement(o), But their brief, doomed obsession with each other does cut to the core of Genevieve’s question about what makes the play so enduring. (function(d,s,a,b){a=d.createElement(s);b=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];a.async=1;a.src="";b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b);})(document,"script"); DOMAIN = ''; For a modern audience the ages of Romeo and Juliet would have to be increased if only to comply with marriage laws nowadays. They would not have high social standing overall but within their own, The mind body distinction is a myth derived from philosophers such as Plato Essay, Topic: Romeo and Juliet in a modern version adaptation ideas, Franco Zeffili's Film Version of Romeo and Juliet Essay, How successful is Baz Luhrmann's adaptation of Romeo and Juliet in Representing William Shakespeare's original ideas and why is it so popular with young people today? Romeo And Juliet is a pretty good play, you guys! The first recorded American film version of the classic tragedy was a 1908 silent short directed by Stuart Blackton, though it’s thought to be predated by earlier attempts from George Méliès and Thomas Edison that have since been lost. In the film the tension is built... Hollywood has developed many Shakespeare plays into motion pictures, but this does not always reach success. How about receiving a customized one? (It’s also difficult to find a stage production that isn’t informed to some extent by an existing film version, but that’s an essay for another time and site.). This part of the scene is light-hearted, although Benvolio is worried about the events that may follow due to the hot weather. Want to add some juice to your work? ga('send', 'pageview'); (Well, that and the tasteful nudity. There’s a strong dramatic appeal to that concept. Most, like Franco Zeffirelli’s 1968 Romeo and Juliet or Kenneth Branagh’s Henry V, stayed true to the period, with a production and set design that could best be described as authentic. //= get_template_directory_uri(); ?> var eltdCoreAjaxUrl = "" {"@context":"","@graph":[{"@type":"WebSite","@id":"","url":"","name":"Artscolumbia","description":"","potentialAction":[{"@type":"SearchAction","target":"{search_term_string}","query-input":"required name=search_term_string"}],"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"WebPage","@id":"","url":"","name":"Romeo and Juliet in a modern version adaptation ideas | Artscolumbia","isPartOf":{"@id":""},"datePublished":"2017-11-05T12:58:51+00:00","dateModified":"2018-09-14T10:57:52+00:00","author":{"@id":""},"description":"\u2705 Get an answer for \u3010MY VERSION OF ROMEO AND JULIET IN A MODERN SETTING\u3011 and find homework help for other questions at Artscolumbia \u2705 Everything you need to know \u2705 The best writers! As I got older, I started to read the dialogue between Romeo and Juliet as self-deluded, the words of romantic kids in love with the idea of being in love more than in love with each other, and willing to follow that infatuation to its tragic conclusion. The servants could fight with fists and pieces of wood. It makes me think Romeo And Juliet, at least in cinematic form, isn’t really suited to modern adult audiences—which may be why the most notable big-screen attempts have seemingly made an effort to appeal to younger audiences who might initially balk at something as old and musty as a centuries-old play by that Shakespeare guy their teachers are always talking about. © 2020 Pitchfork Media Inc. All rights reserved. ga('create', 'UA-90324623-5', 'auto'); The following exchanges would need to be a lot less dramatic and less dynamic. I don’t think we’ve gotten that yet—though I haven’t seen the new version, and maybe Tasha’s terribly, terribly wrong about it. After a long pause the two servants would appear. particular the adaptations of Romeo and Juliet by Franco Zeffirelli in 1968 and Romeo + Juliet by Baz Luhrmann in 1996. a.appendChild(r); He got inspired to draw/paint his doodles for 12 hours…, @DerbyGrammar: Our Reception boys are now well into their new topic, 'seasons'. Which versions stand out for you guys, for their positives or their negatives? Their first meeting is for flirting, leading up to kissing; virtually everything after that is either talking eagerly about what it’ll be like when they’re together again, or talking wistfully about how at any moment, they’re going to have to endure a few more hours of not looking deeply into each other’s eyes. I would not introduce additional dialogue or sub-plots. Yes, Franco Zeffelli's film was an improvement overShakespeares play because he changed the dialogue a little, he made the locationbetter, and the Tybalt and Romeo duel was action packed.I really liked the real elaborate scenery in the movie. Hi there, would you like to get such an essay? Someone of the standing, who has intelligence and is well respected. m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m) (I say “Love Shack.” Insert whatever song you need to.) This would be repeated for the arrival of the second two with long shots but as the fight scene progresses the cutting would become rapid and shorter until the Prince appears when the film would return to longer shots. The prince of Verona could be a corrupt politician worried about the two families causing too much trouble. How does Shakespeare contribute to the personalities and motivations of his characters? These seem accessible in an increasing integrated world but I would change the first names to make them more westernised whilst trying to preserve some connection with the original name e.g. Littleover In both film versions of Romeo and... Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare, is a play which shows how prejudice leads to escalating violence. I also liked... Media is contemporary communication, it is featured everywhere and influences, even controls our lives by moulding our fashion, views, ideas and tastes. They never get old and fat; they never make it to the point of arguing over him leaving his socks on the floor, or her using up all the toothpaste, or whose jerky family to spend Christmas with. Moving image is our specific topic of media, focusing on Baz Luhrmann's adaptation of William Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'. The film would have more possibilities to be shot in colour. Keith: Hmm… It’s been a while since I’ve read Romeo And Juliet, I’ll have to be honest. For example in Shakespeare's Macbeth the opening scene is three witches which would almost certainly grab and involve the audience as witches were very controversial and feared of in the 17th century. DE23 4BX, Admissions Luhrmann has chosen to cast a black American female newsreader, contradicting our expectations of a white English cast throughout.