I want to put up some short videos to cover some of the basics and late-game stuff that I hope could help the majority of the players :) Feel free to let me know if there is anything you want to see. Other legends say that the ghost-whale brings a powerful curse with it. However, as he nearly finished the work, he suddenly had a fever with unknown causes and even a doctor couldn't detect the factor. Teeth Armor triggers when the protected ally take an action, allowing Bake-kujira to call forth a giant whale that attacks al enemies, dealing True Damage equal to 12% of their max HP (to a max of 100% of the protected ally's ATK). They soon reached the whale, but no matter how many times they hurled their weapons, not one of them struck true. Bake-kujira: his skills have the words "her" although he's a boy. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Copyright © NetEase, Inc.. If the animals were eaten after eating the decomposing whale many illnesses could be transferred. Bake-Kujira can also withstand Viy's blizzard.

While majority of ghost stories involving whales in Japan feature whale spirits and sea gods to curse and punish on humanity and leave severe damages on societies, the story of Bake-Kujira is a rare case without such happenings. Bakekujira Meaning

1996 Customize your team to become the ultimate Onmyoji. Another story included a whale dressed in a kimono was said to have brought the secrets of rice cultivation to Japan. This the worst nightmare for the villages because it is the complete opposite of what finding a whale usually brings. https://onmyoji.fandom.com/wiki/Bakekujira?oldid=32112, Team Bakekujira with another Onmyouji's Kingyo Hime and clear any instance 10 times. Later, he saved and helped Kitarō and the others on several occasions, even to travel long distances and to battle against foes. This page was last edited on 15 September 2018, at 14:24. Bake-Kujira (化け鯨, lit. Mother had a strange look when she looked at me, as if she didn't recognize me at all after being taken away by those strange ships. r/Onmyoji: Welcome to a community for Onmyoji 阴阳师, a traditional Japanese styled strategy RPG developed by Netease. While the ghost whale was never seen again, other villages in Shimane felt the whale’s curse, being consumed by conflagrations and plagued by infectious diseases following whale beachings.". In other stories people say that the Bake-kujira brings a curse and general misfortune to the area where it is spotted. None. When he recognized the face of the woman lying on the shore, he dropped to the ground. [3][4], Bake-Kujira later helped the Kitarō Family to search and save missing Kitarō, and saved the family from Kyūketsuju's children, exterminating them with sea water in episode 104.[5].


I have been using this team since Shira released. There, he plays his conch on fishermen's wives, whom he believed as his mother, luring them into the sea and drowning them. Home In episode 98, Bake-Kujira saved Kitarō and the others from Viy and attacked it. I looked from afar at the stove fire in the house where Mother was cooking. Water covered her knees, her waist, her chest. Gallery.

Bakekujira化鯨 Huàjīng化鯨 North America (Minus Mexico and Caribbean), Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology, https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Bake-Kujira?oldid=104864. Japanese Also has a 30% chance to invite an ally with Teeth Armor to join the attack. His original illustration of Bake-Kujira could have been inspired by the artwork, In the 1996 anime, Bake-Kujira's blowhole's position differs between their appearances, being located within their spine near their skull. Bake-Kujira appears in episode #18 of the fourth anime adaptation, Deep Sea Mystery!

Raises protected ally’s move bar by 20% after his/her turn (not stackable with Teeth Armor). 5.1 The four Bake team were once dominating in PvP. Bake-Kujira in the series have been noted as powerful but kind-natured, protecting the graveyard of whales, spirits of whales, and the ocean and its wildlife hence called Umi-no-Shugo-Yōkai (海の守護妖怪, lit.

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Translation: ghost whale Alternate names: hone kujira (“bone whale”) Habitat: Sea of Japan Diet: none. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It was when he started working on a kamishibai titled Bake-Kujira, telling a story of a man who kept eating whale meat gradually turns into a whale. I am back now and have created a youtube channel.

The Bake-kujira (化鯨, literally "ghost whale") is a mythical Japanese yōkai (ghost, phantom, or strange apparition) from western Japan. Bake-kujira, Bake-kujira, Bake-kujira, Bake-kujira, Shiranui, with Kagura. They are unable to speak the human language, instead communicating through whale songs similar to that of baleen whales.[2]. Their skull is rounded with empty eye sockets and a mouth that has a row of sharp teeth on their upper jaw, overall their facial structure gives them the impression of a permanent scowl. The arrival of a whale could save a village teetering on the edge of starvation and ruin. Most people would build him with either Shadow or Fortune Cat.

Every time that ally moves, a giant whale is summoned and attacks all enemies dealing true damage equal to 12% of their max HP (cannot exceed 100% of protected ally's attack). Slot 4 and 6 are usually either HP or ATK. But that's impossible. Be the first to leave a review. ... Onmyoji Guide Youtube Channel Live! What do you think of this Shikigami? True Damage ignores DEF and does not trigger critical hits. Appearance: Bakekujira are animated whale skeletons which sail near the surface of the sea, rising as they did in life when they needed air to breathe.They are followed by a host of eerie birds and strange fish, and appear on rainy nights near coastal whaling villages. Bake-Kujira can glow with a green aura. This damage will not trigger the enemies' mitama or passives.

This is a legend told by many Japanese fisherman and sailors that describes the Bake-Kujira: "One rainy night long ago, some fishers living on the Shimane peninsula witnessed an enormous white shape off the coast in the Sea of Japan. Because Mother said that I was the love of her life! What had happened? Body Armor triggers when the protected ally takes critical damage, reducing the critical damage by 50%. I played the tune I knew best with the conch in my hand. On rainy nights, he often goes to human villages to look for his mother.
Là một thức thần hỗ trợ phản sát thương diện rộng cực mạnh trong pvp của Âm Dương Sư sắp tới, hãy cùng tham khảo cách chơi của Hóa Kình - SR Bake Kujira với ngự hồn và đội hình mạnh nhất. Orochi, Otakemaru, Bake-kujira, Bake-kujira, Shiranui, with Kagura.

Bake-Kujira. Fishermen hunted these whales in a practice called Passive Whaling, using harpoons to kill the whale that was trapped in the shallows. All the fish and birds may have been there for food as a dead whale is a large feast for such small animals and maybe the animals followed the corpse from far out and the villagers were not familiar to the wild and unknown beasts. Example: Fortune Cat/Sea Sprite/Tree Nymph/ etc. Thanks for the soul guide, this site give the best soul guide, imo.

Finally got a new update video of my duel lately from slacking for months now.

3 Orb. In the dark. Was it because she had stayed too long in her shape-shifted form, and could no longer regain her original body? The most relevant buff is AOE damage after the buff shikigami taking action.