For $3.00, yeah, it is slightly entertaining...for these online "book barons" never selling at their $30 price tag... don't get conned by high price means great book. Book is in Used-Good condition. King Of The Dead (Ravenloft) Gene DeWeese and Danilo Gonzalez. King of the Dead (novel), a novel set in the Ravenloft campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons. The greatest challenge he overcomes is in deftly handling the issue of Azalin's magical amnesia and Darkon's memory drain. Satisfaction Guaranteed! This is the Fifteenth (#15) in an number of tie-in novels of Ravenloft Gothic horror tales dealing with the masters and monsters set in the Demiplane of Dread. It also introduces the new (and now-canonical) concept of Azalin splitting into two incarnations after leaving Barovia: a mortal wizard and an undead king, named Darcalus. We’d love your help. TSR, Lake Geneva WI, 1996. Approved third parties also use these tools in connection with our display of ads. King Of The Dead (Ravenloft) by Gene DeWeese and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available. (Portland, ME, U.S.A.), About this Item: TSR, Lake Geneva WI, 1996. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Ravenloft book #13 Rare. Unable to add item to List. Then when they do find out, show them that knowledge has its own unwelcome price... and that by regaining their memories, they may have become the exact thing they were trying to avoid. (1996), ISBN 10: 0786904836ISBN 13: 9780786904839, From: Lord Azalin is trapped in Ravenloft and is seeking a way out. | Contact this seller King Of The Dead (Ravenloft) Mass Market Paperback – March 1, 1996 by Gene DeWeese (Author), Danilo Gonzalez (Illustrator) 4.4 out of 5 stars 10 ratings Book 13 of 17 in the Ravenloft Books Series New. Condition: New. Although it's a little wobbly on Azalin's character, it hits all the facts just right and introduces plenty more of its own. The book also ends chronologically just as Azalin takes control of Darkon, so later developments such as the Kargat, Grand Conjunction, and Llowellyn Dachine are left out. King of the Dead is a fantasy novel by Gene DeWeese, set in the world of Ravenloft, and is based on the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. It also analyses reviews to verify trustworthiness. However, the first thing I should point out is that it is not as tightly written nor as personal as "I, Strahd". Danilo Gonzalez (illustrator). Long after Strahd von Zarovich got his time in the limelight with the excellent "I, Strahd", Darkon's darklord gets the similar treatment by a talented author. Please try again. Author: Gene DeWeese Type: Novel Format: 315 pages book Release date: March 1996 Other notes: Domain: Darkon, Barovia. More information about this seller | Contact this seller King of the Dead is The Thirteenth book in an open-ended series of Gothic Horror Tales dealing with masters and monsters of the Ravenloft dark fantasy realm. Perhaps for space concerns, there are several important periods that the book leaves out. Mass Market Paperback. DeWeese sticks with the third person viewpoint throughout, and the characterization of Azalin and his colleagues are told from the more traditional externalized narrative, rather than the first-person wry monologue of P. N. Elrod's Strahd. The novel ends by bringing the readers back to Darkon as Azalin assumes rulership and comes to terms with his new imprisonment as Darkon's darklord.