Tag: Bantustan Leaders EFF Statement on the Anniversary of the Death of Solomon Mahlangu Day (06.04.2016) The EFF marks the 37th Anniversary of the hanging of Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu by the murderous racist apartheid regime in 1979. On the eve of the 1994 general election, South Africa's former homelands, also known as Bantustans, were reintegrated and the four existing provinces were divided into nine. R.156 in SA Government Gazette No. In theory, self-governing Bantustans had control over many aspects of their internal functioning but were not yet sovereign nations. For young and old South Africans alike, the Bantustans then are an easy reference point to a time when ethnic differences were institutionalized and regulated in the political sphere. I territori dei bantustan erano frammentati in numerose enclavi, con confini tracciati secondo principi spesso piuttosto macchinosi. 2377 of 2 May 1969. Criminality and a widespread sense of precarity and insecurity characterize the lives of most poor, black South Africans. 5736 of 31 August 1956 with effect from 1 September 1956. R.12 in SA Government Gazette No. R.2021 in SA Government Gazette No. R.11, 1977, in SA Government Gazette No. Though some Bantustan leaders were more progressive than others – Enos Mabuza of KaNgwane for example, led a delegation to meet the ANC in exile – the Bantustans were a vital cog in the machinery of the apartheid state. When the National Party came to power in 1948, Minister for Native Affairs (and later Prime Minister of South Africa) Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd built on this, introducing a series of measures that reshaped South African society such that whites would be the demographic majority. 279 in SA Government Gazette No. Il termine bantustan si riferisce ai territori del Sudafrica e della Namibia assegnati alle etnie nere dal governo sudafricano nell'epoca dell'apartheid. The word bantustan, today, is often used in a pejorative sense when describing a region that lacks any real legitimacy, consists of several unconnected enclaves, or emerges from national or international gerrymandering. Oupa Gqozo, the last ruler of Ciskei, entered his African Democratic Movement in the 1994 elections but was unsuccessful. 26 of 1980), Representative Authority of the Caprivians Proclamation, 1980 (Proclamation AG. 26 of 1980), Representative Authority of the Caprivians Proclamation, 1980 (Proclamation AG. Negotiations took place against a backdrop of political violence in the country, including allegations of a state-sponsored third force destabilising the country. The clamor for a ‘credible opposition’ in South Africa. R.143 in SA Government Gazette No. This paper asserts that the traditional authorities in the Bantustans of Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei seemed to be used by the apartheid regime and were no longer accountable to their communities but to the apartheid regime. As the acclaimed scholar of Xhosa history, Jeff Peires notes about the former Transkei, “the old [Bantustan] government structures were corrupt and inefficient, but a bribe in the right place could always get your road fixed in time for a wedding or funeral.” The rules for getting ahead in democratic South Africa are often fairer in theory, but more opaque in practice. Called the KwaNdebele Constitution Proclamation, 1979. The Transkeian Territories General Council and the Pondoland General Council were amalgamated to become the United Transkeian Territories General Council, with effect from 1 January 1931, by Proclamation No.