The English language uses many Greek and Latin roots, stems, and prefixes. Greek Root: melan Meaning: dark, black Root Words: melancholy, melanin, melatonin, 26. Greek Root: hero Meaning: hero Root Words: heroic, heroine, heroism, 23. Close. Have a doubt? Also you can always make an educated guess with the help of Greek Roots when you encounter unknown Greek Root words. This jewelry line, now known as Babylonia, incorporates traditional symbols into each piece which signaling the lost values of life. Athens. By learning root words, you can decipher unfamiliar words, expand your vocabulary, and become a better English speaker. Greek Root: strat Meaning: army Root Words: stratocracy, stratonic, strategy, 30. I am aware that dealing with obstacles like distance, language, different system and laws, red tape, even lack of trust and communication, is challenging and stressful. Penlighten keeps you informed about some commonly used Greek roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Quick view. A huge focus in fifth grade is word study. You have come to the right place to settle and successfully resolve your cases in Greece. ​Understanding the meanings of the common word roots can help us deduce the meanings of new words that we encounter. These roots are listed alphabetically on three pages: Greek and Latin roots from A to G; Greek and Latin roots from H to O; Greek and Latin roots from P to Z. Start typing to see products you are looking for. Greek Root: hydr Meaning: water Root Words: dehydration, hydroelectricity, hydrae, 24. Greek Root: exo Meaning: outside Root Words: exotic, exosphere, exosome, 14. Grow Your Vocabulary by Learning Root Words. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our, 4 Great Reasons to Learn Greek and Latin Root Words, Words From Psychology That Are Based on Greek or Latin Roots, What Is a Synonym? My daily interaction with people residing in the USA and Australia made me strongly believe that they deserve Α-1 services for their affairs in Greece. Greek Root : biblio Meaning: book Root Words: bibliography, bibliomania, biblioklept, 6. List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes, Lexicon Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis Polonorum, List of Latin and Greek words commonly used in systematic names, List of Latin words with English derivatives,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 17 October 2020, at 03:45. The English language uses many Greek and Latin roots, stems, and prefixes. The table below defines and illustrates 25 of the most common Latin roots. You may have heard the name of Andy Cole (Footballer), Andy Murray (Tennis Player), Andy Milonakis (Actor) and may be another hundred named Andy, but ‘Andy’ is one of many common names which are actually Greek Root Words. Because several modern languages share some of the same ancestor languages, it's not entirely uncommon for several related languages to share root words. Most words in the English language are based on words from ancient Greek and Latin. Wish to drop a word, connect with us or provide feedback? Greek Root: chrome Meaning: colour Root Words: chromatic, chrome, chromium, 8. Greek Root: anthrop Meaning: human Root Words: Anthropology, Misanthrope, Philanthrophy. I invite you to contact me personally in case you have any questions about our services or need advice on your case. Dr. Richard Nordquist is professor emeritus of rhetoric and English at Georgia Southern University and the author of several university-level grammar and composition textbooks. Greek Root: cosm Meaning: universe Root Words: cosmology, cosmonaut, cosmopolitan, 9. Think of the Greek root word tele, which means "far," and inventions that traverse long distances, such as the telegraph, telephone, and television.