The beginning is rather dumb - a girl spurns her fella and he rides off to be an outlaw - and later she rides out after him, all by herself. Grey's descriptions of the landscapes are breathtaking and his characterizations are marvelous, and although there are long stretches where Joan's captivity seems to be interminable, her intelligence and observations of the wild and desperate men around her make her likable and believable. Read a Plot Overview of the entire book or a chapter by chapter Summary and Analysis. ), Seems more complex than the few recent Westerns that I've read, starting with a headstrong young lady. I love the western story here but oh my goodness... about 1/2 way through the girl turns into a whiner and I just couldn't get past it. Written in 1916 when Grey was beginning to churn out one bestseller after another, the premise sounds perfect for a silent movie where the young woman is kidnapped and rescued and kidnapped again - one can almost picture the stylistic silent movie style of the damsel in distress. It was made into a movie of the same name in 1924 and again in 1930. He handled the female persona fairly well and touched on what is now called the "Stockholm syndrome". Riders of the Purple Sage (1912) was his best-selling book. We’d love your help. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 15, 2013. Did I say it's a great romantic tale? She seemed to see into a lonely cabin where a log fire burned low and lamps flickered and blue smoke floated in veils and men lay prone on the floor — Kells, stark and bloody, and the giant Gulden, dead at last and more terrible in death, and on the rude table bags of gold and dull, shining heaps of gold, and scattered on the floor, like streams of sand and useless as sand, dust of gold — the Destroyer. She cannot be judged by today's standards. (c) 1916,1944 Main character Joan Randal gets kidnapped and ends up surviving among desperadoes. The movie The Last Round-Up (1934) starring Randolph Scott, was also based on the novel. Louis Stevens (screenplay), A Border Passage I'm picturing something like Catwoman in Batman. Reviewed in the United States on March 14, 2013, After having recently finished "30,000 on the Hoof," this one was a little bit of a disappointment. The beginning is rather dumb - a girl spurns her fella and he rides off to be an outlaw - and later she rides out after him, all by herself. Test your knowledge on all of The Roman Empire (60 BCE-160 CE). Find the quotes you need to support your essay, or refresh your memory of the book by reading these key quotes. After having recently finished “30,000 on the Hoof,” this one was a little bit of a disappointment. Thank you so much. This is an old book (copyright 1916) and I have read a lot of Zane Grey but I don't think I've read this one before. See a complete list of the characters in Here's where you'll find analysis about the book as a whole. Unable to add item to List. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of. If you like western themes go to to see my paintings of western life. The heroine is spunky and virtuous, the villains are horrible but capable of redemption. And another thing - all horses must be kept off the sidewalks. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 6, 2013, i brought this book because it was free i havent read it yet but i did buy a collection of his novels so i can recommmend it. Among the summaries and analysis available for The Border Legion, there are 1 Short Summary and 2 Book Reviews. After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. By the end of this book, I was rooting like crazy for Joan Randle. When she rides off to stop him, she is kidnapped by the leader of a dangerous gang of outlaws. The Border Legion was adapted to film, in 1918, 1924, 1930, and in 1940. My first Zane Grey novel of the old West. If he guessed wrong, he'd be the same as the bad guys. A great tale of the old West, whose main character is a young woman, Joan Randle. Romance with deception. The Border Legion is a 1916 western novel by Zane Grey. The Border Legion Zane GREY (1872 - 1939) The story of a cold hearted man named Jack Kells who falls in love with Miss Joan Randle, a girl his legion has taken captive near the Idaho border. In the end, he is cleared of any wrong-doing back east. While the book was rather long, the story moved quickly as it kept my interest in seeing what was going to happen next. Grey is very descriptive in setting the scene whether it is in the hills an. Top subscription boxes – right to your door, © 1996-2020,, Inc. or its affiliates. Reviewed in the United States on October 22, 2016. The film The Last Round-Up (1934) starring Randolph Scott, was also based on the novel. Joan Randles heads out into the wilderness to apologize to a man who loves her but gets caught by a ruthless leader of a gang of desperados terrorizing the American borderlands. It's replete with the typical simplistic plot, acted out by cartoons. It's a very old book and he and I are likely the only two who read this copy. It's a fast read, too! The characters long asleep were slowly awakened as I began to revive their long silenced tale, Zane Grey style. An Eastern doctor is on the run from authorities in New York. A great tale if you like stories of the old west. Still 3 stars because it is Zane Grey, and the writing is terrific (for the period. Wanted by the law in New York, Dr. Steve Kells heads west and arrives in an area controlled by an outlaw gang known as the Border Legion. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in, + No Import Fees Deposit & $35.48 Shipping to Ukraine. The story of a kidnapped girl during the Gold rush and her experiences in trying to survive, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 14, 2013, Far too much romance in this book my likening, but in general a good read, would reccomnd to people who like westerns. THE BORDER is an action-packed, fast-paced adventure where our heroes go across, well, the border. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. I hadn't seen that before in my limited Western experiences. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Get ready to write your essay on A Border Passage. I grew in Mexico and, believe me, the story feels authentic--kuddos to Steve Schafer for that. Browsing a long neglected used book store, it was hidden in a musty pile of tattered remnants. As my first Zane Grey novel, this is not a disappointment. I liked it and my 2nd Zane Grey novel. This fast paced novel is unlike many of Grey's earlier works in that he is not so concerned about the description of the landscape as he is about the probing of man's nature, particularly when that nature is affected by outside influences such as peer pressure, possible affluence, and evil. The main character is a woman who loves a man, but doesn't realize that she treats him like cat with a toy until it's to late. At one point Roy Rogers refers to George "Gabby" Hayes' character as "Gabby," even though his character name in this film is "Honest John Whittaker.". This book was written 100 years ago of the gold rush 50 years before that, of an innocent young girl, Joan Randle who is abducted by a ruthless outlaw and his gang of roughyans. But, in actual fact, the novel is pretty gripping. It was fairly thrilling and "risque". In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. My over-priced $.02. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (January 12, 2013), Reviewed in the United States on May 6, 2015. GoodReads community and editorial reviews can be helpful for getting a wide range of opinions on various aspects of the book. She blamed only gold. Fresh out of college, where he studied the U.S.–Mexico border, Francisco Cantú gets a job with the United States Border Patrol. Still 3 stars because it is Zane Grey, and the writing is terrific (for the period. It actually wasn't to late, but it would have been if I were in his shoes. You're listening to a sample of the Audible audio edition. Sites with a short overview, synopsis, book report, or summary of The Border Legion by Zane Grey. A kidnapped girl is forced into following the group of gold robbers until her old flame shows up. ), the resources below will generally offer The Border Legion chapter summaries, quotes, and analysis of themes, characters, and symbols. If there is a The Border Legion SparkNotes, Shmoop guide, or Cliff Notes, you can find a link to each study guide below. The reviewer gives their opinion of the book as well as provides titles with similar themes and subjects. In my opinion, Mr. Grey gets a bit to descriptive relating the young lady's feelings in regards to just about.......well everything. Browse books: Recent| popular| #| a| b| c| d| e| f| g| h| i| j| k| l| m| n| o| p| q| r| s| t| u| v| w| x| y| z|. George Carleton Brown (adaptation). Coincidentally, her beau shows up among the gang and everything works out in the end. Needless to say her champion was soon evident and helped her persevere through the tough spots. While the book was rather long, the story moved quickly as it kept my interest in seeing what was going to happen next. A summary of Part X (Section9) in Graham Greene's The Power and the Glory. Depending on the study guide provider (SparkNotes, Shmoop, etc. Well you can imagine how the story goes then. | Depending on the study guide provider (SparkNotes, Shmoop, etc. Please try again. I find it fascinating that as my life is drawing to a close, I am returning to the literature of my youth for relaxation. I also noticed the hero gambles at the very end regarding the gold's rightful owner. Love, greed, and gold fever all play a role in developing the characters who often are not totally honest with one another. Not bad, and I enjoyed his writing style.