"I really like tattoos,” Jenner explains in a post on her blog. "The white color was because she didn’t want it to show with modeling and all that,” he said. By signing up, I agree to the Terms & to receive emails from POPSUGAR. You'll find her binging Netflix's latest 'must-watch' show with a jar of Nutella by her side.
Even though her big sister Kim Kardashian once famously compared getting a tattoo to “putting a bumper sticker on a Bentley,” Kendall Jenner went under the needle for her first-ever tattoo in June 2015, alongside model bestie Hailey Baldwin. The body ink expert recently opened up about his experiences inking up Jenner and her celeb friends (like Hailey and Ireland Baldwin) and shed surprising insight on her design choices (like what’s up with that little white dot?).
“Honey, would you put a bumper sticker on a Bentley?”– Kim Kardashian, Keeping Up With the Kardashians. "When it comes to celebrities, Hailey Baldwin has really brought them my way. Kendall Jenner has three tattoos, but you have to look pretty hard to see them. As Jamie Foxx once said, "Blame it on the alcohol. Kendall backed up her claims of wanting another tattoo by getting one on the inside of her bottom lip in July 2016, but it's one she regrets. Celebrity tattoo artist JonBoy then posted a photo of Kendall’s small black “meow” tattoo to his Instagram account on September 29, 2016. The pair flew to Las Vegas to get a tattoo of ‘vous êtes belle’, French for ‘you are beautiful’, but the teenagers backed out of the procedure last minute. For access to all our exclusive celebrity videos and interviews – Subscribe on YouTube! ", "In my face! At the time, she was quoted as saying "I just wanted to be able to say that I have a tattoo 'on my face!' "I really like tattoos. [wcps id=”35526″]. 1 day ago, by Monica Sisavat
Ellen then pressed the 2017 highest-paid model on why she would go through the trouble of getting tattoos if nobody can see them. Sign up for our Fashion & Beauty newsletter. Then she upgraded to two more, getting matching heart tattoos with Hailey Baldwin. At least she can admit that getting this tattoo while drunk wasn’t her finest moment!
Getting inked! The white colour was because she didn’t want it to show with modelling (sic) and all that. I definitely want more eventually, I just don't know what I would get right now. Kendall and BFF Hailey Baldwin (now Hailer Bieber) sealed their friendship with matching broken heart designs on the inside of their left middle fingers, with Jenner’s being white and Hailey opting for a red outline. Kendall’s Tiny White Dot Tattoo … It was a fun night.”. we used to dream about the day we'd be 21&22.. time flies ✨. When Kendall was 16 years old and Kylie was 14, the two had plans for some matching ink. It’s amazing. by Maggie Ryan
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The model got the word "meow" tattooed in her lip by celebrity tattoo artist JonBoy after getting drunk with friends, she revealed on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
Kendall’s second tattoo is inked on the inside of the middle finger on her left hand, and features a small broken heart tattoodone in white ink. (Meow) was literally the first thing that came to my mind... my drunk thoughts.
"Thanks @haileybaldwin for tattooing me!" Kendall Jenner's sister Kim Kardashian might be totally against tattoos (remember her famous line, 'would never put a bumper sticker on a Bentley'), but that hasn't stopped Kendall from getting a tattoo.
Check out the gallery for photod of Jenner's three itty-bitty tats and the meaning behind them. Kendall Jenner’s first-ever tattoo was a white tiny dot inked on her middle finger of her right hand. It's unclear whether Jenner will ever add to her collection of tiny tattoos, but if she did, we probably wouldn't even know it (if her hypothetical fourth tattoo is anything like her other ink, that is). Kylie now has multiple small, subtle tattoos a bit like her sister’s on her body, including a dainty little red heart on the back of her arm that closely resembles Kendall and Hailey’s. If you're searching for a deeper meaning in the word "meow," sorry. Two of the supermodel's tattoos hold a special meaning (more about that below), but one was the result of a drunken night. "Because I’ve tattooed people like that, they’ve brought me so much business because of their following and influence in the young generation. Three, in fact. 'I'll try and show you without messing up my lipstick," she said. I feel like it would have been a good place to put a boyfriend's name. You'll just have to wait and see!". ", "I was drunk! Nikki is obsessed with all things celebrity and dreams she is a long-lost Kardashian. Kendall’s Tiny White Dot Tattoo on Her Finger, Kris Jenner “Freaked Out” When She Found Out About Kendall’s Lip Tattoo. Her first two, according to Glamour, are "two white hearts" on her two middle fingers that she got in 2015 as a "BFF tattoo" with Hailey Baldwin. Kendall got a tiny heart tattoo hidden in her middle finger in white ink.