In Colombia, without dictatorship, they have killed 342 social leaders," said Bolivar. The National Assembly of Nicaragua, with a pro-government majority, approved on Thursday the law regulating foreign agents aimed at controlling the resources that people and organizations receive from external sources.That includes board members, public relations, advertising agents, information service employers, and political consultants, among others. This newspaper confirmed that, through the efforts of the apostolic nuncio, a communication channel was opened with the General Directorate of Customs (DGA) to deliver the retained material. [121] Nicaraguan authorities used live ammunition to fire upon demonstrators[37][122] resulting in hundreds of injured. After five days of unrest in which nearly thirty people were killed, Ortega announced the cancellation of the reforms. The bullet holes in the walls, windows and religious objects in addition to the bloodstains were still visible in the days following the attack. After hearing the student, Ortega questioned the wave of protests, calling it "irrational violence". Stamp duty is levied on certain types of documents issued in Nicaragua. [192], Subsequently, various users who opposed the regime proposed a counter-march for July 19, flooding with blue and white flags before the red and black government's withdrawal of the FSLN flag. [105], The Confidential newspaper and other media were seized and taken by the government of Daniel Ortega[106] Despite the backlash, the Ortega regime will continue its efforts to maximise political control ahead of the 2021 polls. By submitting your email address, you acknowledge that you have read the Privacy Statement and that you consent to our processing data in accordance with the Privacy Statement. [11] More of 2,000 protests events were part of this significant mobilization. [269][270], It has been suggested that this article be, The application of the Democratic Charter, Expulsion of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Expulsion of international human rights organizations, Hard report from the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI), Aggression against protesters after thanksgiving masses for release, He shouted "Long live free Nicaragua!" The reforms were announced on 16 April 2018, and published by presidential decree in March 2018 in La Gaceta (official government record) on 18 April 2018. [51] Head of the National Police Aminta Granera announced her resignation in face of the criticism of her handling of the unrest and alleged police repression of protests. [11] The United Nations condemned the actions as being a violation of human rights regarding freedom of assembly. [49][122], The Inter-American Human Rights Commission received allegations about some families being forced by the government not to file complaints about the deaths of their family members, mistreatment of detainees and threats against human rights defenders in the Central American country. [116], Following the repression and over a dozen deaths in the 30 May protests, the Nicaraguan archbishops cancelled the National Dialogue and protests continued. Archbishop Brenes suggested to create mixed commission of three representatives by each part to discuss an action plan to restore the table of the National Dialogue. The station, located east of the Óscar Danilo Rosales Argüello Hospital (Heodra), in León, spent more than nine hours under siege, before the occupation of the motor vehicles was recorded, according to the director of the media outlet, Aníbal Toruño. Also in the mayoralty of Managua a platform would be placed for the celebration of the anniversary. [44], Two days after the beginning of protests and the subsequent crackdown by authorities, Ortega made his first public appearance on 21 April and announced he would hold negotiations for a possible revision of the reforms, planned to take effect on 1 July 2018; however, he stated he would meet only with business leaders and alleged that demonstrators were being manipulated by gangs and other political interests.

[207] [181][182][183][184], On July 20, 2020, while burying the murdered opponent, the house of some relatives of the deceased was burned by Nicaraguan social networks, and a campaign was raised to collect funds to meet the main basic needs of the family. [208] [217]

Claves para entender la reforma del Seguro Social", "El presidente de Nicaragua anula la polémica reforma de la Seguridad Social acosado por las protestas", "In Nicaragua, deadly protest crackdown spurs Ortega critics", "Peaceful Protests against Nicaraguan Social Security Reforms Violently Repressed – Havana", "Social security protest leads to clashes in Nicaragua", "In Nicaragua, the political battle is moving from the streets to the negotiating table", "U.S. pulling staffers out of Nicaragua as riots, looting intensify", "Rosario Murillo describe como "legítima defensa" la agresión de turbas orteguistas", "Varios muertos durante las protestas en Nicaragua contra las reformas de Ortega", "Así han sido las protestas por el INSS en Nicaragua", "Gobierno de Nicaragua censura canales por informar de protestas", "Reactivan señal en cable a 100% Noticias", "More protests in Nicaragua, 5 TV channels ordered off air", "Nicaraguan journalist shot dead on Facebook Live as Pope calls for end of deadly protests", "Nicaraguan welfare changes that sparked protests canceled: president", "Social Security Reforms That Sparked Violent Unrest In Nicaragua Reportedly Canceled", "Así te contamos la multitudinaria marcha contra la represión del Gobierno sandinista", "Protestas en Nicaragua: los estudiantes que fueron liberados relataron la brutal tortura que sufrieron en prisión", "More than 40 people were killed in unrest in Nicaragua, rights groups say", "Tens of thousands march for peace, justice in Nicaragua", "Dimite la jefa de la Policía de Nicaragua", "Antimotines frenan marcha de universitarios en Managua", "Universitarios dan siete días para que gobierno de Nicaragua permita ingreso a la CIDH", "Anonymous ataca el portal de la Policía Nacional de Nicaragua", "Nicaragua: choque con la policía deja seis estudiantes heridos", "Prensa Independiente de Nicaragua condena masacre,censura y represión", "Posición de periodistas y dueños de medios sobre crisis de Nicaragua", "Periodistas de Nicaragua exigen respeto a la libertad de prensa", "Cantidad de muertos que se contabilizan por protestas en Nicaragua - Metro", "Aumenta represión oficial en municipios de Nicaragua", "ORTEGA: llama "a ponerle fin a la muerte y destrucción, "Daniel Ortega pide cese de violencia en Nicaragua", "Nicaragua: el Ejército llama a la paz y el diálogo en medio de violentas protestas", "Ejército de Nicaragua "no reprimirá la protesta pacífica, "Nicaraguan Army: "We Will Not Repress Peaceful Protest, "Marchan en solidaridad con Masaya y repudian represión de Daniel Ortega", "De Managua a Monimbó, homenaje a las víctimas", "CIDH hará visitas a cuatro departamentos y se reunirá con estudiantes y madres de los asesinados en las protestas en Nicaragua", "Manifestantes violentos agreden a periodistas en la entrada del Seminario Nacional", "Gobierno y oposición logran tregua de fin de semana en Nicaragua", "CIDH registra 76 muertos en protestas de Nicaragua", "CIDH contabiliza 76 muertes por represión gubernamental durante protestas en Nicaragua", "Cardinal: Nicaragua talks at impasse, suspended indefinitely", "Se levantó el diálogo en Nicaragua - NTN24 -", "Frenan diálogo en Nicaragua y estalla violencia", "Perspectivas de la marcha de las Madres de Abril y el plantón de los orteguistas en Managua", "Alianza Cívica por la Justicia y la Democracia intensificará protestas tras "la peor masacre en tiempos de paz, "Nueva ola de saqueos en la madrugada de este viernes en Masaya", "Movimientos sociales llaman a un "paro ciudadano, "Profesionales llaman a la desobediencia civil", "Cinco bancos cierran sus puertas en Masaya tras saqueos en comercio", "Nicaragua is following Venezuela's path to despair", "El opositor nicaragüense Félix Maradiaga fue agredido por las Juventudes Sandinistas", "Estudiantes evacuan la UNAN-Managua y se reporta un incendio en la universidad", "Paramilitares atacan la UNAN-Managua y expulsan a los estudiantes atrincherados en la universidad", "Dos personas muertas en las protestas de Nicaragua", "Nicaragua - Nicaragua: estudiantes fueron escoltados por la Iglesia Católica rumbo a Catedral - Video", "Nicaragua strike brings country to standstill as crisis continues", "Aumenta la presión internacional contra Ortega por la represión en Nicaragua", "Secretario de Naciones Unidas condena fuertemente represión en Nicaragua", "ONU denuncia que la ley sobre terrorismo en Nicaragua criminaliza la protesta", "Leiva reportó que hay mucha presencia de francotiradores en este momento y que los paramilitares en su recorrido por la ciudad ametrallan las viviendas", "Nicaragua aprueba nuevas leyes antiterroristas", "Crisis en Nicaragua: Daniel Ortega dice que no dejará el poder y no persigue a la Iglesia", "Paro contra dictadura orteguista detiene el 90% de la economía de Nicaragua durante 24 horas -", "Journalists And NGOs Face Shutdowns, Beatings As Nicaragua Stifles Dissent", "Confidencial, el diario requisado y ocupado por la policía de Nicaragua que sobrevive en la semiclandestinidad de una habitación de hotel", "Régimen ordena cierre de gasolineras, ¿qué hay detrás? [147] Nicaragua closed its doors to a Working Group of 12 countries created by the Permanent Council of the OAS, which seeks to support the national dialogue and contribute to the search for solutions to the crisis in the country. All rights reserved.
[26] "[216], The Panamanian Episcopal Conference rejects the act of "vandalism" carried out in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Managua, Nicaragua.

However, the opposition has grown - through the 2013–2018 Nicaraguan protests - to denounce Ortega and demand his resignation, becoming one of the largest protests in his government's history[9] and the deadliest civil conflict since the end of the Nicaraguan Revolution.

[125], Individuals detained during protests alleged torture by the Nicaraguan authorities, with hundreds of prisoners later released by the roadside in the outskirts of Managua with shaved heads and bare feet.

Costa Ricans in a statement. There were protests held in San José (Costa Rica) Nicaraguan Embassy, Miami and Houston Consulates, and other cities like Cuidad de Guatemala, Madrid or Barcelona. [74][75][76], The national dialogue continued on its third day on 21 May where the resignation of Ortega and his wife and the Nicaraguan government was requested in order to return the country to normality. [36][38], The following day on 19 April, Vice President and first lady Rosario Murillo made a speech mocking the demonstrators and labeling them of "small groups, small souls, toxic, full of hate", bent on the destruction of the country, assaulting peace and development.

Among the Nicaraguans who have sought refuge in Costa Rica are several university leaders, who fled Nicaragua after constant threats that forced them to leave the country. Various forms of independent media were censored during the protests. PwC Inter-America is a regional entity comprised of seven firms: PwC Guatemala, PwC El Salvador, PwC Honduras, PwC Nicaragua, PwC Costa Rica, PwC Panama, and PwC Dominican Republic.

In the cathedral were also dozens of people waving flags of Nicaragua and UNAN to receive the students. The campaign started on 26 April with an attack that left the National Assembly website out of service. The incident left six students injured, one seriously. "We demand that the authorities INVESTIGATE THE FACTS WITH CELERITY AND FIND THE GUILTY, otherwise we will suppose that it was the Ortega Murillo regime who gave the order to burn down the temple to continue its campaign of hatred and terror against churches, religious and believers that adversity him "expresses part of the Communiqué. Nicaragua, country of Central America. Nicaragua, the largest country in Central America, is bordered by Honduras to the north, Costa Rica to the south, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and the Caribbean Sea to the east.