Cap not only proved his worthiness to lift Mjolnir, he also demonstrated expert mastery of the weapon by summoning lightning down from the heavens to throttle Thanos. At the beginning of Avengers: Endgame, Thor finally killed Thanos with Stormbreaker, which only sent him deeper into the pit of guilt and depression. In battle, he uses a size-manipulation suit designed by Hank Pym. Closer to home, Avengers: Endgame has graced Digital HD in North America, with a Blu-ray release expected to follow next week. Abilities: Okoye, the general of the Dora Milaje, takes her job extremely seriously. Avengers: Endgame Behind The Scenes Photos, Andrew Garfield Reportedly Hesitant To Return As Spider-Man Because Of How Sony Treated Him, Spider-Man’s Parents Will Reportedly Be Revealed To Be [SPOILERS], Donald Trump Refused To Meet With Chris Evans Twice, Watch: Tom Holland Becomes Marty McFly In Back To The Future Fan Trailer, Watch: Nicolas Cage Is On The Hunt In National Treasure 3 Fan Trailer, Watch: The Dark Knight Battles Machines In Batman Vs. Terminator Fan Trailer, Wanda Will Reportedly Be Responsible For Electro Coming Into The MCU, Marvel Reportedly Plans To Make At Least 3 More Deadpool Movies, New Matrix 4 Theory Says Neo’s Return Is Part Of The Oracle’s Plan. He has enhanced senses, and his body heals itself ridiculously quickly. Thor is most powerful when he can channel his powers through an enchanted, loyal weapon forged on Nidavellir, like the hammer, Mjolnir, or the ax, Stormbreaker. Power scale: 1. Power scale: 4. Avengers: Endgame Director Says Thor Was Stronger Than He’s Ever Been In The Movie. All of this results in the strongest version of Thor we’ve ever seen, as Anthony Russo told Reddit users as part of last night’s exhaustive AMA. She was typically armed with a specialized electroshock weapon but could also handle guns, spears, knives, or swords with ease. In "Civil War," Spider-Man's first real fight, he handily defeated both Falcon and Winter Soldier. But in actual battle scenes, he didn't prove himself very effective. VIDEO: What If Qui-Gon Jinn Had Survived Star Wars: The Phantom Menace? Power scale: 9.5. Now that Bruce has managed to merge his mind with Hulk's body, he seems thoroughly disinterested in fighting. But we also know that he can't maintain that huge size for very long without sustaining damage. Even before he replaced an assortment of her body parts with advanced technology, Nebula had naturally higher physical capabilities, including strength and durability. In "Endgame," Strange mostly focused on practical damage control, so we didn't see him face off with Thanos again. Abilities: As an Asgardian, Brunnhilde has superhuman strength, durability, speed, reflexes, agility, and stamina. Abilities: Hope is an agile and acrobatic fighter, having been highly trained in martial arts. She also overpowered Loki fairly easily. Abilities: When Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider, he gained the proportionate strength of a spider — making him considerably stronger, faster, more durable, and more agile than the average man. He was able to overpower most of Ronan's forces in "Guardians of the Galaxy." At this point, he's just a human with fancy gadgets and a lot of confidence. Abilities: Gamora is a Zehoberei, an alien species that naturally possesses superhuman strength and durability. VIDEO: Key Star Wars Detail Not In the Movies, Wolverine: Black, White & Blood Lives Up to Its Sanguine Title, Victor and Nora Shows the Heart of Gotham's Most Tragic Romance, Sweet Tooth: The Return Continues Jeff Lemire's Acclaimed Series, Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Batman - Hush Weaves a Nightmarish Vision of Gotham, X of Swords: Stasis #1 Is a Long-Winded Interlude, Crossover #1 Transcends Its Premise With a Meditation on Superhero Events, Star Wars: Every One of Palpatine's Lightsaber Duels, Ranked, Batman v Spider-Man: A Halloween Costume Debate May Define How You View 2020, The MCU's Six Most Important End-Credits Scenes, Over the Moon's Ending Isn't as Happy as It Seems. Abilities: Though she was born on Earth as a regular human, Carol Danvers absorbed the power of the Tesseract, which housed the Space Stone. Fans love to argue about their favorite superheroes, and when you factor in power-sets, the discourse goes to a completely different level. Abilities: Drax has superhuman strength, durability, agility, and regenerative powers. He's been a fan of comics since the 90's, when his older brother introduced him to the medium. But compared with many of the Avengers, he hasn't shown us anything too impressive. His Black Panther suit is weaved with nearly indestructible vibranium that can absorb kinetic energy, such as blasts or punches, and repurpose it as a counterattack. Account active Without his wings, Falcon doesn't seem like much of a fighter — and we saw him suffer when they were damaged in "Captain America: Winter Soldier." Plus, Hulk is basically immortal, and Bruce himself is a genius. The fact that Hawkeye can operate on an even playing field with superhuman warriors like Valkyrie and Nebula, without any powers at all, moves him up on our point scale. Marvel Reportedly Wants Spider-Man To Be The Iron Man Of The... Namor May Be Responsible For The Death Of [SPOILERS] In The ... PlayStation 5 Display Console Spotted Overheating In Best Bu... Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered Reveals Two Additional New Su... Epic Still Has Many Years Of Marvel Content Planned For Fort... EA Reveals Next-Gen Upgrades For Star Wars: Squadrons, Resident Evil 4 Remake Potentially Teased By Voice Actor, Spider-Man: Miles Morales Review (PlayStation 5), PlayStation 5 Review In Progress: Color Us Impressed, Xbox Series X Review: Microsoft's Best Console Ever. He also has enhanced senses that give him incredible battle instincts, allowing him to dodge and counter incoming attacks more effectively. She can emit extremely powerful photon blasters from her fists. Conversely, in Avengers: Endgame, Thor has left the better, stronger version of himself behind. With over 20 films in the MCU and an ever-growing roster of heroes, it can be tough to decide who stands at the top of Earth's Mightiest Heroes' totem pole. Power scale: 8. War Machine is a valuable Avenger because of his heart and courage of conviction. She was also instrumental in the near defeat of Thanos in "Infinity War." He was stronger than ever by the end of Endgame. He even admitted that he didn't understand the stone and that it controlled him more than he controlled it. Later, Valkyrie was essential in defeating Hela in "Thor: Ragnarok" and very helpful against Thanos' army in "Endgame.". Abilities: Thanks to genetic enhancements, Rocket is extremely intelligent and far more durable than a regular raccoon. This is, after all, a character who lost his nearest and dearest (Odin, Loki, Heimdall), only to watch Asgard be torn asunder by his villainous sister, Hela. Abilities: Star-Lord is half-human and half-Celestial, but with the destruction of his father came the destruction of Star-Lord's power source. Spoilers ahead for Avengers: Endgame.. One of the many secrets Marvel did a great job of hiding in the leadup to Avengers: Endgame is that Thor (Chris Hemsworth) gets fat.Unable to …