Whether you’re looking for some shenanigans to pass the time during the reception, or hoping to connect with that cute bridesmaid, these other questions help you take your social game to the next level. Maybe save the harder questions for round two. Audiences immediately fell in love and started playing the game at home. 100+ Newlywed Game Questions - this post having 100+ random, relationship, family, serious, funny, romantic newlywed game question to add fun into newlywed couple's marriage life. What is your wife’s least favorite household chore? What is the first thing your spouse would buy if you won the lottery? How would you/they rank their driving skills compared to your/their actual driving skills? What is your spouse's most irritating habit in the bedroom? It’s now time for the ladies to step out of the room. The following printable question list is in .pdf format and is free for you to download and use. What friend of your spouse annoys you the most? 1.) If you do, it would be the same process but only asking one question to each spouse. A printable list of Newlywed Game questions works well as an addition to your regular board game or as an activity for a dinner party. 14.) If your wife could go anywhere on vacation, where would she go? In the event of a tragedy, who have you/they tasked to wipe their Internet history? What is your favorite time of day for making whoopee? Round two will be the same, the only difference is the points each team will receive for their answers. When did you first know you were in love? How long had you been dating when you got engaged? When would your wife say she fell in love with you? With these totally free, printable cards you can send a friend or family member a greeting card without paying the outrageous amount to get a paper card at the store, or take the time standing in line to look into. What charity is your spouse most likely to raise money for? Who would you cast to play your spouse in a movie? If the answers match, they receive the points. © 2006-2020 LoveToKnow, Corp., except where otherwise noted. What is your spouse's favorite movie theater snack? Once all of the questions have been answered that is the end of round 1. How does your spouse like his/her steak cooked?if. Is the Gaming Gender Gap Finally Closing? Which family member of yours does your spouse find most annoying? What are you/they most likely to stalk on the Internet? The Newlywed Game tests how well newly married couples know each another. 2, 3, or 4 couples may play. If your spouse was a superhero, what would be his or her super power? 19.) 10.) If there is a tie, ask the couples who have tied a tie-breaking question, the couple who answers correctly wins the game! may stump a spouse. My spouse’s first kiss made me think ________________. After you have asked all of the questions for that round, invite the men to return to sit by their wife. For freshly engaged couples, if one member of the couple is from a large family, ask the fiance to name all of his partner's siblings, in chronological order. What did your spouse think about you after your first date? Your mom needs a good Mother's Day card this year and you can get her one with one of these cards. What do you/they actually want for dinner? The Newlywed Game was a TV show that hit airwaves in the late 1960s. What is your husband’s favorite outfit you wear? The following questions will work for both men and women. What better way to see just how well you know your new spouse than by playing? Who knows you best? Newlywed Game Printable Questions. Which are you/they more likely to hang out in- elastic waist pants or no pants at all? The Newlywed Game is the perfect game to play at a dinner party with other couples, and at bridal showers and engagement parties. 2.) What are the middle names of your spouse's parents? 15.) 6.) The board game itself comes with 250 questions, and coming up with new ones can keep the game fresh for future rounds. 11.) What is your spouse's favorite candy bar? Make sure you follow the guidelines to download, customize, and print each and every card. Read the first question you asked the ladies out loud for the group to hear, giving the men a few moments to formulate an answer. Our site uses cookies. This is a great follow-up question to the last … Here are some questions to get you started! The Newlywed Game is a game that many are familiar with from watching the game show itself! Have the men write down their answers and then cover them up before the ladies return. If your spouse could have unlimited access to any store, which would it be? Your Significant Other? The questions are read and answered in order. 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