She was also at risk of falling from […], Date of decision: 26 Sep 2019 What happened Mr B complained about the way Westminster City Council (the Council) dealt with his homelessness case. Jack Kinsella. This happened in my daughter’s case. We also stock notes on Medical Law as well as Law Notes generally. Debbie Purdy had Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Input from a @CASCAIDr […], A man’s parents shared his care with a care home but have frequent difficulties re handling of injuries, risks, handover and supervision. CASCAIDr in my view has always been 100% responsive and I appreciate the clear but warm approach adopted, we were extremely pleased with the work and support of the charity, If I had to use one word to express what Cascaidr does, it would be ‘reassure’, I cannot recommend the Charity more highly, Thanks once again for taking to the time to review my question and for your detailed reply, Many organisations are simply not interested. In one complex case CASCAIDr assisted us in our response to the LGO with their independent expertise. Looks pretty much like we have everything significant found in our favour. However, the broad phrasing of M's duty makes it very difficult to enforce o And even if they tried under a breach of statutory duty, the court in Re HIV Haemophiliac Litigation held that the previous 1977 NHS Act did not provide the basis for an action.
Lifeways (a care provider looking after people with complex care needs, including those with a learning disability, autism and […], This case concerned the application of one of the criteria for Personal Independence Payment: ‘Engaging with other people face to face’, a type of need that occurs most commonly amongst those with mental health needs and/or neurodevelopmental conditions (such as Autism). We should have asked […], “We had help over several months from CASCAIDr which was very supportive and helpful in dealing with a reluctant social services council.
Thanks for empowering us both.” Please share: “I’m so grateful for your response it really does help to be put in the picture from a legal point of view.
They ordered the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to produce guidance on what makes a prosecution more or less likely. Indeed, a comprehensive service may never, for human, financial or resource reasons, be achievable o M must take into account the resources available to him and the demands on those services o If the body has taken into account relevant/irrelevant considerations may help a JR be successful o 1. A pre-action protocol letter from a solicitor to […], An exhausted carer asked a council for a carer’s assessment and was found eligible – but offered only a small sum of money as the Take it or Leave it Response.
His partner/carer complained successfully to the LGO about Care Act delays and omissions. ? It could lead to a person receiving advice when no one else is willing and/or able to help. 2009, the House of Lords ruled in Purdy v. Director of Public Prosecutions that the DPP must clarify which factors he would consider before decid-ing whether a prosecution under the Suicide Act would be in the pub-lic’s interest.10 The decision noted that, while it was not the place of the
That must have taken so much of your time to do. The decision was welcomed by avowed supporters of the right to a dignified, controlled death, as well as by those who took the view that clarification of the Director’s policy was necessary for fairness and foreseeability in the law. With their help and expertise we got the support we were asking for – so we moved from no help to what we wanted.
“What would you suggest are the best options to continue learning from you and working with you? Debbie Purdy and her counsel David Pannick QC argued that the Director of Public Prosecutions (Ken Macdonald QC) was infringing on her human rights by failing to clarify how the Suicide Act 1961 is enforced. 30 Thursday Jul 2009. Many thanks for your help. I’ll keep you posted, and I really liked the law firm you referred me to. * Whatever the basis of your business, we’d be just as happy if you took out a Package Deal if you’re a lawfirm, health/social care/support provider, support broker or advocacy organisation. The two types of service are governed by different statutes (laws) and even the health service treats children’s health and mental health services differently to the way in which adults’ […], R (on the application of JG) v London Borough of Southwark [2020] EWHC 1989 (Admin) Case Background JG is a profoundly disabled young woman who requires care and supervision with all aspects of her daily life She was receiving care at home, by her parents and a team of paid carers funded by Southwark LBC. Please share: “It’s been a long, hard, stressful, anxious and frustrating time for us all. I used some of its content with the solicitor to prepare the document lodging our appeal against the CCG to have an independent NHS England review. They took a very unjust situation and made it all better! * The Monitoring Officer – a ballistic missile for service users, when faced with unconscionable delay in getting a decision on a care package or budget!
The parent was sent hither and thither to look at hopelessly inadequately provisioned settings and told No, regarding a placement that WAS apparently suitable – with no other […]. No other lawyer has ever been dedicated enough to such ideals as to write me back about my daughter […], “The local authority panel wouldn’t agree to funding for a placement with the type of psychological input to care which my daughter desperately needs – they were offering wholly inadequate alternatives. Debbie took a case to court. […]. we sell as part of our Medical Law Notes collection written by the top tier of If you’re a business with health and social care clients, how about £1 per client per year, as an affordable suggestion? It is still in draft and the final decision by Ombudsman will be published soon, but I could not wait to share the news with you. A few legal letters later from a #CASCAIDr adviser, and […], A woman receives care at home from nurses funded by CHC from the CCG and a parent. Abortion And Reproductive Medicine Textbook Notes, Claxton And Cuyler Wickedness Or Folly Notes, Consent To Treatment And Its Limits Notes, Human Rights Issues In End Of Life Issues Notes, King The Justiciability Of Resource Allocation Notes, Pre Implantation Genetic Diagnosis And Genetic Enhancement Notes, Stuff About Duty Of Care And Exceptions Notes, The Fetus Abortion And Infanticide Notes, The Legal Status Of The Foetus And Abortion Ethics Notes, Yearworth V North Bristol Nhs Trust Notes. Reassure one has not ‘lost the plot’ – the law is the law. Click here to view the document.
So if someone refuses you the chance to be assessed, this is what to say: I believe that the Care Act imposes a duty on councils to assess people’s needs if there is merely […], If a council or a CCG says this, they are treading on very thin ice, these days. students are currently browsing our notes. that the law is being ignored is justified. You will be able to click to do the GiftAid declaration, if you are a taxpayer – as it makes the government pay us an extra 25%. A UK citizen can only go abroad if the NHS authorises the treatment, o In deciding whether to give authorisation, the NHS has to take into account the clinical needs of the patient
You are a bit like that Palliative Care consultant, Thank you so much for your thoughts on our CHC predicament. After all other attempts at referring the council to the […], A young woman’s parents were told that she could only have a service if she moved out of their home into a shared care setting.
They needed to be repositioned numerous times to avoid pressure damage, and it was assessed in a 2017 care […], “CASCAIDr have provided me with invaluable support in constructing and articulating a case for consideration by Social Services in a council which for a considerable period of years have not followed the law as laid down in the Care Act or used established protocols and procedures necessary to ensure that my son’s Care Assessment, Support […], The London Legal Support Trust has helped US out, in the Covid-19 Crisis, and we really want to give something back. It is much appreciated. He wanted some help with the cleaning, and didn’t want to employ or supervise a cleaner. With your email, I don’t feel abandoned and on our/my own.” Please share: “Thank you so much for your thoughts on our CHC predicament. His care manager said that care packages were capped at £700 a week, meaning his partner could not return to work. It’s down to you […], “Please do not apologise for your request that we consider a donation.We’ve already agreed that we needed to do this in the light of your amazing support.
A and B had extensive night time care needs. The council had agreed ages ago in writing not to change her package without her consent, but wanted to re-assess now and use ‘Just Checking’ to record movement at home. Why not see if you can find something useful? In other cases, […], How many of CASCAIDr’s first year’s 200 or so clients were … So, please donate to keep us going into a 2nd year and beyond, by clicking on: DONATE to CASCAIDr What have been the OUTCOMES, for some of CASCAIDr’s most successful clients? Having heard you speak (which served to reconnect me as a social worker to stuff that I hadn’t realised I had lost sight of) I am convinced of the […], “Thank you so much for your detailed email. The current political and economic climate is a tough one but CASCAIDr reminds us all that the rights of […], “Thank you for your advice about encouraging us to ensure that the council’s care planners and their care providers are aware of our adult daughter’s obvious inability to understand the consequences of SOME of her less desirable, apparent choices, We can see immediately how this advice serves our daughter’s needs and our responsibilities toward her. I feel that I am keeping my sister’s best interests at heart and her husband is not; he has his own agenda – but how are you to know that, just because I say that’s […], “When we sent the letter that CASCAIDr had put together, we did get a response from the Council. If you would like to make a major donation or leave a legacy please feel free to email, Fees for talks and training sessions from CASCAIDr/CASCAIDr Trading Ltd, Care Act Conundrums – CASCAIDr’s 2019/20 webinars, Providers of Health and Social Care and Support, Package Deal ‘Members’ Login – please scroll down for ‘Existing Members Log In’, R (Purdy) v Director of Public Prosecutions and Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child (2008) EWHC 2565 (Admin), The CMA and Care UK dispute over top-ups for residents entitled to Continuing NHS Healthcare, CASCAIDr’s Q & A fund-raising campaign for 2020, Durham County Council at fault for failing to regularly inspect the property it had Deputyship over and make appropriate repairs, Cheshire West and Cheshire Council at fault for stopping direct payments without explanation and applying an arbitrary DRE disregard, Overview of common LGSCO complaints areas, R (on the application of JG) v London Borough of Southwark, I have been so empowered by that one meeting, What to say if your direct payment is not set up to cover the cost of PPE, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council at fault for arbitrary top up policies, for instructing service users to enter into top up agreement contracts with care homes directly, for failing to identify a suitable care home and for failing to undertake a needs assessment, Ali Raja & Anor, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Redbridge (Rev 1) [2020] EWHC 1456 (Admin) (05 June 2020), CASCAIDr have provided me with invaluable support in constructing and articulating a case for consideration by Social Services, 10,000 steps for front line legal advice – 8th June 2020, CASCAIDr’s Q&A session, live with CoProduce Care 06/05 2020 – on care home deaths.