Here is a look at the candidates who filed on Tuesday for those five congressional seats followed by candidates in the hunt to be their party’s nominee in the state’s 13 other congressional races. OPELOUSAS — Kelly J. Scott, of Opelousas, has announced his candidacy for state Senate District 24, saying that improving the economy and the job market are his top priorities. Kelly, a Democrat, announced his campaign in a video on Twitter in which he spoke about his family, his career and the policy issues that drive him the most, like gun control, affordable health care, job growth and climate change. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook. There are also Republican candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives in five districts. “People who hadn’t voted before, you know, that cared enough to mail in their ballot, to show up to drop off their absentee ballot, to take the risk of showing up in person. The Secretary of the Commonwealth’s office has a general idea of who will be running for public office at the state and federal level in Massachusetts this year. Harrisonburg City Public School leaders have decided where it’s $1.1 million in additional CARES Act funding will go. In the Shenandoah Valley, one woman is doing what she can to help area theaters survive. Billerica Republican John Paul Moran is running in the Sixth Congressional District against U.S. Representative Seth Moulton. I learned a lot about solving problems from being an engineer. 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In 2018, Gobi got 54.9 percent of the vote to Sturbridge Republican Steven Hall’s 45.1 percent. Kelly has authored several children's books, including the "Mousetronaut" series (Simon & Schuster, 2012) and "Astrotwins" (Simon & Schuster, 2016). Email Hanneke Weitering at or follow her @hannekescience. Sign up today! Every single one of those ballots needs to be counted,” Sandra Parks, a member of Hold the Line Harrisonburg-Rockingham, said. Virginia COVID-19 cases rise by 2,103 on Saturday, Mix 93.1 now playing Christmas music 24/7 through Dec. 25. I learned a lot from being a pilot in the Navy. Kelly has never held elected office. Visit our corporate site. A Republican has not won a U.S. House race in Massachusetts since 1994. And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: The winner of their September primary will face the winner of the Democrats’ primary: either U.S. Scott said in his written announcement that after the 2009 race, he began to get more involved in education projects and has been visiting and donating supplies to the Heritage School for the Arts in Lafayette. The Democratic nominee will be a heavy favorite in that race. New York, A spokesman for the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s office told New Boston Post that Rayla Campbell, a Republican who was running in the Seventh Congressional district, fell short of the required 1,000 signatures to appear on the ballot. Seven of those were Republican victories and four were won by Democrats. © NY 10036. Republicans also hope to win back the Third Bristol District seat won by Taunton Democrat Carol Doherty, a school committee member and former president of the Massachusetts Teachers Association. Democrats currently hold all nine Massachusetts seats in the U.S. House. Space is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. The current state senator is Anne Gobi, a Democrat from Spencer first elected in 2014 and who previously served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. He flew combat missions during the first Gulf War and was a Navy test pilot before becoming an astronaut along with his twin brother, Scott Kelly. The pandemic has impacted musical theater in a huge way. The seat is currently held by U.S. Representative Jim McGovern.