jfh 15Jan2018.Uncredited Actors: Two show up at the elder York’s arrest: Don Anderson as a fireman and Lee Miller as Sgt. Yet when she finds the body of a dead man (Bundy) the best she can do is a muffled "Oh". Submitted by BigBill767, 6/17/2016.

Fire starting materials were found in York's car at the fire. Vehicles, in order of appearance are: (1), (6), (7), (8) appear only once each. Also in 1963, he co-starred in The Twilight Zone episode "The Parallel".

2 of 4 people found this review helpful. Looking for something to watch? While in Vietnam entertaining troops with Bob Hope and others with the USO, Thomas Tully contracted a filarial worm, similar to the worm that causes elephantiasis. Others remain but have been re-faced.

Properties … Ray Thompson Production Sound Mixer … Herman Lewis Script Supervision … Marshall Schlom Theme Composed by … Fred Steiner Automobiles Supplied by … Ford Motor Company, Perry Mason Produced by the CBS Television Network in association with Paisano Productions, Anomaly: Tommy Farrell, listed as Herbert Baker, is called Mr. Herbert in the show, twice by Perry. Submitted by Mitch English, 3/3/2005, and D.A.

Media Page, Documentation User Profiles Changes Old Site, << Frightened Fisherman | Episodes | Garrulous Go-Between >>, #202: The Case of the Arrogant Arsonist Original Airdate: 03/05/64.

First thing the defendant was an annoying old geezer who needed to take up a hobby instead of running around bothering the firefighters who are trying to do their job.


York is charged with arson and murder and Perry defends him by proving his innocence outside court.

JohnK, 6 April 2016, It rather amazing how quickly Perry uncovers the whole plot point involving a foreign government.

However, when it is found that one of the items destroyed in the fire was a coil winding machine belonging to a business competitor of York's son Dorian, Towne in a prerecorded session instead publicly accuses York of starting the fire to save his son's business.

Submitted by 65tosspowertrap, 12/9/2013. Classic courtroom drama about an L.A. lawyer (adapted from author Erle Stanley Gardner's novels) who seemed incapable of losing a case, thanks to his brilliant deductive reasoning and his uncanny ability to break witnesses on the stand. Their father, Leonard Stiller, committed suicide after having suffered through a divorce and bankruptcy.

<< Arrogant Arsonist | Episodes | Woeful Widower >> Arnell believes that sittings with Madame Zillia caused her father to make poor business decisions and ultimately led to his death. A TV reporter accuses York of setting the fire. Dorian and Paul supposedly come up through the floor of the warehouse to set their trap for the killer. Sylvia: Elaine Devry. Carey York is a retired fire chief who owns a warehouse that is burned by an arsonist and kills a clerk. jfh 16Jan2018.

But Amy has her reasons. Brice. #1. Please enter your birth date to watch this video: You are not allowed to view this material at this time. Was this review helpful to you? See here. When he parks his Lincoln outside the warehouse, there is a noticeable dent on the left front fender.

Summary: A tabloid reporter accuses a retired chief of burning his own warehouse down. Carey never gets a chance to file a second suit against Towne-—the reporter is found dead inside a car at the bottom of a cliff. Also in the 80s I worked at a small business (7 employees) and you could go there days, weeks or months apart and see the same vehicles in the same spaces.

The Case of the Arrogant Arsonist is the twenty-first episode of the seventh season of Perry Mason, and the two hundred second episode overall. Starring Raymond Burr in The Case of THE GARRULOUS GO-BETWEEN Based upon characters created by Erle Stanley Gardner Barbara Hale, William Hopper, William Talman, Ray Collins, Directed by Irving J. Moore Written by Philip Saltzman

Very nice. CBS | Air Date: March 5, 1964.

Hotel Clerk, “Perry Mason” Director of Photography … Howard Schwartz, A.S.C.Art Direction … Lewis Creber Assistant Director … Gordon A. Webb

After Paul tosses a crisp bill on the desk, the clerk looks down at it and says, "And then again, I might not."

York and the current deputy fire chief go to Perry and ask him to represent him in a libel suit against Towne.

Sign up and add shows to get the latest updates about your favorite shows - Start Now. Submitted by Notcom, 040516.

Submitted by gracenote, 8/11/2011. So, possibly, Dora told Victor about the tape recorder. Page last modified on December 02, 2010, at 04:02 AM, I was to tell the girl I would not see her anymore. She’s also been paying Paul to find a drunken young man named Tommy Stiller. Any actor without a picture from this episode is listed at the bottom of the page.

November is a great time to start your holiday binge-watching.