Radu Bot from the Data Science research platform of the Department of Mathematics succeeds Georg Pflug in the role of the VGSCO speaker. José Luis Romero from the Faculty of Mathematics received a START Prize in 2019 for his project Time-Frequency Analysis, Randomness and Sampling. The new special research programme (SFB) Targeted Protein Degradation – from Small Molecules to Complex Organelles has been established at the University of Vienna. In early 2019, WWTF conducted a study of research what is already there in Vienna that might connect to Digital Humanism. The University of Vienna is a cooperation partner in two projects that acquired funding from the Life Sciences scheme in 2019. It invites researchers and scientists at universities and non-university research institutions in Vienna, including those moving to Vienna, who want to conduct a multi-annual (2 to 4 years) cutting-edge research project in the field of ICT and its application in other fields. Excluded are the four priority areas which are already covered elsewhere in this work programme: healthcare, inspection and maintenance of infrastructure, agri-food and agile production. The project call is organized in two stages: In the first step, WWTF accepts submitted short proposals (please see above for eligibility criteria) and performs a formal eligibility check. Coordinatore: Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA) Responsabile/i per Unict: Giuseppe Cirelli. Karl Dörner of the University of Vienna is responsible for the external module. From the SSH side, the inclusion of (quantitative and/or qualitative) research that is grounded in the real-world is strongly encouraged. As an outcome, The Vienna Manifesto on Digital Humanism was produced as a common effort. By all means we will provide sufficient time to the applicants for developing ideas and writing a proposal. WWTF only accepts electronic submissions via the submission website. No industry involvement is required. Combining social and technological progress on a level playing field by stronger linking digitalisation to human values. Data fine: Domenica, 14 Aprile 2019. The special call within the thematic programme "Information and Communication Technology" aims at facilitating interdisciplinary research between social sciences & humanities (SSH) and ICT. In total, at least € 2.0 million are dedicated to this call. It is not about the application of information and communication technology in other areas, but about the further development of the technology itself. NGOs) can be part of the research team, however, the project itself should be predominantly academic. Further information about FWF Research GroupsDoctoral Programmes (DKs)Doctoral Programmes (DKs) provide doctoral education for highly qualified early stage researchers from the national and international scientific community. Successful project leaders of the University of Vienna received three of the six project grants. It is directly linked to the interdisciplinary research platform of Mobile Cultures and Societies, which has been established in 2014. € FundedVRG Leaders: 1 2010 Life : 4.5 € Funded Leaders: 3 2011 ICT 3 2 2012 Mathemati cs and … Funding volume: 3 mio. Om May 14, 2020 TU Wien organized the virtual conference "Digital Humanism: Informatics in the Times of COVID-19". Even if the two academics investigate entirely different topics (the history of migration on the one hand, and microbiology on the other), their research has one thing in common: it is highly relevant as it focuses on the currently pressing issues of migration, nationalism and climate change. We have surely omitted certain areas. Development of applications and tools that do not include fundamental research questions is not eligible in this call: No quick fixes - this call aims for a longer-term perspective! The jury's decision has to be approved by WWTF boards. The projects to be submitted in this call should improve the understanding of current fundamental questions in digitalisation in its social and human dimension and thereby aim at re-conceptualizing the development of digital technologies. Hence, if you do not find your research in this study, your research could still be eligible for this call). The Faculty of Chemistry cooperates with the Medical University of Vienna in the new SFB RNADeco: Decorating RNA for a Purpose. The third grant went to the doc.funds Programme Microbial Symbioses in Dynamic Ecosystems (MAINTAIN), coordinated by Matthias Horn and Jillian Petersen. The term and narrative we employ for this is Digital Humanism. All fields of ICT and SSH are eligible and invited to collaborate in the projects. Proposals will be expected to plan efforts to connect and cooperate with the DIHs, Platforms and other relevant activities of this work … Computer scientist Stefan Schmid obtained an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2019. Several large-scale projects have again been able to acquire funding from the FWF in 2019. ICT Call 2019 Within the scope of its thematic programme of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) promotes projects that investigate academic questions about information and communication technologies. Building on human and societal values which are key to current and future society. Josef Ressel (JR) Centers are a funding programme of the Christian Doppler Research Association. Data inizio: Venerdì, 15 Aprile 2016. The projects Technology-Mediated Audience Participation in Live Music, led by Fares Kayali from the Centre for Teacher Education, and Virtual Experiments with Massive Quantum Systems, led by Markus Aspelmeyer from the Faculty of Physics, were awarded WissKomm grants.Further information about the Science Communication Programme (WissKomm) of the FWF, ICT Call 2019 Within the scope of its thematic programme of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) promotes projects that investigate academic questions about information and communication technologies. Regarding the acquisition of third-party funding from national funding bodies, 2019 has been a successful year for the University of Vienna: The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) has awarded 147 grants in total to research projects of the University of Vienna in 2019. The call is open to all robotics-related research topics and to all new application areas. Furthermore, TU Wien organized an international workshop on the topic of Digital Humanism last year. Early stage researchers and experienced researchers from the University of Vienna, the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences as well as the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) cooperate in this consortium. The SFB German in Austria (DiÖ), which has been established in 2016 as a cooperation between the University of Vienna, the University of Salzburg and the University of Graz, has been extended. Projects should strive to improve the understanding of substantial current scientific research questions (disciplinary, interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary) in the field of ICT with potential medium term economic or social benefit. This award aims to provide utmost freedom and flexibility for internationally outstanding research achievements. It investigates how microbial symbioses have evolved, how they function and how they adapt to a constantly changing environment.Further information about the FWF doc.funds Programme, In 2019, 67 academics of the University of Vienna acquired funding from the FWF for their stand-alone projects. Now the winning projects of the call have been announced, and seven out of nine go to TU Wien Informatics. Alexandra Ganser-Blumenau from the Department of English and American Studies was able to convince the jury with her proposed Cultural Mobility Studies doc.funds Programme.