} For example, on one screen or page, you might vote for president. opacity:1 !important; Circuit Courts | {Mkx�e\��ܾ�e���r{j��G����i������7W�.�##+�f-��*������7����9��y������s͜т��Qz��h)Ճ{��F�%�'R�gN� RRT�G�e8��8��$� | If Salinas were to contest the election, she would have up to five business days to challenge the election in Shelby County Chancery Court after the election was certified by the Shelby County Election Commission. You take it to the voting booth, and use a pen or pencil to mark a box next to your candidate and issue choices. ��L��'�q`IP�z�xY�ܹ�2��.��6/���Ae_���pU�E��T֘0p�+3���$����Ryw������/�F7�@5\�z�8g “I’m proud of Trump. U.S. military personnel and overseas citizens can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation. } /* Show the tooltip text when you mouse over the tooltip container */ color:#696969; Thank you for your continued love & support! Voting policies are enacted and enforced primarily at the state level. opacity:1 !important; Do not mail a ballot and vote in person. He drove back to Memphis from school at UT Knoxville to vote and see family and friends. A provisional ballot is rejected or counted when: Provisional ballots may not be counted by the election officials. Individuals seeking additional information about voting provisions in Mississippi can contact the following state and federal agencies. Q�����3M�RHx`�P�N̓*ؑ���LI�q'���rJ#HU���b�ІK����^��I�Y0K��"��oob��u��*��m���ND"y��(�MU�U��ew����C.�>8ɣh�M�?���e����N�}��j���5�Y��)�HToO��n`�O���8S�I���8�Pϙ�} �0&�w\����gD˵F��|�h�}�H���!��KD�����'~ϛ�?�ދF�K�y��|(�(v�_�X�WfRy�A]wu���j���נD/��~7�`��s�؁b�����Lyn�H��H��h�#��Y���*+�#� ��?� You are eligible to vote absentee if you are a qualified and registered voter who will be absent from your county of residence on Election Day, or are: Please check with your voter registrar to determine if you are entitled to vote absentee and to learn the procedures for doing so. Willie Gant tears an "I Voted" sticker off a strip hanging from the wall Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020, at Sycamore View Church of Christ in Memphis. ��V:p�:n�jb�DE����ޗ*g�H�3T�Ew㺁�kU��n��Ȣf��c䨥���|jV��5O;G�� �~p��XXC��.���R�r|������e��)T*�*�FTIO!`a(J`�8)�kG���#���� For disqualifying felonies, individuals can regain their voting rights by receiving a pardon from the governor or by a two-thirds vote of both houses of the Mississippi legislature, as specified by Article 12, Section 253 of the state's constitution. Davis Public Library in Southaven, Miss., on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020. Phillips said to give it until at least Oct. 24 for your absentee ballot to reach you. Dorene Hollingsworth, of Bartlett, tears an "I Voted" sticker off a strip hanging from the wall Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020, at Sycamore View Church of Christ in Memphis. He can be reached by email at samuel.hardiman@commercialappeal.com or followed on Twitter at @samhardiman. In Mississippi, felony convictions of murder, rape, bribery, theft, arson, obtaining money or goods under false pretense, perjury, forgery, embezzlement or bigamy disqualify the individuals who commit these crimes from voting, according to Article 2, Section 241 of the state's constitution. Do not cross out or erase - If you make a mistake, you may request a new ballot. Abdulbasit Mussa stands in front of a polling location in Shelby County. Provisional ballots are counted 14 days after an election. Poll worker Denise Hall prepares "I Voted" stickers on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020, at Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tenn. That’s how we’re going to make change,” said Sarah Clark the Memphis Grizzlies “Claw Crew." }. display:none; States are supposed to make public the total number of provisional ballots cast in the state and then ultimately and transparently document the number of provisional ballots counted and the number that are considered invalid. Here is why some voters are given a provisional ballot and how they can affect the final total of ballots that are counted. sortDir: "desc",

font-size:0.58em; On each screen or page, there will probably be one thing to vote on. top: -120px; These policies, which include voter identification requirements, early voting provisions, online voter registration systems, and more, dictate the conditions under which American citizens cast their ballots in their individual states. For information on federal campaign contributions, please visit Open Secrets. Mississippi modified its absentee/mail-in voting procedures for the November 3, 2020, general election as follows: For a full timeline about election modifications made in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, click here. Mail ballots were sent to all active, registered voters, and all in-person voters (except for those with disabilities) cast provisional ballots, which will be counted beginning Nov. 10. .voterinfotooltip:hover span { top: -120px; 1-888-API-VOTE (Asian multilingual assistance), COVID-19 (Coronavirus) State Election Alerts, American Association of People With Disabilities (AAPD).