In most scenes, Cloe and Jade are standing next to each other. She is best friends with Cloe, Sasha and Yasmin and is in the Bratz Pack with Cloe, Sasha and Yasmin . Besides science and math, Jade loves designing clothes. She is best friends with Cloe, Sasha and Yasmin and is in the Bratz Pack with Cloe, Sasha and Yasmin. She has appeared more rarely in recent collections, and often when Sasha is not part of that specific collection. Jade and Carlos get married and have a daughter called Lexa. Jade is half-chinese, due to her mom being from China and her dad being from England. They both met and moved to America. It's unknown if Jade knows about her cousin going to the Bratzillaz Academy. She is a fashionista. Jade has it all. She owns a pet cat named Mica. In her current appearance, Jade has pulled her black hair into very long pigtails. She has thin streaks of pink and purple throughout it. Jade, like Sasha, plays a more secondary role. She has pale skin and emerald green eyes, but in some movies and games, and the TV series, they aredead aiowfaeuiodfviqaeopdx cfl,v/. We had a real chemistry, Jade." Jade Lihua Henderson nicknamed Kool Kat is a character. She also has long curly strands of blue and gold, as well as yellow, orange, and pink braids. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Jade's outfit is very colorful and bright. She has a varying set eye colors which are usually brown or green, black hair that has been portrayed as blue, brown, and silver, and a light skin tone but has been sen as pale and tan. Jade has a light-tone skin color, black hair with blue streaks, and brown eyes. 1. Her power is the power of prophecy. Adorkable: She's clumsy, naïve and really adorable. It consists of a blue and purple long sleeved top with black and white striped segments on the bottom and lower-elbow of her sleeves. Her love for fashion helps her a lot in designing. He gets into a physical fight with him and makes him apologize to Jade. Make an outfit and I'll give you an aesthetic. If she gets into that kind of situation, she would open up and apologize. When the Bratz get back together, Dexter comes over to Jade and says, "We think you need to spend more time with us, or we need to cut you from the roster." Nevertheless, Sasha cares about her friends, is always ready to stand up for them and no one would d… (Go him; sexual harassment is not attractive in the slightest). 2. 3. She has a varying set eye colors which are usually brown or green, black hair that has been portrayed as blue, brown, and silver, and a light skin tone but has been sen as pale and tan. However, she has a bad temper, often when things don't work out for her, which often leads her into trouble. Cloe started the food fight by dropping her spaghetti on Jade's head. Jade Lihua Henderson nicknamed Kool Kat is a character. Brown, but they're also seen as Violet or Hazel, Season 1: Episode 1: The College of Winterhold. Add to library 2 Discussion 3. Cloe doesn't ever seem to worry about Jade's parents not knowing who she really is. The Bratz Movie Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. but it has been seen as being dark brown, silver, blue and highlighted as well but her hair is definitely black. Jade has a Asian decent, and is mostly interested in fashion and science. Jade is described as a quirky and confident girl who isn't afraid to stand out from the crowd as well as defining herself. It was shown, that, she had feelings for him on the first day, when, she took off his glasses and sighed in a loving way. ", Dexter is Jade's crush. Bratz Magic School Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Her witchy Bratzillaz cousin not only shares the same family as her but also the same name, Jade. Jade's boyfriend is Carlos Mendoza. In the detention room, Jade sticks up for Cloe by saying, "When your parents got divorced, Cloe and her mom were totally there for you. She says that fashion is how she expresses who she is. Jade is also from an Asian, most likely Japanese, heritage. She loves everything; clothes, shoes, bags; you name it! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She has light skin with black hair, but she often has streaks or highlights in all kinds of colors. Always on the cutting edge of cool, Jade is the ultimate fashionista! She is a true trendsetter, always chases the next big adventure and makes a statement by just being who she is.