Has anybody ever told you you have a SERIOUS IMPULSE-CONTROL PROBLEM? [while looking for the Batcave]  Edward Nygma It's been a while since we've seen Carrey as a supervillain and Sonic the Hedgehog is on the way to change that. : Oh? Well, you could have let me in on the caper. Batman Can Bruce Wayne and Batman ever truly coexist? So, Mr. Nygma, what's on your mind? Not because I have to be. Meridian told the Riddler that Batman would come for her, but upon expecting to see that he would be scoffing at it, Riddler instead admitted that he was actually counting on Batman to come as part of his plan. I want you to know we're gonna be full partners on this Bruce! I'M... Batman! Batman gave his riddle: "I see without seeing. That goes double for you. Hey Two-Face, show me how to punch a guy! The Riddler Not only are the circumstances and set-up of both scenes very alike, but Gotham's direction in this episode (courtesy of Nathan Hope) actually mirrors that of Joel Schumacher in Batman Forever, with front-facing shots focused on the moving chair and a lower-left view of the fall itself confirming that the similarities of these two murders are no coincidence. Seeing the advantage of the device, Two-Face agreed (due to his coin flip marking heads in favor of the deal), and they became partners-in-crime in order to fund mass-production of the device. With enough capital to start mass-production of his invention, the Riddler readopted his Edward Nygma identity, opened his own business company that was called NygmaTech, and sold thousands of his devices to many of Gotham's citizens, who found his inventions very impressive. Are you yesterday's news, Bruce? Back in the mid-90s, Batman Forever hit theaters to mixed reviews. Your answer must be in the form of a question. This is your brain on the Box. Check out our editors' picks for the movies and TV shows we're excited about this month, including the premieres of "Marvel 616," Proxima, and more. I thought out of all 5 films Chase Meridian was Bruce's best girlfriend. [presents "The Box"]  But, thank you for playing. Bruce Wayne [of Two-Face's Lair]  | General Information Robotnik is keeping him from that. Edward, how does it feel to be the city's newest, most eligible bachelor? The future of Wayne Enterprises is brainwaves. Look at us! After he was rejected by his idol, Bruce Wayne, for one of his inventions, Nygma turned to crime and used his scientific knowledge for evil, becoming a crazed, demented villain who always marked his crimes with riddles. Edward Nygma, computer-genius and former employee of millionaire Bruce Wayne, is out to get the philanthropist; as The Riddler he perfects a device for draining information from all the brains in Gotham, including Bruce Wayne's knowledge of his other identity. : Dr. Chase Meridian Please remain in your seats, we will be experiencing... turbulence! Unable to resist, the Riddler took his hand off of the control that would drop the two, sat back down on his throne, and listened eagerly. The Riddler : Ice Cube Demands The Release Of Batman Forever Schumacher Cut, Michael Keaton Declares Himself the Best Batman, Ice Cube Calls for HBO Max to #ReleaseTheSchumacherCut of Batman Forever, Everything Coming to Netflix in January 2018, The Real Top 35 Hollywood Blockbusters of All Time - Inflation Adjusted, What if They Kept the Fake Working Title? : : Edward Nygma Oh, there's more. [grabs Riddler by the collar]  The Dark Knight affirmed that answer, and activated the Batsuit's sonar-imaging lenses, which allowed him to accurately hurl a silver hi-tech Batarang at the brain-wave hub, shattering it to pieces. The Riddler From the little footage of Dr. Robotnik that has been shown, Sonic the Hedgehog looks like a callback to Jim Carrey's 1990s output. Nygma felt angry and disappointed, but continued to work on it after hours. The Riddler : Along with the Riddler comparisons, Jim Carrey also says there's plenty of room for a Sonic the Hedgehog sequel at some point down the line, noting that Dr. Robotnik's metamorphosis is only at the start in the upcoming movie.