and thus capable of appearing before the Court in either contentious It contains over 1.8 million people and diverse ethnic groups, the majority being ethnic Albanians followed by an important minority of Serbs. The unilateral proclamation is a violation of mandatory UNSC Resolution 1244 and this resolution is binding. The declaration of independence did not violate any provision of international law. Here's the declaration of independence: It is impossible to use a simple sentence to fully define independence; after all, there are multitudinous ways one can be independent. The 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence was adopted on 17 February 2008 by the Assembly of Kosovo. Therefore, can it be stated that Canada deserves the title of peacekeeping nation? Appendix 2. The 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence was adopted on 17 February 2008 in a meeting of the Assembly of Kosovo. 0000001811 00000 n Table of Contents The third is that the references to the territorial integrity of Serbia are only in the preambular language and not in the operational language. All supranational bodies supported the verdict in at least some part; while non-state actors hailed the precedent this opinion allows for. Serbia’s reaction to Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence 5 Kosovo's status will have to be determined through talks and compromise, in line with Resolution 1244. III. �),���ճ�A4 4ց There is, however, no reason whatever to believe that an agreed outcome would be any more achievable now than it was in the past. Kosovo's independence is irreversible. trailer << /Size 129 /Info 92 0 R /Root 95 0 R /Prev 132493 /ID[] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 95 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 79 0 R /Metadata 93 0 R /JT 91 0 R /PageLabels 77 0 R >> endobj 127 0 obj << /S 151 /L 234 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 128 0 R >> stream But in Kosovo's case this was not so. that appear before it.' Although the Resolution 1244 referred to the territorial integrity of Yugoslavia, this principle was not the cornerstone for a political solution of Kosovo's status. all 192 Member States of the United Nations are Members of the ICJ Statute Canada stopped ethnic cleansing in Kosovo ��h��;e�` K� endstream endobj 112 0 obj 396 endobj 113 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 112 0 R >> stream I Thank Both of you guys for ur great help but i can only pick one best answer if i could pick both, it would totally be both of u guys! 1. the International Court of Justice (1947-); International Court of Justice, http://www.icj-cij Fait accompli may not be just accepted. The resolution is still in force, and the political process to search for solutions is still in progress, until the Security Council adopts a different decision. The essay will discuss violation of the human rights of the Serb minority in nowadays Kosovo.