Castle noted that he had assumed that Pilgrim had captured her, noting that she was out of her mind by coming there to confront Pilgrim alone. While Bendix remained by Ogden's side, she overheard Dobbs talking with Bruce, comparing Castle to the devil, while Bruce expressed his hopes that at least Castle would still be on their side. However, the Punisher then shot Eliza through the back of the head, killing her instantly while Anderson screamed before the Punisher stepped in the room and ensured Bendix was okay. While she waited for Castle to return, Bendix had kept herself entertained by practicing how to quickly load and fire a shotgun that both she and Castle stole from Clive, in case their Hideout was suddenly attacked, while she was in there alone. Bendix knocks out Marlena Olin with the sink.

Having text Castle, Bendix left the apartment without telling Shantel, who returned with Martin and his team of mercenaries who were now planning to capture Bendix in order to collect the five million dollar bounty.

However, Bendix begged Castle not to, as she promised that he did not need them as she would not try to escape. Despite Bendix's reluctance to go near that wound, Castle reminded her that she owed him for saving her life at Lola's Roadhouse, as she washed her hands before taking the tweezers to remove the bullet in Castle's ass, asking if this was normal behavior for Castle. Bendix and Frank Castle walk back to the Van. While preparing for their first robbery in the season’s seventh episode, the gang role-play the scenario.

Hoyle told Bendix that Castle was done, noting that he was also done helping him. #ThePunisher #Season2 The Punisher TV Clip from episode 9.

The face drawn on the mask shows the broken and shattered image Russo has of himself and that he believes the world sees.

With that, Bendix then called the situation a flustercluck and went into the Campervan to get some rest, as Castle laughed at the comment. During their ongoing fight, Castle still managed to maintain control over the situation, as he knocked Olin onto the floor before stabbing the other woman with her own knife, killing her and impaling her onto the bathroom door. As the fight broke out between Castle, the mercenaries and random drinkers who became involved, Bendix desperately attempted to hide behind a table, watching Castle furiously fight against her attackers. Bendix tells Frank Castle what she wishes, Castle then asked Bendix never to talk that way and invited her to sit down. Bendix had told Castle that he could not win, explaining that knowing the game would not help as she would then simply change how this was played if she knew that he knew, noting that the only way for him to win would be for him to never play.[5].

Amy Bendix appears in 2 issues. According to Bernthal, the break happened during the first fight of the season on the first day of what was supposed to be a three-day shoot. When The Punisher’s second season starts we quickly learn that Castle is still going by the same alias he’d adopted in season 1: Pete Castiglione. Bendix finally confessed that she did not know what the photographs were, claiming that she would have given them to the mercenaries if they would just leave her alone, although Castle insisted that they did not want to talk to her, they only wanted to kill her. During their time together, they talk about being lonely and he says that a friend once told him that “we’re all lonely.

Much is made of the scars Russo bears because of his fight with Castle at the end of season 1. That's not to say Amy can't end up taking care of the wounded anti-hero, but we have to remember that we had FBI agent Dinah Madani's (Amber Rose Revah) taking care of his wounds before he went off to apprehend Russo in Season 1.

As Bendix then grabbed the gun, Hoyle tackled Pilgrim to keep him away from her, although Bendix was still knocked over during the fight, knocking the shotgun out from her hands. Valhalla is said to be located in Asgard and ruled over by Thor’s father Odin. Bendix witnessed Castle picking up the unconscious Olin, as he had ordered her to follow him, as they went back to the van, where Castle placed Olin down.

Bendix then asked Castle if he ever wanted that education for Lisa Castle, as he then went quiet and commented that he had not really thought about that. Bendix is trapped inside of John Pilgrim's car, Bendix and Pilgrim then headed down towards the hotel's basement, leaving Castle to fight the New York City Police Department who had just arrived onto the scene.

Hoyle then confessed to not knowing exactly what happened, but he knew that something had gone wrong during the ambush, as Bendix questioned why he would just leave him behind.