She used to always have dark brown lipstick, but not anymore. Meygan Wagner is nicknamed Funky Fashion Monkey by her friends because she has a wild sense of style. Her nickname is "Funky Fashion Monkey". Meygan was the fifth member of the Bratz Pack. Meygan has an older sister named Tanya in the 2007 film Bratz Sleep-Over Adventure. Mga said that Felicia is being released in that line. Her Sportz Teamz Tennis doll has brown hair, and a factory error led to some early batches of Sleepin' Style Meygan dolls having blonde hair. Make Offer - Bratz Slumber Party Meygan Doll original pajamas, robe with bags accessories 2002 MEYGAN AND JADE "XPRESS IT" BRATZ DOLLS - NEW - NRFB - RARE $100.00 Her lucky number is 19, her favorite color is cinnamon, her favorite moves are animated ones, she loves to read spy novels she loves barbecued anything! In the 2nd wave of sportz bratz there is Roxxi,Dana and Fianna. She was introduced as the "New Funk" of the bratz pack. She likes to do Yoga after school. 3. She usually always has long red hair in all of the collections she has appeared in. A poster hung in an Italian toy shop featuring “Kayla”. This is a non-profit fansite. In the campfire collection Phoebe,Yasmin and Cloe so far. Meygan has varying eye colors, often green or blue, a light skin tone, and varying shades of red hair. In Ooh La La Kumi,Dana and Cloe. Meygan from the 2008 "Holiday" Collection   Meygan. Her pet as a baby and kid is a little brown monkey. She enjoys meeting new people, hosting parties, and traveling. Meygan has made appearances in several books and video games. Meygan was the first Bratz character introduced after the core four and was originally discontinued in 2003; however, she was reintroduced in 2004 as part of the Wild Life Safari. However, launching a range of dolls that were made up of 75% ethnic minorities is exactly what Bratz did. She was sometimes considered the fifth main Bratz character because of her many appearances and due to her Bratzillaz counterpart, Meygana Broomstix, being one of the five main Bratzillaz characters. Meygan is considered to be the fifth member of the Bratz clique. Meygan was originally named “Kayla”. Meygan made her first appearance as part of the first edition of the XPress It! She appears in the Rock Angelz and Fashion Boutique video games., April 15 (According to Birth Certificate), Travelling around the world to get inspired. Meygan, nicknamed Funky Fashion Monkey, was the first additional character introduced to the line after the core four girls. I'm all about what's trending... Around-the-world fashion anywhere! She plays the clarinet and is an excellent bowler. Meygan was voiced by Jianna Ballard in the Sleep Over Adventure movie. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Meygan is related to Meygana Broomstix, her “witchy cousin” in the Bratzillaz spinoff. Meygan is nicknamed Funky Fashion Monkey because she's always on the hunt for a new adventure, whether that'll be traveling to a new land or trying out something new right at home. She has an adopted and older sister named Tonya. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She used to always have dark brown lipstick, but not anymore. She likes to travel and pick up new peices of clothing from diffrent countries and mix N' Match. Cannot Spit It Out: To Cameron in the animated series. Adorkable: She's clumsy, naïve and really adorable. At one point she had been discontinued only to be brought back due to high demand from the fan base. My name is Meygan! She was the first character to be introduced after the core four girls. 4. Meygan has varying eye colors, often green or blue, a pale skin tone, and varying shades of long red hair. Meygan - Nicknamed Funky Fashion Monkey. The Confidant: Toward her friends in the animated series, particularly when she chooses to help and offer advice to a crestfallen Jade after a terrible first day at her internship with Burdine. Meygan makes an appearance in the films Bratz The Video: Starrin’ and Stylin’ and Bratz Kidz Sleep-Over Adventure. Meygan made her first appearance as part of the first edition of the XPress It! Meygan appears in the Starrin' and Stylin and Bratz Kidz: Sleep-Over Adventure as a kid, but not as a teenager in the CGI films, though Jade does mention her in the TV show. She always keeps in touch with all of the friends she has made while traveling, and they help her keep up with the latest exotic trends. The original Bratz clique included a Caucasian … My friends call me “Funky Fashion Monkey” because even when I just hang, I still look good! She was sometimes considered the fifth main Bratz character, many fans still include her as the fifth member, due to her many appearances, being in loads of doll lines and due to her Bratzillaz counterpart, Meygana Broomstix, being one of the five main Bratzillaz characters. In Sleepover Adventure, she is shown to have freckles, but not on the doll. After checking out the latest fashion mags, the trendiest boutiques and the thrift stores, Jade always manages to put together looks that are completely unique and look like one ‘Kool Kat!’.