Rate this ; Comment; Related Links. This material, and other digital content on this website, may not be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from PUNCH. Login to complaint management system for National Human Rights Commission and State Human Rights Commissions is given. Search NSW Court Lists Footer menu. Register complaints online with National Human Rights Commission (NHRC). March 11, 2019 by … Check status of pending and disposed cases of the Supreme Court of India. Annual Reports; Fortnightly Disposal Report; About HR Cell. Cause List Search; Latest Judgements; Roster of Sittings; Research Centre. Check the cause lists of the Supreme Court of India. One can find the weekly list, vacation list and check details of pollution matters etc. Users can search the judgments by petitioner name, respondent name, judge name, case number, text, phrase, act, held wise, date of judgment, constitution bench etc. You can also check the elimination lists. Links to access judgements, case laws, legal article, and database of Acts etc. The new Supreme Court Mobile App is now available! Check the cause lists of the Supreme Court of India. Supreme Court takes cause list online. Introduction; Publications; Team Members; Contact Us; Cause List Search. The cabinet was used by former Clerks of the Court. The online court list and Search Court NSW Lists app allow you to search for a particular case by name, case number, location, date, jurisdiction, title of presiding officer and type of listing (for example, directions, hearing, judgment and so on). This enables a lawyer to do registration, payment of fees and logment of originating process and court documents to any court at a go from his office on the Internet.”. Justice Onnoghen disclosed this recently in Lagos while inaugurating the newly refurbished building of the Court of Appeal, Lagos Division at Igbosere, Lagos Island. CJN, Justice Walter Onnoghen. “A 2013 report by the Papua New Guinea – Australia Law and Justice Partnership on how investment in infrastructure impacts access to law and justice concluded that: investment in infrastructure had improved people’s interactions with the law and justice section. Detailed information is provided about the Supreme Court judges library. Users can access daily cause list, advance list, registrar list, chamber list and terminal list by date. Users can register their complaints with the Commission by filling an online form. All rights reserved. Online Case Status; Judgement Search; Cause List; Cause List Search; Latest Judgements; Roster of Sittings; Research Centre. Published January 5, 2017 January 5, 2017. Kindly Share This Story. This is the Government Services Portal of India, developed with an objective to enable a single window access to services being provided by the various Indian Government entities. Users can access daily cause list, advance list, registrar list, chamber list and terminal list by date. “The weekly list is expected to be uploaded on the Supreme Court’s website every Wednesday evening.”.

Post navigation ← Press Release. This Portal is an initiative under the India Portal Project. Access to check online status of your complaint through file number, complainant name, incident date, diary number, victim’s name and place is also provided. Inform UsIf you know a Govt. Press Release → Recent Posts. Terms and conditions; Accessibility; Privacy; Contact Final Cause List – 29-K (06-Nov-2020) 1 file(s) November 5, 2020. Complaint Wing; Important Human Rights Cases; Case Info.

It is designed and developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC), Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India. Format to file a complaint is given. You can search for cases listed up to two weeks in advance, and for historical listings that have occurred in the last seven days. Introduction; Publications; Team Members; Contact Us; Home. This, he said, was part of the strategies being put in place by the court to enhance the speed of justice administration. You can also check the elimination lists. He said the attainment of an efficient justice delivery system in the country was tied to continued investment in both physical infrastructure, which gives the judicial officers best working conditions, and training of the court workforce. The Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Walter Onnoghen, has said the apex court will now upload its cause list on the Internet to give litigants and counsel easier access to information about their cases. “Investment in infrastructure is contributing to increased access and improved service delivery of law and justice services and needs to be supported with effective staffing, training, basic services, equipment and appropriate staff housing,” the acting CJN added.

Justice Onnoghen said the judiciary must leverage on information technology to up its efficiency.

MEMBERS OF OUTGOING AND NEWLY ELECTED SUPREME COURT BAR ASSOCIATION CALL ON HCJP, FULL COURT REFERENCE BY MR. JUSTICE GULZAR AHMED CHIEF JUSTICE OF PAKISTAN ON THE EVE OF RETIREMENT OF MR. JUSTICE FAISAL ARAB, FAREWELL ADDRESS BY HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE FAISAL ARAB JUDGE, SUPREME COURT OF PAKISTAN, DELEGATION OF EXECUTIVE BODY HIGH COURT BAR ASSOCIATION BAHAWALPUR CALLS ON HCJP, Declaration of Assets – Mr. Justice Qazi Faez Isa, Freedom of The Press – Mr. Justice Qazi Faez Isa, DELEGATION OF RAWALPINDI BAR ASSOCIATION CALLS ON HCJP, DELEGATION OF KARACHI BAR ASSOCIATION CALLS ON HCJP. A Victorian period burr walnut slope front stationery cabinet was included among the few pieces of furniture transferred to the Supreme Court from its former home in the U.S. Capitol Building. Karachi. Final Cause List – 33-L (09-Nov-2020 To 13-Nov-2020) 1 file(s) November 5, 2020. Cause List Cause List https://supremecourt.govmu.org/Style%20Library/MenuImages/causelist_up.png true The acting CJN said the weekly cause list of the apex court would be uploaded every Wednesday on the Supreme Court’s website. Download . Get your information on the go. are provided.

Correspondence The Registrar, Supreme Court of India, Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110001 011-23388922-24,23388942 FAX : 011-23381508,23381584 e-mail : supremecourt[at]nic[dot]in MEMBERS OF OUTGOING AND NEWLY ELECTED SUPREME COURT BAR ASSOCIATION CALL ON HCJP November 5, 2020; FULL COURT REFERENCE BY MR. … “We need to levarage on Information and Communication Technology to deliver timely justice by emphasising the importance of electronic filing system. Users can search the status of cases by case number, title, advocate's name, diary number, High Court Number and filing defects. Check the judgments of Supreme Court of India. Check cause lists of Supreme Court of India, Register online complaints with National Human Rights Commission, Check judgments of Supreme Court of India, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology. Supreme Court Rules; Supreme Judicial Council; Reports. One can find the weekly list, vacation list and check details of pollution matters etc. October 6, 2015 by admin. The Supreme Court of Pakistan is the highest appellate court of the country and court of last resort. He said, “I have directed the ICT team at the Supreme Court to henceforth upload and post the cause list on the court’s website to enable litigants and counsel have information about their cases early enough for timely preparation.

Details of legal journals and citations catalogue are available. Ramon Oladimeji. Text-wise query search is also available. Online public access catalogue is also given.

Download. Copyright PUNCH. He added, “We should do our best to attain complete computerisation of the court process.

service, please let us know. Copyright © 2020 Supreme Court of Pakistan. Supreme Court of Pakistan.