Pinhead is an excellent Capricorn. While Hannibal Lecter is arguably just as bad as everyone else on this list, he is also a psychiatrist, which probably makes him even worse. He likes games and only talks to people over the phone but never in person. He is corrupted by the spirits of the Overlook Hotel and the evil energy that permeates through it. Pisces is also a water sign, which also fits Samara wonderfully. But then he realizes pretty quick not to underestimate his prey. Aquarius thrives on individuality and being unique. For a good helping of spooky fun, we've matched up 12 classic horror movie monsters and killers with the signs of the zodiac. 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Contrary to what his violent rampages may imply, Michael is always analytical and methodical. Please select the topics you're interested in: Would you like to turn on POPSUGAR desktop notifications to get breaking news ASAP? He aims to make people realize how important life and their blessing are. Names like Michael Myers and Jason are known to everyone, even those who maybe haven't seen the films. The feelings of getting scared, the iconic deaths, and the endings that always leave viewers wanting more are just a few of the reasons people find them so enjoyable. But what horror movies are truly known for are the villains. She waits seven days to kill her victims, giving them enough time to share the video (and curse) with their "friends.". They're problem solves, which is technically what Jigsaw's entire goal is. Wonder Which Horror Movie Villain Is Your Alter Ego? Samara is the spirit in The Ring films and is definitely a Pisces. One of the most oddly comforting things about scary movies is that, once you get acquainted with the types of characters and tropes that usually appear in them, you can figure out how they'll end: who will survive, who will turn on the others, and who, ultimately, is the real monster. He skillfully uses people's fears against them and, if the situation calls for it, tries to lure them into a sewer. Sure, most of us don't flat-out identify with horror movie villains, but the best evil characters do have rich, memorable personalities that may resonate with even the most innocent among us. Pennywise is the perfect Leo. Hannibal Lecter, however, acts somewhat as an antihero throughout his novels and films. The killers are all so unique and have become iconic in the horror world. The killers are all so unique and have become iconic in the horror world. Capricorns are responsible, but also cold, distant, and unforgiving which is the exact personality that Pinhead portrayed in the first film. Based slightly on real-world killer, Ed Gein, Leatherface has an affinity for making household items, masks, and aprons out of human skin in order to feel "closer" to being normal. He seems to always know exactly where his victims are going and arrive just when he needs to. Freddy had an obsession with her and always wanted to save the best for last. Chucky is a bit hot-tempered. He assumes that because he is chasing children he has it pretty easy. If we had our druthers, we'd never ever encounter a ghost, monster, killer, or any other horror movie entity in real life. He had killed a number of people and, while on the run from the cops, used a ritual to attach his soul to the body of a Good Guy doll. In the original A Nightmare on Elm Street and its 2010 remake, Freddy's favorite girl was Nancy. Like a typical Aries, Chucky was incredibly determined to reach his goal, which is why there remains to be so many sequels of the killer doll. They’re checking their iPhone every second to see who’s texted them, 9 People Share Their Hometown’s Most Bone-Chilling Ghost Story. Here are some major horror movie villains and the zodiac sign with which they match. Samara wants her victims to feel the way she did, and because she is so in touch with her emotions, she felt them on a pretty deep level. 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