In order to achieve the desired effects of a clam baking session, the amount of cannabis smoked is important. - Managing Excessive Heat, Greenhouse Planning: What Growers Need to Know, Beating Botrytis: How to Identify, Prevent & Treat a Common Crop Ailment, Moving on Over: Top Four Transplanting Mediums and Methods. Clam baking is a slang term that describes the act of smoking marijuana in an enclosed space, which can be either a small room or a vehicle. 6 years ago. This thread is archived. W 1. When someone smokes up in an enclosed space, for example, any space with all ventilation outputs like windows and doors closed, and then open the door after finishing, the smoke pours out just like when a clam opens its mouth. Clam baking is a slang term that describes the act of smoking marijuana in an enclosed space, which can be either a small room or a vehicle. share. H S Welcome to the Shroomery Message Board! 95 percent of thc is absorbed within the first 5 seconds, hot boxing doesnt really do much besides take away oxygen but if you have a joint its slightly worthwhile i guess, fun, but not much point in hot boxing kush70 Well-Known Member. O
here's a question... do you call it "hot boxing" or "clam baking" when you smoke out a confined space? Typically, participants use around three blunts, joints, or hits. Playing next.
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U a car or a small room) in order to maximize the narcotic effect. You must be 19 years of age or older to enter this site. K
B N Hot Boxing or clam baking?? Esssential cannabis industry news & insights, delivered daily. The process of clam baking is attractive to smokers as it helps them achieve a better high since there is no "wasted" smoke. Y The term clam baking is derived from the after effect of the process. X 4 comments. R Archived. “Come down to the cellar with us later, we're clam baking tonight.”. I thought it was only people from New England who called it clam baking... then I heard Zach Galifianakis use it on due date so I figured I would post it up and let my fellow ents decide. When clam baking in enclosed places, the smoker is cutting off oxygen supply, which is supposed to go to the brain, resulting in an excess of carbon dioxide. P Silver Bullet Water Treatment Company, Peace-of-Mind Microbial Remediation: Rad Source Technologies. Follow. I - Renew or change your cookie consent, Customize Your Cannabis Experience with Terpenes, Terpene Analysis: A Higher Level of Cannabis Quality, Lean & Dab: Safe Dabs and Optimal Methods, Extracted & Concentrated Strain Review: Beleave THC Cannabis Oil, Don't Let 'em Fry! Hot Girls Boxing In Bikini Event - Boxing Match. T A Votes accepted from (02/23/08 04:02 PM) to (No end specified) View the results of this poll-----After one comes, through contact with it's administrators, no longer to cherish greatly the law as a remedy in abuses, then the bottle becomes a sovereign means of direct action. What’s Better: Growing Cannabis in Soil or Hydroponics?
V New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, The go-to subreddit for anything and everything cannabis. More of your questions answered by our Experts. Z, Copyright © 2020 MaximumYield Inc. - Hot boxing, or clam baking, is the act of smoking cannabis in a small, enclosed space. Front Lines. Clam baking is also known as hot boxing.