While Monika tries to keep the club's secrets,Natsuki and Yuri are up to old tricks, and Sayori struggles with a personal decision. "Spoilers for the mods, not for DDLC. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Basically, it's a remake of act 1 but the MC is a stereotypical douche. Beginning at the end of Act 1, each girl has her own individual route that can result in multiple endings. This post is now obsolete. It’s Doki Doki, guys – we’ve seen worse. The Yuri Parable, by Animystix, shifts the focus of the game to Yuri, another member of the Literature Club, allowing her to step into the role of the protagonist. At the end of the day, every DDLC fan wants to save the girls from this awful digital world they're trapped in. In Dokis & Dragons, the group’s activities focus instead on the fine art of table top RPGs. If her existentialist murder sprees aren’t enough to satiate your desire to be together, then Monika After Story could be the ideal solution. Monika After Story -- /u/therationalpi and co. Our Final Heartbeat 1.1.0(mon) -- /u/NNDanny, Doki Doki Literature Club, the Normal Visual Novel! This one doesn't rely too much on horror but if you want to see new versions of old favorites, this is the place to go. Part 2: Rise of the Dark Memes -- /u/Tommy3500, Weatheard World: Director's Cut -- /u/Calentar-Games-Dev, Doki Doki Sandwich Club -- /u/FailSandwich, Doki Doki Literature Club: Another Moment With You -- /u/Guardian_Bravo. OH LOOK I figured it out. It opens a lot more doors for the player, such as solving arguments easier and having a chance to spend the weekend with Sayori and Monika without being guilt-tripped out of it by Natsuki and Yuri. This is especially appropriate when considering the phenomenon that is Doki Doki Literature Club, a bleak, horrifying psychological thriller disguised as a schmaltzy dating sim. Doki Doki Yandere Club gives all of the Dokis a psycho-Yuri vibe, and turns them all into potential killers. Doki Doki Broken Knights -- /u/So_It_Begins_7659, Doki Doki Happy Thoughts -- /u/StarShot10903, Doki Doki Heart Recovery Mod -- /u/MarKreationsStudios, Doki Doki Weeping Stars -- /u/AnnoyingDog1, DDLC: A World of Infinite Choices! It grants the MC the same sentience as Monika and begins to break through the fourth wall from his perspective. Doki Doki Literature Club Homecoming Week, Doki Doki Literature Club: The True Reality, Doki Doki Literature Club: Choices Matter Mod, Doki Doki Lost Control (an SCP crossover mod), Doki Doki Literature Club: The Story Continues, Doki Doki Deadline (mod for Hotline Miami). Doki Doki Struggle is a Doki Doki Literature Cub fan mod that focuses on Yuri's daily life with anxiety and depression. How can I add it? This mod by u/GanstaKingofSA takes place in 2022 and has you helping Monika to pull the girls into the real world. Monika’s self-awareness is one of the major plot elements of Doki Doki Literature Club. With this mod, by The_Ninjadillo, players will be treated to over 11 hours of additional gameplay in which they will be able to date any member of the Literature Club, including Monika. DDLC SMG Skin v0.9 (Version with dim colors). Development: Mods currently being worked on. - The Complete Isaac Mod. The original story is beautifully deceptive in nature, shifting from a generic-seeming slice of life dating sim into an enthralling horror game in the blink of an eye. Home » Guides » Best Doki Doki Literature Club Mods You Can’t Play Without. Doki Doki Literature Club, the Normal Visual Novel! For some random reason, I want someone to make a DDLC Scarface mod. Delete the files from your memory, if you must. No matter what your answer is, Purist will turn it into one! -- /u/wibbleonmynibble , /u/Noobysauce, Doki Doki! Doki Doki Weatheard World -- /u/Calentar-Games-Dev, Doki Doki Do You Lift Club! …No, dammit! I wasn't sure about the "check boxes on what help you're looking for", so I just ticked the ones I thought I might need later. How will Monika atone for her sins? Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. What if Monika, Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri's club had been dedicated to pen & paper RPGs instead of literature?