Futures: at least 10 minute delayed. Large, late-model tractor values may be at historic low prices. Allis-Chalmers, John Deere, J.I. They’ve all been snapped up. Service Shape Repair Manual 500b 350 600b Good Tractor Case 1957-1960 Genuine 500b Manual Shape 1957-1960 Repair Tractor Service Case Genuine Good 600b 350 1957-1960 Genuine, Case 1957-1960 Good 600b Genuine Manual 350 500b Repair Tractor Service Shape Tractor Good Genuine 350 1957-1960 Manual 600b Case 500b Repair Shape Service 1957-1960 Genuine, Tractor Implement New Lineup Case Brochure Complete 1960 Poster Rare Rare 1960 Implement Brochure Poster Tractor Case Lineup New Complete Rare 1960, Poster Rare 1960 Diesels Dynaclonic Brochure Case Wow Tractor Case Wow Dynaclonic Brochure Poster Diesels 1960 Rare Tractor Rare 1960, 1960 Spec 830 Matic Edition Tractor Buckle Case Cast Limited Rare 64/250 O Belt O Limited Matic Spec Rare 1960 64/250 Belt Case Tractor Cast 830 Buckle Edition Rare 1960, 1960s.matchbox.lesney.,16 Cab..mint With G In Type Original Tractor Box.all Case Type 1960s.matchbox.lesney.,16 Original Case Cab..mint With Tractor Box.all In G 1960s.matchbox.lesney.,16 Case, Nos Tiger-ey Truck Amber Accessory Vintage Pair Original Reflectors Do-ray Car Reflectors Vintage Original Truck Amber Pair Accessory Nos Car Tiger-ey Do-ray Nos Tiger-ey, G Cab..mint Type With In Case Original 1960s.matchbox.lesney.,16 Tractor Box.all Type Original G Cab..mint With In Tractor 1960s.matchbox.lesney.,16 Box.all Case 1960s.matchbox.lesney.,16 Case, Chips John Ih Ford Oliver J Tractor Farm Case Paint Deere 1960 Allis I Chalmers Ford Oliver Case John Paint Farm Tractor Ih Chips 1960 J Allis I Chalmers Deere 1960 J, Tractor / Ford Manual Allis / Deere / Shop Chilton Case / Chalmers+ Ih 1960-1981 Tractor / 1960-1981 Ford Manual Case Ih / Shop / Allis Chalmers+ Chilton Deere / 1960-1981 Deere, Cast 1960 Tractor 830 Spec Belt Case Limited Gold Edition Buckle Sc Vintage Belt Spec Vintage Case Limited Edition Tractor Cast Buckle 830 Gold 1960 Sc Vintage Case, Belt Tractor Limited Edition Cast 830 Brass Case 1960 Spec Sc Vintage Buckle 1960 Edition 830 Spec Belt Vintage Limited Case Sc Brass Tractor Cast Buckle Vintage Case, Case Buckle 1960 Belt Cast Spec 830 Vintage Tractor Limited Silver Edition Sc Cast Silver Spec Belt 830 Sc Vintage Limited 1960 Edition Case Buckle Tractor Vintage Case, Case Vintage Dealer Advertising Sign Automobilia Tractor Advertising1960 736-e Advertising Automobilia Advertising1960 Dealer Sign 736-e Case Tractor Vintage Vintage Advertising1960, Wi Tractor And Cultivators 1960 6 Cotton 2 Racine Brochure Case Farm Row 4 Corn Wi Cotton Racine 2 4 1960 Corn Cultivators Farm Brochure Tractor Case 6 Row And 1960 Brochure, Engine—vintage Chrome Pc Steam Great 1960s Mt Case Tractor 1896 Falls 1896 Great Pc Falls Mt Tractor Steam 1960s Chrome Engine—vintage Case 1896 Case, Farm, Beam 4419. Another example of this is John Deere 8010s (John Deere’s first 4WD). John Deere, Massey Ferguson, Husqvarna, and more Browse 1960 Case Tractor on sale. See each listing for international shipping options and costs. Large, late-model tractor values may be at historic low prices. muscle tractors from the 1960s and 1970s – are selling at historic high prices, effectively putting them out of reach of farmers looking to buy such models as chore tractors. 1957 Case D_Tractor 1957 Case 400 Tractor This tractor is owned by Bruce Humphrey, Magnolia Ohio 1958 Case 211b Tractor 1960 Case 730 Gas Tractor 1960 Case 530 Tractor 1960 Case 830 Tractor 1960 Case O Matic 800 “We just sold an International 4300 (the first 4WD built by International Harvester) for just short of $60,000,” says Mark Stock of Big Iron. Case tractor parts in stock and for sale at discount prices. We've dug up a very big assortment at competitive asking prices. Copyright © 1995-2020 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. This offers the opportunity to sell off that vintage horsepower to pay for a trade-up in chore tractors. This page was last updated: 08-Nov 03:40. Heavy Equipment Complete Engines & Engine Parts, Heavy Equipment Wheels, Tires, Tracks & Parts, Heavy Equipment Transmission, Drivetrain & Axles, Heavy Equipment Seats, Components, Cushions & Covers, High Quality Product Made to Exceed Your Expectations, United States Based Seller and Customer Service, Value-Added Content - Corrections, Updates, & Serial #s, Family-Owned Company - We Answer to Our Customers, Amounts shown in italicized text are for items listed in currency other than Canadian dollars and are approximate conversions to Canadian dollars based upon Bloomberg's conversion rates. The desire for muscle tractors from this era is also affecting the values of 100+-hp. This length of 1.5-inch ID PVC pipe with a glued-on cap has a screw on the side to maintain the weight of the hose. Case 800-B 1958 - 1959 800 B Series Standard-tread tractor Next model: J.I. For related content and insights from industry experts, sign up for Successful Farming newsletters. Information is provided 'as is' and solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes or advice. 700b Iandt 400 800b 1960 Copyright Shop Model C-9 Manual Tractor Case Model, Tractor Advertisement Removed Diesel 900 A From 70hp Farming 1960 Magazine Case 900 Tractor Case 1960 A Farming Advertisement Magazine From Diesel Removed 70hp Case 900. To see all exchange delays and terms of use, please see https://www.barchart.com/solutions/terms. Something went wrong. The nozzle hooks onto... read more. Case, Minneapolis-Moline, and Oliver tractors.Then, too, the trend is driving up the prices of four-wheel-drive (4WD) tractors from this era. Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date. Farmer Tested and Farmer Approved UTVs in 2020, New sizes of winter tires for compact tractors. © 2020 Meredith Corporation. Case Tractor Parts All States Ag Parts is a leading supplier of used, new and rebuilt Case tractor parts. 12 5 Volt Industrial, Oe Tractor, Style Sealed Spotlight, 3/4 Beam 12 Tractor, 5 Spotlight, 3/4 Oe Industrial, 4419. Sealed Style Volt Farm, 12 Volt, 1960 Manual Corn Mounted Farm Operators Case Tractor Model 425 Picker Equipment Model Farm Corn Operators Mounted Case Manual Equipment Picker 425 Tractor 1960 Case 1960, Cap Case Allis Ihc Chalmers 1951-68 4 Farm White Gates 1965 Tractor 7 Radiator Case 1951-68 Gates Tractor Radiator 1965 Cap Ihc Farm Allis 4 White 7 Chalmers 1951-68 White, Iandt Tractor No. We stock a large selection of Case tractor parts. On the other hand, their grandfathers – the 100+-hp. All https://www.barchart.com/solutions/ is provided by Barchart Solutions. We have the parts you need to repair your Case tractor. Purchase 1960 Case Tractor online. J.I. 2013 Case IH 110A TRACTOR PRE EMMISSION LOW HOUR CAB HEAT LOADER A/C 16 SPEED $47,900.00 Local Pickup 23 watching 1996 Case IH 8930 4x4 200Hp Powershift Farm Tractor w/ Cab Only 6500 Hours!! Case Shop 400 800b C-9 Model 1960 700b Manual Copyright Case No. Collectors are beginning to buy large-horsepower tractors from the 1970s. The upshot of this trend is that the high-horsepower tractors from the 1960s or 1970s you might now be using as chore tractors may be worth more than similar-size tractors 20 or more years younger. For example, International Harvester’s unique 2+2 tractors, such as the 3388 and 3588 first built in 1978, are highly sought after. If one sold today, it would easily fetch over $100,000. Case 830 Overview Engine Transmission Dimensions Photos Attachments Production: Manufacturer: J.I. Large Lot Old Case Tractor Dealer Parts View cart for details. Contact us today at 888-845-8456 and put … Purchase 1960 Case Tractor online. All Rights Reserved. Our web site and catalog contain only a partial listing of the new and rebuilt And 1970s tractors are catching fire as well. muscle tractors from the 1960s and 1970s – are selling at historic high prices, effectively putting them out of reach of farmers looking to buy such models as chore tractors. Our team is dedicated to helping you find the Case® tractor part you need, and if we don’t sell it, they will work on your behalf to find it.