© 2017 — 2020 Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 6. ==> http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/information-for-consumers/report-a-concern/eng/1364500149016/1364500195684 jar of almond is only $8.00 at your local Costco. ==> Never depend on your senses of sight, smell, taste or touch to confirm food poisoning, adulteration or contamination. jar of almond is only $8.00 at your local Costco. This is an exception to Costco's return policy. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Search for a recalled food on the Health Canada Web site [external: new window opens]: TfL: Travel Safety: London Street closures and scheduled events for 9 November and beyond: Met police: Travel Safety: Early Sunday driving? Love this Almond Butter. Type and press the down arrow to browse search suggestions. Our 31-day calendar of meals and tips shows you how to cook more and love it with fun, family-friendly meals that come together quickly and deliciously. costco.com, The One Item That Makes a Trip to Costco So Worth It. Reply. Almond butter is a good source of protein and fiber. Visit the Living Safely site: Kirkland Signature Creamy Almond Butter 765 g. Item 859695. ==> To see other recalls and notifications for products manufactured, marketed and/or sold by Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd., please search for “Costco” using the Search Box at the top of this page. ==> If you have a medical emergency, please contact 9-1-1, your closest hospital or emergency center equipped to properly treat bacterial poisonings. ==> Please click on the links above to visit the originating site. The almond butter cups are a measly 2 grams heavier. ___________________________________________________________. Safety News: Second Watch on Sunday, November 8 begins: we continue our morning travel surveillance and offer noont…. For Canadian customers only. costco.com. That's literally less than $0.30 per ounce. We welcome your feedback: © Copyright 2020 Meredith Corporation. As an almond butter connoisseur, this almond butter is the best of the best. Dinner Tonight: Quick and Healthy Menus in 45 Minutes (or Less). Who ever said that chicken wings, doughnuts, and pizza couldn't be healthy? Angela says. More information about this recall: Plain and simple. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (“CFIA”) reports the following Almond Butter products are subject to this recall: Please consult the photograph above for details of the food’s packaging, design and retail presentation. Who knew that Costco's best kept secret is that it is a haven for extremely affordable, healthy almond butter? For Canadian customers only. A stylish helmet is essential for all sports and outdoor activities. Kirkland Signature Creamy Almond Butter, 765 g Item 859695. What's worse than getting to the bottom of an almond butter jar and realizing you can't get that one last morning spread in? Sign up for our daily newsletter for more great articles and tasty, healthy recipes. If you're not completely satisfied, your money will be refunded. According to the CFIA, Costco Wholesale Canada has recalled certain batch/lots of Kirkland Signature branded Creamy Almond Butter products from the Canadian marketplace due to suspected rancidity. Can’t kick those cravings just yet? Check for news about your flight. Costco While peanut butter may seemingly be on its way out, almond and other alternative nut butter have stepped into the limelight in the last couple years. Instead, kindly return the product to the store where you purchased it for a full refund. You can also use the Search box (above) to enter your own search terms! CFIA reference number: 13684 The organic almond butter at my local Costco was $12.79, so maybe the price changed recently? ==> Click on the “Like” button below. (Tip: Buying this at the physical wholesale location appears to be cheaper than buying it online. Kirkland Signature Creamy Almond Butter, 765 g. Costco Business Centre can only accept orders for this item from retailers holding a Costco Business membership with a valid tobacco resale license on file. ... Costco Business Centre products can be returned to any of our more than 700 Costco warehouses worldwide. It contains no additional oils—while many other almond butters do. Offers may be subject to change without notice. You should neither serve nor consume the recalled Almond Butter products identified above. E. & O. E. Filed under: Bacterial or viral contamination, Canadian Food Inspection Agency ("CFIA"), Food & Drink, Nuts & tree nuts, Spoilage hazard | Tagged: Almond Butter, Canadian Food Inspection Agency ("CFIA"), CFIA reference number: 13684, Costco, Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd., Kirkland Signature, Kirkland Signature branded Creamy Almond Butter, Nut Butters, nuts, Recalls Direct RIN: 12688-2020, suspected bacterial contamination |. If you’re a Costco shopper… listen up!. Fat: 1 g Sodium: 0 mg Fiber: 4 g Sugars: 1 g Protein: 7 g: Big raw almond flavor. Travel Safety: Flying from Hong Kong airport Sunday, November 8? ==> http://healthycanadians.gc.ca/recall-alert-rappel-avis/index-eng.php. Very finely ground. Be safe: get to sleep! this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. ==> http://www.RecallsDirect.com/ It’s super creamy and it even gives you room to stir. Well now, we all know the truth: This glorious 27 oz. The mental picture of your checking account shrinking as you purchase that dreaded (but desperately needed) next jar. So before you reach for that new jar of Justin's or Barney Butter or MaraNatha, don't. Our Business Centres do not deliver to residential addresses. Kirkland Signature Creamy Almond Butter. Almond butter replaced peanut butter in many people's pantries years ago, touted as being healthier. But did you know that many of Costco’s Kirkland Signature items are actually manufactured under a private label by name-brands just for them? Recalls Direct RIN: 12688-2020 A Costco membership offers low warehouse prices on thousands of high-end, brand-name products and services.. In Canada, the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act makes it illegal for anyone to redistribute, sell or even freely give away any recalled product. Please let us know! ==> To see other recalls and notifications for products manufactured, marketed and/or sold under the Kirkland Signature brand name, please search for “Kirkland Signature” using the Search Box at the top of this page. Report an unsafe food product you purchased in Canada [external: new window opens]: Realistically, it's not easy to stay awake in the wee hours. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! General information: 04/20/2020 at 4:03 pm. Americans also love almonds themselves for snacking. Credit: Roasted almonds. ==> http://wp.me/P2bVty-2 Never miss a recall: just use our AutoSend service! Yes, it may have changed recently! button to receive notifications of new recalls automatically! ), Credit: All Rights Reserved. Almond Butter Sophia Franchi. Want to read more about other recalls? Enjoy a dollop of almond butter with your favorite berries. 2 // Almond Butter – Enjoy with fruit as an afternoon snack and to help curb those sweet cravings! Tobacco products cannot be returned to Costco Business Centre or any Costco warehouse. OK. OK. We know. Back to the main Recalls Direct page: Remember when I reviewed the Costco Kirkland Signature Peanut Butter Cups? ==> Simply use the “Share this” options below. Our Costco carries both. If you are a member of the working press/media, you can reach the CFIA at 1-613-773-6600 or by e-mail at cfia.media.acia@canada.ca. Use for cooking, with the added bonus of using as a DIY hair mask or sugar scrub! Hundreds of delicious recipes, paired with simple sides, that can be on your table in 45 minutes or less. Please click on a Category (below) to see just the recalls that fit your category. Loaded with probiotics and packed with just enough spice, Kimchi is a great addition to cauliflower rice, eggs, salads, or on its own. Kimchi Sophia Franchi. That's literally less than $0.30 per ounce. If you believe you have purchased or have in your possession any of the recalled Almond Butter, please do not consume them directly nor use them as an ingredient in another dish or preparation. Plain and simple. Sonja says. Direct link: https://healthycanadians.gc.ca/recall-alert-rappel-avis/inspection/2020/72331r-eng.php. 4. But the best part about all of this? Kirkland Creamy Almond Butter. Kirkland Signature [Costco] Creamy Almond Butter 1 2: 57 cents: Calories: 190 Fat: 16 g Sat. I weighed one of those and one of the Almond Butter Cups by CHOCXO on my scale at home. If in doubt about the safety of any food, return it to your retailer for refund or toss it out in your household garbage, making sure neither small children nor household pets can access the suspect food. Compare up to … :-). Under US law it's illegal for any person or entity to sell recalled foods, products or vehicles. This better butter for your buck is definitely worth a trip to Costco. Reply. ==> To see other recalls and notifications caused by contaminated, adulterated or mislabeled Almond Butter, please search for “almond” or more generically, “nut” using the Search Box at the top of this page. One Dark Chocolate almond butter cup is 80 calories, six grams of fat, five grams of sugar and one gram of protein. It helps you feel fuller longer and gives you the hunger-fighting superpowers you need to survive until your lunch break. If you have any further questions, comments or complaints about this recall, please complete the following Web-based enquiry form from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, available here: http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/information-for-consumers/report-a-concern/contact-us/eng/1390269985112/1390346078752. All Rights Reserved. ==> To see other recalls and notifications caused by suspected spoilage and/or bacterial contamination, please search for “spoilage” using the Search Box at the top of this page. It has no added sugar and is loaded with healthy fats and protein. Want to read more about this recall? Find out what holidays or major events are scheduled for today, Sunday, November 8: Family Health: Did you know there are 690. Every Kirkland Signature product is guaranteed to meet or exceed the quality standards of the leading national brands. So it's no breaking news that almond butter is delicious and so good for you. Well now, we all know the truth: This glorious 27 oz. More recalls? With only one ingredient, this nut butter is healthier than or just as healthy as any of your favorite almond butter brands. ==> http://www.LivingSafely.org/ You already know these things—but what you don't know is that Costco is about to be your new BFF. 02/28/2019 at 7:43 pm. Simply enter your e-mail address and click on the "Sign me up!" 5. Want to e-mail or share this recall? You can also reach the CFIA toll-free at 1-800-442-2342 (Canada and US) or 1-613-773-2342 (local or international) during normal business hours, Eastern Standard Time. Grab a spoonful of Costco’s signature creamy almond butter. Roasted almonds. It's super heart-healthy because it lowers LDL cholesterol (the bad one). Additional information: No, I think it’s because she doesn’t have the Kirkland organic almond butter listed, only the non-organic. Just like the natural peanut butter I can get at the grocery store, I do have to do some stirring to get the oil that settles at the top, mixed in with the rest of the container, but once I have successfully stirred it and put it in the refrigerator it stays blended.