October Centurion won the IRPAS-EQS IR Website Survey Awards 2017 – Best Website, Small Cap, 2nd Runner Up Award (companies with less than S$300 million in market capitalisation). Centurion announced the proposed acquisition of a portfolio of five student accommodation assets in the United States. The event was officiated by the Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Tharman Shanmugaratnam. corporate legal practice and government institutions. Of her twelve years making direct private equity, venture capital, and private debt investments at OMERS, she headed the private equity and venture group for four years. Prior to joining the Board of Trustees of Centurion Financial Trust, Mr. LeClair acted as Managing Director of Integrated Asset Management – Private Debt Group (2002-2015), an institutional debt fund specializing in providing financing solutions for mid- market Canadian companies including small to medium-sized energy projects in North America. Over the years, Mr. Boyce has acquired expertise in a variety of sectors, including consumer products, specialty pharmaceuticals, manufacturing and distribution, transportation and logistics, and professional sports. Summit Indonesia was certified by the CDSA under the Anti-Piracy Compliance Program. President and CEO Trustee of Centurion Apartment REIT, Centurion REOT, and Centurion Financial Trust Mr. Gregory G. Romundt is the founder and President of the Asset Manager, the Property Manager, the Mortgage Manager, the Mortgage Servicer, Centurion Apartment REIT, Centurion Real Estate Opportunities Trust, and Centurion Financial Trust. Ms. Pacaud began her career as an Internal Auditor of an Australian Public Company. The company’s senior shipping management executives and the team share more than 100 years of shipping experience. Summit Indonesia received ISO 14001 certification. Profession : Certified Accountant Nationality : Maldivian. she also served as a member of the board of directors of He was also the President of Commercial Mortgage Capital Corporation, an Avison Young Corporation. September Centurion announced the completion of acquisition of the UK student accommodation portfolio. Before joining Centurion Transport Solutions he worked as a consultant in the shipping industry. Ms. Parr has significant experience in venture and private equity investing and fund raising and corporate finance working for Canadian Medical Discoveries Fund, Canada Pension Plan (CPP), TD Capital, Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS), Canadian Corporate Funding Ltd, Trivest Insurance Network (a Trilon company) and Continental Illinois Bank. Commencement of operation of the 280-bed dwell East End Adelaide and most of the new 160 beds under Asset Enhancement Programme (AEP) in RMIT Village, Australia. Mr. Lovett was the founder of Montrose Mortgage Corporation (Toronto), a privately owned commercial real estate brokerage firm. Summit Australia expanded into DVD and was awarded the ISO 9001 certification, and became an Authorised Disc Manufacturer (DVD) for Microsoft. At Centurion, strong corporate governance is the cornerstone of our business and the key to our success. He earned his Master’s Degree in Political Science (Public Policy) from the State University of New York, and an Honours B.A. However, any access request may be subjected to a fee to cover the costs in providing you with details of the information we hold about you. Prior to his appointment as CFO, he served as Chief Lending Officer where he oversaw the company’s commercial and retail lending departments and a mortgage book of over $20 billion. He is currently Chair of the Board for a privately held group of health care centers in the United States and is a strategic advisor to a fast growing, specialty engineering company based in Toronto. The Board of Directors (the "Board") of Centurion Corporation Limited (the "Company") refers to its S$750,000,000 multicurrency debt issuance programme (the "Programme") and is pleased to announce that the Company has today issued an updated information memorandum dated 21 September 2020 (the "Information Memorandum "). 新加坡Summit成為首個由CDSA根據其反盜版合規計劃(APCP)認證的東南亞工廠。, 集團與新加坡最大的零售連鎖店之一FairPrice公司的子公司與合資公司FairVision成立,為其提供無線實時的購買點零售廣告顯示器。.