2 x Cutting Class, Hearthstone's Best Arena Hero Class Tier List. Congratulations to the three regional champions. Games. Ten new competitors have advanced to Grandmasters Season 2, including a promotion to Americas for Killinallday. Top 4 from Division B compete in a play-in round to determine who will join the top 6 from Division A in a dual tournament bracket for Playoffs. The numbers 7 and 8 from Group A will play each other, and the loser will move on to play the no. 4.2 Grandmasters Seasons and Schedule. The 16 players in each region will compete against each other off broadcast in 7-9 Swiss Rounds during the week. 2 x Shield of Honor Hearthstone Masters is Hearthstone’s new three-tiered competitive program consisting of round-the-clock qualifiers, live global tournaments, and an exclusive weekly top tier of competition. These are the standings after the first Round Robin rounds. How does it work with play offs for relegation? This page was last edited on 11 October 2020, at 16:18. You can choose which categories you want to be notified for. News. Enzo “Warma” Flock, Cho “Flurry” Hyun-Soo, and David “justsaiyan” Shan all fell in the final relegation matches for each region. 2: 7 Rounds of Swiss, Four Deck Last Hero Standing w/ 1 Ban. The format will stay consistent during round-robin weeks: Top 6 from Division A automatically make it into Playoffs. 2020 Season 2 will feature exactly the same format as last season, but if you aren’t familiar with it, here’s the official explanation of how it works: During weeks 1 – 3, players will compete in matches in a Swiss format each Wednesday and Thursday of the week to earn a placement in the weekend Group Stage. A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Top 6 from Division A automatically advance to the Playoff portion. 0. The Playoffs of the Hearthstone Grandmasters 2020 Tournament will be held this weekend. Grandmasters 2020 Season 2 came to its conclusion, and it was the last stop for most of the players before 2020 Hearthstone World Championship (December 12-13). The two divisions will compete in Round Robin style play over the four weeks. This weekend also saw the last relegation spots for season two filled. Hearthstone Grandmasters 2020 Season 2 Continues With Week 5 . This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Standings from this four week period will determine playoff participants, and who will be relegated from Season 2. Pramet “Bankyugi” Putchakan, Jaromir “Jarla” Vyskočil, and Jerome “Monsanto” Faucher are the Grandmasters season two champions after battling through the competition in the Americas, Asia-Pacific, and European regions. After the first three weeks, players will be split into two divisions per Region based on point accumulations. Seraphine has the most disliked Champion Spotlight video in League history, Riot reportedly "planning" to scrap LCS Spring Split in 2021, Riot reveals release roadmap for K/DA's ALL OUT EP, Riot tweaking Seraphine to "shift her primary position" from support to mid in League Patch 10.23. Rating /5 (0 Votes) We're back with the usual Grandmasters schedule after Masters Tour last week, as Round Robin phase resumes this weekend! Each competitor has a chance to regain their spot in Grandmasters if they’ve earned enough from this year’s six Master Tours, following Masters Tour Online: Madrid later this month. 6 from Group B. Format for the Round Robin will be: Bo5 Conquest, Four Decks w/ 1 Ban. Find the playoffs results below – winners, their deck lists, who heads to the World Championship and who got relegated. He made short work of Linh “Seiko” Nguyen in another 3-0 sweep before defeating Thijs Molendijk 3-1 to secure the final European spot in the 2020 World Championship. Hearthstone Grandmasters 2020 Season 2 Continues With Week 5. The winner of each Region's Playoff advances to the World Championship. The tournament features the same format as last season, which we've recapped below. Prizing for the Season includes $500,000 and of course the right to compete at this year's Hearthstone World Championship! Menu. 2 x Bloodsworn Mercenary He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks. The Playoffs of the Hearthstone Grandmasters 2020 Tournament will be held this weekend. Following weeks 1-3, players will be sorted into two divisions based on their points standings. Given how balanced Scholomance Academy has been right from the get-go, the meta was quite steady and not many players took the risk to stand out and bring something completely different. 48 players are competing -- including 10 brand new Grandmasters -- for a total of eight weeks. Bankyugi, Jarla, and Monsanto will join Brian “bloodyface” Eason, Sato “glory” Kenta, Vladislav “SilverName” Sinotov, and Fan “iG.Syf” Yilun at the 2020 World Championship, which will happen in December. The first week should be particularly exciting, since the new expansion has dropped last Thursday, which means that players didn’t have a lot of time to prepare. The season had a lot of interesting matchups, some upsets and even a few dramas, but overall it went down quite smoothly. 2 x Risky Skipper There’s still one Chinese player left to be promoted, but other than that we already know the full roster. The winner from each region in Season 2 Grandmasters Playoffs will advance to the Hearthstone World Championships later this year. 1 x Ancharrr 2 x Warmaul Challenger The games will be broadcast on YouTube (remember that there will be no Twitch stream) every Friday through Sunday until mid-October, so we’re in for hundreds of hours of content in total. Round Robin weeks lead into Week 8 Playoffs, which will qualify one player per region to the World Championship at the end of the year, while three players from each region will be relegated. The standings at the conclusion of these weeks will determine who will move onto the Playoffs, and who will be relegated from Season 2.