It’s not complicated,” read one note. As the poster noted, Instacart discloses a “15%+” markup in some stores. Dicks that hang to the side. Someone you didn’t know?It’s actually someone I do know. To be clear, there isn’t a markup on items from every single store. “Instacart cares they got caught, and gained lots of publicity. Do you know how many dick pics you’ve gotten? Why pretend?There’s one guy that I sleep with regularly, and it’s his thing. Reddit’s hot ranking uses the logarithm function to weight the first votes higher than the rest. A Reddit user in Boston last weekend got an accidental glimpse into Instacart’s markup practices when the grocery delivery service neglected to remove the original in-store receipt from the order. Will focusing on the delivery service (rather than the food itself) mean the Seamless and Instacarts of the world prevail where. Create a “best of” list: What percentage of people who see this item will mark it as “best of”? Unsolicited or solicited? Yes. Nearly every wall of the sprawling Think Tank Gallery in Downtown L.A. is lined with framed photos of dicks. He really gets off on showing me his dick. I got my first dick pic at 11, via text, on my little flip phone pink Razr. John Hawks, a professor of anthropology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, answers:. The Doomed Cult of Vissarion, Russia’s Cop Turned Neo-Jesus, ‘American Murder: The Family Next Door’ Turns the Killing of Shanann Watts Into a Queasy Found-Footage Documentary, ‘The Life and Trials of Oscar Pistorius’ Grapples With a Murder Whose Motives Remain Murky, An Oral History of ‘The New Hollywood Squares’, An Oral History of ‘Steamed Hams,’ the Funniest ‘Simpsons’ Scene Ever Recorded, Ranking Popular Styles of Beer by How (Un)Healthy They Are, The Ballad of Cam Newton’s COVID-Plagued Comeback, This Pink Nike Sweatshirt Is About to Be Everywhere, What Cis Guys Don’t Understand About Period Boobs. a $12 service fee, a $6 delivery fee, taxes, and tip. I had about four potential guys. Have you ever gotten a dick pic? The shopper, “instacart-bos-price,” meticulously (meticulously for Reddit) recorded all the Instacart prices in a spreadsheet alongside the in-store prices and added a “percent change” column. An update the Redditor posted Monday says co-founder Max Mullen. The default story algorithm called the hot ranking is implemented like this: In mathematical notation the hot algorithm looks like this: Following things can be said about submission time related to story ranking: Here is a visualization of the score for a story that has same amount of up and downvotes, but different submission time: Reddit’s hot ranking uses the logarithm function to weight the first votes higher than the rest. Have you gotten a dick pic? But from a dude that I’m not engaged with? I personally don’t. Some women said they’d occasionally asked for dick picks, not necessarily as a means of flirtation but as a form of collateral. Maybe the message here is that the best way to make money in food is to do something having nothing to do with food. The collection of more than 150 pornographic images was on view last weekend as part of the massive traveling art exhibit “I Didn’t Ask For This: A Lifetime of Dick Pics,” now in its second year. This is a follow up post to How Hacker News ranking algorithm works. Instacart’s help desk got a lot more responsive after the post went viral. You used to have high expectations, but now you don’t have any expectations at all. The first part of this post will focus on how are Reddit stories ranked? The difference between the in-store price and the Instacart total was 42.8 percent—and that’s before a $12 service fee, a $6 delivery fee, taxes, and tip. Unsolicited ones, I’d say I’ve probably gotten about maybe between five and ten. But a surprising number of commenters rushed to defend Instacart, asking why it should be forced to disclose its markups when grocery stores never do. A man found two geckos in his Heineken. E.g. They assumed that if they sent it out, I would send something back.