We use cookies. All Critics (2) | Rotten (2) There are no critic reviews yet for The 3rd Eye 2. Just keep in mind that you will not be blown away or bedazzled in any manner. Together with Mrs Windu, the paranormal and mentor of her inner eyes, Alia must confront Darmah and save the orphanage. I stumbled upon the 2019 Indonesian horror movie by sheer luck. Directed by Rocky Soraya. Cast & Crew. But Alia feels something wrong with the orphanage. Known for directing horror movies like Suzzanna: Buried Alive, Sabrina, The Doll and The Doll 2, Rocky Soraya teams up with screenwriters Riheam Junianti and Fajar Umbara, to … Dengan cerita dan naskah yang cukup rapi, sayang 'Mata Batin 2' agak terbata-bata dalam bertutur. zergnet.type = 'text/javascript'; zergnet.async = true; (A work in progress) Contains a few thrillers. Every Horror Film Made from 1895 - present. But I prefer the first one, because of the story of the sequel was kinda weak. A girl who has 3 ghost friends now lives with her sister who is getting embarrassed with the girl's ability to see ghosts. Hooptober 7.0 - film #48 of 40+ films - Country #23 of films from 6 different countries - film #8 of 7 films which are second in a franchise: About ten minutes into the movie I had a sneaking suspicion it seemed familiar. Alia’s untimely death, while communicating with the spirits, compels Abel to get things together, introspect her life, and move on. Still, sometimes he hits closer to my taste. Here's all we know about the release date, cast and plot of The Order season 3. Search for: Search. And people assume horror lovers are the messed up ones. Seeing that it was an Asian horror movie, I was sold immediately and had to sit down and watch it.I will say that the first half of the movie was phenomenal, and it was very much reminiscent of the 1982 "Poltergeist" classic, except set in an Indonesian setting, but having all the intensity and creepy atmosphere to it as seen in "Poltergeist". The 15 Best Asian Horror / Exploitation Movies of 2019, Netflix schedule: Here’s what is coming and leaving in June 2019, Netflix in June: A Complete List of Every New and Expiring Title, June 2019 TV Calendar: New and Returning Shows. Find trailers, reviews, and all info for The Third Eye 2 by Rocky Soraya. (function() { Throughout this movie I kept thinking to myself “wow. The strange happening around her confirms her doubt. And yes, it does happen that I find myself screaming, when watching a good horror movie. var zergnet = document.createElement('script'); Critic Reviews for The 3rd Eye 2. After her sister died, Alia decides to start a new life by living in an orphanage owned by Mrs Laksmi and Mr Fadli as well as doing social work there. DANNNN adegan darah-darahan di film ini jauh lebih asik dari film pertama. Because I want to illustrate how much my mind drifted while watching this movie. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Melanjutkan kisah Alia dan Dunia Gaib yang bisa dirasakannya, Mata Batin 2 justru menampilkan kenaikan pesat dalam penceritaan, Dimana justru Mata Batin 2 lebih menyuguhkan cerita yang rapi, plot twist yang dieksekusi dengan baik, serta vibe yang lebih gila dan lebih brutal dibanding Film Pertamanya. Visual And Camera Was Awesome Af, But Really Bad Storytelling. In search of peace of mind, she joins an orphanage belonging to the married couple Fadli (Jeremy Thomas) and Laksmi (Sophia Latjuba). "Mata Batin 2" (aka "The Third Eye 2") had such great potential to be a really genuinely creepy and disturbing horror movie, but it all went down the drain and the movie became less than mediocre, given the horrible last half of the movie. It turns out that Alia and Nadia had made a big mistake and releases Darmah, a vengeful spirit that was deliberately locked in the room. catch(e){var iw=d;var c=d[gi]("M323908ScriptRootC220588");}var dv=iw[ce]('div');dv.id="MG_ID";dv[st][ds]=n;dv.innerHTML=220588;c[ac](dv); And you can find a lot of them on Netflix already. Film data from TMDb. Its original title is Mata Batin 2 and is directed by Rocky Soraya – just like the first movie was. The 3rd Eye 2 is a new horror movie on Netflix. Alia and Nadia open a mysterious locked room. • Jessica Mila as Alia, Abel's elder sister and Mrs. Laksmi's helper in the orphanage It turns out that Alia and Nadia had made a big mistake and releases Darmah, a vengeful spirit that was deliberately locked in the room. And, of course, the ending of a Rocky Soraya movie always more than hints at yet another sequel, so we’ll probably be getting The 3rd Eye 3 before you know it. What doesn’t really work (for me anyway) is the endless use of “jumpscare coming up”-music. These days, it seems like the goal is simply to make many movies rather than good movies. Made by fans in Auckland, New Zealand. Seenggaknya ada pesan hidup yang bermakna dalam film. Intinya, buat yang demen nonton film horor, plotnya predictable. Gilles De Reys Screenplay. Loading… 241 total views The 3rd Eye 2 2019 Movie Review Poster Trailer Cast Crew Online Director:Rocky Soraya Writers: Riheam Junianti, Read more. Either overly obsessed or deeply disinterested. I don’t know why I’m doing this. Tidak sehebat Mata Batin 1 dalam bercerita dan juga penyampaian twist nya yg mungkin cukup bertele-tele.Terlebih menjelang klimaks dan pada saat klimaks film ini berubah menjadi film kelas B yg cukup menghibur.Overall sih film ini tidak mengalami penurunan kualitas yg jauh dari film pertamanya dan masih bisa dinikmati. Sangat menyenangkan melihat Rocky bersenang-senang di film ini. I do tend to like horror productions from various Asian countries (especially South Korea), but these feel too much like B-movie versions. Check out our editors' picks for the movies and TV shows we're excited about this month, including the premieres of "Marvel 616," Proxima, and more. Untuk segi akting, semuanya bermain baik, dari Jessica Mila yang kualitasnya lebih baik dibanding film Mata Batin pertama, Nabilah Jiket... Nabilah Ayu i mean, sampai The Man, Jeremy Thomas yang nampaknya selalu ditreat baik oleh Hitmaker bahkan Rocky Soraya sendiri. I love psychological horror, survival horror and kick-ass women. When her little sister claims she sees the dead, Alia consults a psychic, who opens her own eyes to the vengeful ghosts haunting their childhood home. When her little sister claims she sees the dead, Alia consults a psychic, who opens her own eyes to the vengeful ghosts haunting their childhood home. The writers and Rocky Soraya collect discrete ideas from several modern horror films and compile them together. The 3rd Eye 2 2019 Movie Review Poster Trailer Cast Crew Online. The Third Eye. Abel (Bianca Hello) and her younger sister, Alia ( Jessica Mila ), possess a psychometric ability. Please…. When her little sister claims she sees the dead, Alia consults a psychic, who opens her own eyes to the vengeful ghosts haunting their childhood home. Jessica Mila from The 3rd Eye is back for this sequel as Alia. 2019 The budget scale of the movie has been upped, and the lavish production design of the orphanage clearly reflects it. Oh yeah, and from the beginning, we also learn how those with their third eye open can perform a ritual to see the future and past and various other things. Posted by Karina "ScreamQueen" Adelgaard | Jun 13, 2019 | Read Time 4 min. Before she could realise the gravity of the situation, she gets involved in another metaphysical event that holds a secret to the death of Abel. The 3rd Eye 2 Nearly follows the steps from its predecessors, Mata Batin 2 is loud, gory, fairly scary, and predictable. At this point I think Rocky Soraya is just trolling us, I mean, how many times can he make the SAME MOVIE? Rocky reveals the card earlier in the first act, leaving no room for any twist to sit right with the audience. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Acting-nya Jessica Mila di sini lebih mending dari film pertamanya. Looking for some great streaming picks? Dragged the fuck on, but the beginning was better than #1. The narrative isn’t brave enough to break free from the horror conventions. Hehe.Udah.. Storywise, Mata Batin 1 lebih oke.