While Superman is a genius, Bizarro is stupid. The supervillain Mojo is an alien dictator who rules the Mojoverse, an alternate dimension where everyone is addicted to brutal gladiatorial TV shows. That would be perfect according to me. The Sporcle Guide on How to Disable Your Ad Blocker, 24 of the Best Sites to Kill Time On the Internet. The whole idea of "Defenders" was supposed to be a cross-platform franchise with comic books, an animated series and a toy line. But this joke did its rounds so you’ll probably get a quick laugh or two. We don’t suggest trying this with your competition, though. The various team name generators you'll find below will generate literally thousands of combinations of words and names, providing you with a broad ranges of names to choose from. Really, it’s thriving – let’s not beat around the bush. In response, the government assembled a Black Ops CIA squad nicknamed "The Boys," who are charged with monitoring and policing the superhero community. First published in 1986, "The Tick" is a long-running superhero parody about a gigantic blue hero named the Tick. I'm in the Marvel Div. The residents of Bikini Bottom are given the costumes and powers of the original team members. The original founder of the Great Lakes Avengers was Mr. Immortal, whose power was returning from the dead. Some notable members included the Strangler, Spleen, Hummer and Masked Marauder. While Superman is athletic, Bizarro is clumsy. We can downgrade ourselves to copper, or tin, or something else because we aren’t Iron Man. To help you get started, we have compiled a list of 150 funny team names to help you out. Why not combine marvel and football? Is that Thor's hammer or are you just ecstatic to see Marvel memes again? The best part of their history is that, unlike most of the teams on this list, the Great Lakes Avengers exist in the mainstream continuity, allowing them to work with (and make fun of) existing Marvel heroes. Just kick out 50% of the people who don’t laugh and you’ll be good to go. Gagneto and the Brotherhood of Evil Mu-cunts. jackreid beat me to the punch though. In a two-part episode "Just Us Justice Ducks," Darkwing had to face a group of his enemies calling themselves the Fearsome Five. High and Dry (hydra) Sext Wave (Next Wave), Amazing SeX-Men? After creating different versions like female and animal X-Men, the X-Babies were created. Which Continent – Is Russia Part of Europe or Asia? What Does It Mean When A Guy Asks Where You Live? Thor calls his group in Ragnarok the same thing. Calling the Hulk a “friend from work” might not be the best idea if that scene was anything to go by, though. - Matty Malaprop. They're not just a bad team... they're a force of nature. We’ll wait. The actual game was a combination of an adventure and RPG game, allowing you to choose from a variety of heroes, all with pretty much useless powers. Marvel may have ended its 10-year-long “Infinity Saga” with colorful rocks and a grape-colored existential threat, but the Marvel Cinematic Universe is very much still alive and kicking. You have entered an incorrect email address! best top new controversial old q&a. Calling the Hulk a “friend from work” might not be the best idea if that scene was anything to go by, though. The "Hero Hotline" series is about superheroes who handle things beyond the ability of the police and fire department, but not important enough for regular superheroes. Be sure to walk backwards while snapping at the competition like you’re challenging them to a dance battle too. Led by Merryman (who looked like Woody Allen in a jester's costume), the team included Awkwardman (imbued with extreme clumsiness), the Blimp (a morbidly obese hero who could fly at extremely slow speeds), White Feather (who could shoot arrows, but only when no one was watching), and Dumb Bunny (a superstrong woman in a Playboy Bunny outfit). Thinking of a clever name is not easy. (I think Amazing was a generally better line than Uncanny, but I'm not in a place to say anything), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the fantasyfootball community, /r/fantasyfootball - Good For Your Season, Press J to jump to the feed. Well, we actually have got some pretty much funky and Funny Drinking Team Name Ideas and you will definitely love them. Furious, leading a team of mediocre superheroes against the mad scientist Casanova Frankenstein. This comprehensive list has the best team name ideas—from funny names to cool and clever ones. Need help coming up with a dirty marvel team name. 1. The only real way to refer to Rocket Raccoon, this one is easy and a safe go-to. Since the 1930’s superheros have been considered a very lucrative business, bringing millions of dollars in for collector items, blockbuster hits, and awesome stories. In the world of the Boys, superheroes exist and are world famous celebrities. His adventures in The City satirized the superhero genre, from an overabundance of ninjas to the awkwardness of capes. You can use these team names as they are written or change them to make a more unique option for your team. Over the last year the X-Men have inspired some seriously clever memes on Twitter - something that's a bit more relevant to our adult (and extremely online) tastes. - Matty Malaprop, Seems to me like he adopted your approach to life, Thor.
Which Continent – Is Turkey Part of Europe or Asia? Judging by the popularity of X-Men, I probably wasn't alone in my yearning. The whole concept is a satire of the Golden Age, where superheroes were portrayed as being part of the victory of World War II. Drake Mallard was a millionaire playboy who masqueraded as Darkwing Duck, the "terror that flaps in the night." Also, if you can relate it to trending current events, that would add to the creativity. "Ripping" was about the World's Manliest Men, four brothers named Rip, Slab, Crag and Chunk. The jokes riff on some pretty unimpressive skills or mutations, and the clever jokes unfold from there. What Does Seeing a Dead Person Alive in My Dream Mean? But we digress. Looking to snipe the glory from the rest of the team? Section 8 first appeared in "Hitman" #18 in 1997. What Does It Mean If I Keep Seeing the Same Person... What Does It Mean When You Dream of Getting Shot by... What Does It Mean to Dream About a Guy You’ve Never... What Does It Mean If You Dream About Your Dead Father. I Agree, This List was Very helpful. 300 Dark Elf Names for Your Fantasy World. Come to think of it, isn’t Age of Ultron more like “A Few Days of Ultron”? After the "Fall of the Mutants" crossover event in 1988, the X-Men were thought to be killed in Dallas, Texas. In the movie, Ben Stiller played Mr. You might not want to see all your coworkers at trivia night, but Thor was happy enough when he faced the Hulk in gladiatorial combat during. the same thing. So thanks for all these names. Nov 5, 2018 Jan 26, 2014 by Brandon Gaille. The comics and movies, however, have done more than allow people to escape reality via superhero material. It's trivia night at the local pub, and your group has come prepared to answer every question, no matter how obscure. Once, they were great and powerful heroes who were sort of a cross between Batman and Aquaman, but they're in their twilight years and live in a retirement home. so make sure to tell everyone at the bar that there aren’t any strings on you. First created by John Byrne in 1986, the team has been a supporting part of the Marvel Universe for thirty years. Thor calls his group in. Tony calls Cap out for this near the beginning of Endgame, since after the big snap there’s 50% less to avenge. Why Do We Sing the National Anthem at Sporting Events? Join us as CBR counts down the best superhero parody teams in history. This Marvel team name works best if you have a team captain to rally behind. A touching moment in Guardians of the Galaxy, Groot’s first and only use of the first-person plural might serve your trivia ventures well. Find us on: Facebook, Twitter, Clever Tweets About Professor X & Questionable Superpowers. Maybe that's our superpower. The game's ridiculous story and goofy characters mocked both superheroes and post-apocalyptic fiction like "Mad Max.". But just when it seemed like it was all over, Forbush Man revealed his power, which was to put all the members of Nextwave into horrific alternate realities. If you are a fun-loving person then you should name your team with something funny. Am I doing this right? Some of the recurring characters are the only two superheroes who live in the sea: Mermaidman and Barnacleboy. Whatever the case, you'll get your fair share of Marvel puns jokes and remixes that will have you chuckling the day away.